Rachel(Number 2 LOL) and Harry

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This does start off a bit...like its not going to be sweet? But I promise it gets romanticy(MY NEW WORD :D okay, anyway enough of my weirdness)

"You never loved me," I seethed, clenching my fists and narrowing my eyes at the curly head boy standing in front of me. "It was all a lie wasn't it?" I added, the anger fading and being replaced by sadness, choking back a sob that formed in my throat.

"You know thats not true Rachel," Harry said, his anger seeming to be as great as mine, his emerald green eyes piercing as he glared down at me. "I loved you. I-I still love you. I always have."

"Is that why you freaking kissed her?" I asked, snatching the glossy magazine off the table next to me and shoving it in his face. The cover included Harry and some short black haired girl, the girl all over him, their lips mashed together.

He placed a hand on top of the magazine, bringing it down so he could see my face again, the anger now faded out his green eyes, instead being replaced by glassy tears that refused to spill over.

"Babe, you know I'd never hurt you like that," He said, his voice dangerously low and wavering.

"Then explain it too me Harry. I'd like to know," I said, my tone dripping with venom as I threw the magazine down on the ground, making a point to place my foot on top of the girls face. Crossing my arms I glared up at him, waiting for his answer.

"She kissed me," Was his genius answer.

Throwing my arms up, I rolled my eyes, and stated, "Yeah, that's always the excuse. Either your completely and utterly drunk, or its the girls fault. Tell me, how many other times have you done this and the pap's haven't caught it on camera?"

"Let me finish," Harry said, squeezing his eyes shut as he opened his mouth to speak again. "She kissed me, because she was paid by some idiot fangirls that thought it'd be cool to do. Thought it'd break us up, because you know that whole I love Harry Styles he's mine not hers shit," After finishing his speech, he glanced down at me, his tone filling with sincereness, "You have to believe me babe. I'm telling the truth."

I bit my lip, chewing it between my top and bottom teeth, before sighing deeply. "I do believe you," I said quietly, averting his eye contact and staring at something on the back wall, deep in thought on what I should do next, before my gaze flickered back to Harry's face.

A smile broke onto Harry's features, as he opened his arms up to me, taking a few steps forward to hug me.

"No," I said quietly, holding out my arm. "That doesn't mean that I forgive you. I need time Harry. Please. Just go."

His face fell, looking down toward the ground as he glued his arms to his sides, curls flopping over his eyes as he sighed. "Okay." With that, he retreated out the door, the heavy grey door slamming shut behind him.


"Louis, what the actual hell are you doing?" I growled at the older boy, crossing my arms over my chest and stopping in front of him, causing him to plumpet into me. I stumbled forward a bit before catching my balance, and whipping around to face Louis, my arms tightly wrapped over each other, feet planted firmly into the carpet of the hotel hallway.

"I'm taking you to your surprise, now shush, and keep walking," Louis said, a slight annoyed expression on his face as he took my shoulders, whipped me and around, and pushed on the small of my back, walking me down the hallway until we reached the very end door.

"But-" I said, starting to protest as Louis opened up the door, grinning evilly. "This is Harry's room."

"I know," Louis shrugged, before shoving me instead the dimly lit room, and slamming the door behind me.

"I hate you Louis Tomlinson," I muttered under my breath, slipping off my flipflops and cautiously creeping inside the room. It was pitch black inside, except for the soft lighting floating through the various windows around the area. No one seemed to be inside, as there was no noise coming from anywhere around. It was actually eerily silent.

"Harry?" I called out softly, creeping over a pile of something laying in the middle of the floor, and heading into the tiny living room. So messy, I swear.

"Haz.." I called again, peeking my head down the hallway to see nothing, except a faint glowing light coming from the very last room.

Sighing, I took off at a fast paced walk down the hallway, gently pushing open the door where the light was coming from and stepping inside. It was a bedroom, one of the two that were in everyone of our hotel rooms for this week stay. I used to be in the other one here until two nights ago..Anyway.

The sight in front of me made my breath hitch in my throat, allowing the butterflies to go wild inside my stomach, sending a warm feeling up and down my body.

Small tiny little white candles had been scattered throughout the room, lighting it just enough so I could see everything around me. Soft red rose petals where also scattered everywhere. Soft music played out of the iPod dock in the corner. It was like..the most cliche thing ever, but I loved it.

Suddenly, Harry's voice floated to my ears. My head snapped in the direction it was coming from, to see Harry walked through the door I had left open to the room, singing a soft tune that I couldn't quite detect. He took a few steps closer to me, wrapping both arms around my waist and pulling me too him, all sound in the room now seeming to shut out as we both sat and stared at each other for a long while until finally he spoke.

"Dance with me Rach."

Dammit, I was supposed to be mad at him! He was making this so damn hard.

Reluctantly, I wrapped my arms around his neck, where his hands fell onto my hips, both of us slowly waltzing around the room to no music in particular, the soft music that had before been playing now shutting off completely.

After about five minutes of this, Harry stopped us both, his one hand reaching up and cupping my cheek gently. He leaned forward a bit, his eyes darting from my eyes to my lips, and then back up.

"I'm sorry," He breathed, before I shook my head, and crashed my lips to his.

"Your forgiven."


I hope this was romantic. But it was very cheesy and cliche :P I like itttt xD

Anyway, hope you liked it. Sorry for the wait.


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