Chapter 7 - Enough Is Enough

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As he walked in, he yelled for his Grandma. "Grandma! Grandma!" He yelled. She came down with her hair all messy and in her nightgown. "Branch, what's all that racket fo- OH MY TROLL! What happened to her?!" Rosie yelled in shock. "Creek. That guy. He happened." Branch replied. He took Poppy into their guest room and laid her on the bed. Rosie was a retired nurse so she knew how to perform First Aid to injured trolls. Rosie started bandaging Poppy's wounds. She was so weak and so badly bruised. "She'll wake up in the morning. Let her sleep." Rosie said to Branch. But Branch had had enough. "I'm going to tell her dad. This has gotten out of hand." Branch said bravely before storming out of the room and heading to Poppy's house. He knocked on the door, just hoping that her dad would open the door. He did. "Who are you?" Poppy's dad asked sleepily. "Are you Poppy's father?" He asked. "Yes, I am. Why? Anything wrong?" Peppy asked in concern "Sir. She's.... She's been attacked." Branch said very calmly. "What? By Whom? Tell Me now!" Peppy demanded. "It was 3 trolls. Cooper, Guy Diamond, and Creek. They beat her. My grandmother is taking care of her at my house just down there." Branch said pointing at his house. "Can I go see her?" Peppy asked in a nervous voice. "Yes! Come on!" Branch said pulling Peppy's arm. They ran to Branch's house. Branch took Peppy into the room where Poppy was still being treated for her injuries. Peppy was in shock. "Poppy!" He exclaimed. He ran over to her side and held her hand. "Oh, my sweet princess! What happened to you?!" He asked in panic. "Dad?" Poppy said in a weak voice in confusion. Peppy saw all the marks and bandages on her. "Where is your Grandmother?! I have to thank her for treating her." Peppy said still in panic. "I'll go get her." Branch replied before walking out of the room. "Dad?" Poppy asked again in agony. "It's OK my sweet. I'm here. What happened to you?" Peppy asked in a calm voice. "They... they beat me up. It happened so fast." Poppy replied in a weak voice. Branch then walked in with his Grandmother. Peppy ran over and gave her a big hug. "Oh thank you! I don't know who you are but thank you for treating her." He said great fully before turning to Branch. "And thank you, young man, for bringing her back here" he added. Branch blushed. "And who might your names be?" He asked. "Well I'm Rosie and this is Branch." Rosie introduced. "Nice to meet you. I'm Peppy. How can I ever repay you what you've done?" He asked. "Oh please, it was nothing. Now I think it's best we let her rest. She's in a bad state." Rosie suggested. Branch and Peppy obliged before they left the room. Leaving Poppy to rest. Branch turned to Peppy. "Sir, may I talk to you outside for a second please?" Branch asked. "Certainly son." Peppy replied before they went outside to talk. "Sir, there is something that Poppy has been keeping secret for a very long time." Branch started. "What do you mean?" Peppy asked in confusion. "Well, ever since she turned grey, everyone in school turned against her. All her friends left her just because... because she turned grey. Nobody wanted to be seen with her. Ever since then, she's been bullied so much. I've witnessed it! She's been shoved into lockers, punched, people have been stealing her food. Haven't you noticed that she's become so depressed, so sad?" Branch explained. "Well to be honest, I thought that was all part of the grieving process." Peppy replied. "Well it isn't, she's going through a lot and I joined the school a week ago. I can't stand seeing anyone get treated like that. She told me that she never told you because... well because that guy Creek, he... he threatened to kill her. And enough is enough. We have to put a stop to this. But I'm gonna need your help. The teachers also hate her so it's gonna take someone strong like you to get some sense into them." Branch explained. Peppy was in shock. "Oh my Troll. I had no idea! I had no idea her life was this bad. First thing in the morning, you come with me and we go talk to the teachers. Got it?" Peppy suggested. Branch nodded. Peppy parted ways with Branch. Poppy stayed to rest and Branch and his Grandmother went back to bed. Hoping that the maybe, just maybe, the teachers might have some sort of a heart, to give Poppy another chance.

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