Valerie and Harry

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I snuggled down into my couch, pulling the pillow close to my chest as I attempted to focus on the TV, but my thoughts kept wandering around. I wasn't even sure why, nothing was wrong. My best friend, Harry Styles(Yes. Him.), was on his way over to my house to see me, and I had just got back from the most wonderful day with my boyfriend of two years. Everything should be perfect.

But for some reason, something was wrong. I just felt up.

Nervously, I reached for my phone that I had put on silent, turning it over and flipping on the bright screen so it was shining back from me. A new text popped on to my screen. It was a picture message from my girl best friend. The caption was "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. VAL!".

Raising my eyebrows, I pressed onto the text, touching the button to download it. While the bar was slowing sliding across the screen in loading, the door to my apartment flew open, showing a very tired and stressed looking Harry. Tilting my head to the side, I placed the phone down on the leather cushions, pushing myself up and crossing the room to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, touching his arm gently.

"He's a douche bag," Harry muttered, looking away from me, his fists clenched down by his sides.

"Who?" I asked, moving in front of him curiously.

"Have you checked your phone yet?" Harry asked, his eyes raising to meet mine. The emerald green ovals where swimming with annoyance, anger, and sympathy, making for a weird mix of emotions.

"No. But I was just downloading the picture that -insert friend name LOL- sent me," I said, looking back toward the couch where my phone had now lit up with the fully downloaded picture. Curiously, I crossed over to the couch, sliding my phone into my fingers. As quickly as it was there, it crashed to the floor with a thud, rolling over onto its side.

The screen showed a picture of my boyfriend. With another girl. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist, their lips mashed together. And it was like he didn't even care that he was doing it either.

Tears wouldn't even form in my eyes. It was just a dry sob that escaped through my lips as my hands flew up to my face, covering my eyes as tears finially did begin to form, spilling through the spaces in my fingers and down to the floor.

Strong arms immediately wound their around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I burried my face in Harry's chest, letting the tears soak his simple grey t-shirt. 

"Why?" I choked out, resting my chin on his chest as I looked up toward him, my brown hair sticking to the sides of my face from the moisture that was there. "Why would he do this? Am I not good enough? Am I too boring?"

"Stop talking like that," Harry ordered sternly, pressing a finger to my lips, before moving it to my cheeks, brushing the stray pieces of hair behind my ear. His eyes boared into mine, sincereness thick in his tone. "I have said all along he was a complete douche, but he made you happy so I let it go along. You are perfectly good enough, he is the one that was not worthy of you. And don't you dare call yourself boring. Val, you are hilarious, beautiful on the inside and out, and there isn't anyone in the world who should take advantage of you."

Fresh tears began falling freely down my cheeks, this time instead of sadness being new waves of happiness at Harry's words. 

"Stop crying," He ordered again, this time softly as he used his thumb to brush away the salty tears from my red cheeks. "Pretty girls shouldn't cry."

"Why does it hurt so much, Harry?" I said quietly, looking down toward the ground. "I know I should be mad at him. I know I should want someone to go kill him. But I don't. I'm still in love with him, almost as much as I was before."

Harry hesitated. "I don't know. What I do know is these things take time. You just found out roughly five minutes ago. You're in the just-now-sinking-in stage." His voice dropped slightly as he added, "He wasn't good enough for you. You should be over him quick."

"You always say that Harry!" I blurted out, gazing at him somewhat angirly. "No one I've ever dated is good enough for me in your mind. Tell me Harry, who is good enough for me?"

Again, the curly headed boy who always had an answer right away(even if it took him a few minutes, or rather hours, to get it out), was left a bit speechless, hestitating, before he spoke in almost a whisper, "I am."

My eyes widened, and I took a nervous step back. "What?"

"You heard me," He answered swiftly, searching my blue eyes. "I said I am good enough for you. Obviously."

"I just broke up with my boyfriend, even if he doesn't know yet, I'm not quiet ready to date again just yet," I explained, my voice falling as I added, "Plus you're my best friend."

"What does it matter?" Harry asked, taking a step closer to me. "After all, we could be that cute cliche couple, the best friends who fall in love." He gave me a cheeky grin, kind of weaker than usual, but you could still tell the normal Harry was there."

"I don't know," I answered skeptically, looking to the side.

"Give me a chance, Valerie," Harry sighed, taking another step closer so he was only inches from me now. His fingers lifted my chin up so I was, again, looking straight into his eyes.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat, before smiling shakily, "Okay. I'll give you a chance."

A grin spread across both of our faces.

And that's when his lips connected with mine.


Here you go! Sorry for the long wait!(:


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