Missy and Harry

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"Hey Missy, we have a new patient out in the waiting room. Care to go get them and bring them back. Along with their owner..." Dr. Sherry stuck her head through the small break room door, glancing at me curiously. "Start the check up process for me. I'll be back in the room in a half hour or so."

"Fine with me," I grunted, placing my phone down deep in the pocket of my jeans, before shoving myself out of the comfy office chair, and stalking outside to the hallway, making a sharp turn to head out into the waiting room, pulling on my white long jacket in the process.

Quickly, I placed my dirty blonde hair up into a messy bun with my spare hairtie on my wrist, before stalking out into the waiting room, casually leaning against the door, and inspecting the room.

Usually at this time of day, there would be around five or six animals waiting for their appointments in the veterinarian clinic. But today their was just one animal with their owner, tucked back in the corner of the waiting room near all the magazines and such. Usually there where just animal themed magazines, with the more gossipy ones near the back. No one usually ever read those, but now there was someone, tucked neatly behind an old People magazine, a small cat carrier near their feet, all of their face hidden.

Blinking is surprise, I crossed the small room, stepping around the chairs that were now askew from their usual position, and standing directly in front of the person, clearing my throat slightly.

"Hello," I said slowly, the person still not putting down the magazine. "We can take your animal back in the room now to start the check in process."

"Uhm," A deep voice said from behind the magazine, still not revealing their face. "Okay. Thank you. I'll just..uhm..follow you back there." Their voice hung with a thick British accent. Definitely not from around here anyway..

"Alright.." I said suspiciously, popping an eyebrow, before shrugging, and turning on my heel, heading back toward the hallway that contained all the rooms for the patients and such. I could feel the person's(who I was assuming was a man by now) footsteps walking heavily behind mine as I took a sharp left, turning toward the only available treating room, walking inside, and over to the examination table. I bent down, picking out all the supplies I need, including my basic doctoring tools, along with a few treats(raw hotdogs), and the nessecary paperwork for the owner to fill out while I worked.

I rose to my feet, placing all the things on the table, not raising my eyes past the granite of the smooth top, instead dragging the now close cat carrier nearer too me, and opening the small latch on the cage door. Out stepped a dainty looking brown tiger tabby female. She flipped her tail up in the air, sitting down and wrapping the long piece of fur around her legs, glancing at me with one of those "Who the hell is she?" looks.

A giggle escaped through my lips as I raised my head to know properly look at this owner. I was surprised to see him casually leaning against the side of the counter, watching the cat with as much amusement as I had.

The boy's hair was an unruly messy mop of brown curls that poked out in all different directions, sweeping to the side on his forehead. Two dimples popped out in his tiny grin as he watched the cat from behind a pair of dark sunglasses. Sunglasses. What the heck?

"What's her name?" I asked, directing my full attention now on the boy, narrowing my eyes at the dark sunglasses.

"Not sure, I found her outside our hotel, and decided to bring her here for a proper check-up" He replied for an explanation, placing both elbows on the counter, and pulling off the dark rimmed shades, revealing popping emerald green eyes. "What's more important is what would your name be, love?" Realization hit my like a ton of bricks. Harry Styles and cats. Go figure.

"Missy," I said shyly, raising a hand and rubbing my bright blue eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Nope, Harry Styles was actually standing in front of me. And asked for my name. Squeeee

"What a beautiful name," Harry stated, tossing his glasses across the small room over to the chair in the corner. "For a beautiful girl."

Flushing, I turned away from his intense burning gaze, and snatched the clipboard and pen from the far corner of the counter. Surpringsly, the cat hadn't jumped off the thing yet. She was still busily inspecting all my tools I had laid out along near her crate.

"Here," I said, thrusting the two items out to Harry, not raising my eyes to meet his gaze again in fear of blushign again. "You need to fill these out. Make up a name for her if you don't have one yet."

"Alright," He said a hint of amusement in his voice as he took both the things from me, fingers gently brushing mine as he turned and plopped himself down in the chair, squinting down at the print on the paper.

Finally having the flirt occupied, I began my work, checking the cats fur for ticks, fleas, etc, or any sores or bumps that had formed on her skin. The cat was such a good patient, sitting patiently for me, every once and a while letting out a long and loud purr.

I glanced up for a second, pushing a few pieces of the otoscope back together. My gaze wandered over to Harry, and the sight I saw made me want to burst out into a fit of giggles.

His eyebrows where pressed together to form one line across his forehead, nose scrunched up bewteen his eyes. His lips where one thin pale line, part of his curls flopped over his eyes as he stared down at the paper, the pen moving back and forth between his fingers, nothing being put onto the paper.

"Something wrong?" I said, trying to keep my laugh out of my tone.

He raised his gaze to meet mine, staring at me momentarily, before saying(completely serious by the way), "By sex, does it mean how many times the thing has..you know...Because I have absolutely no idea, I found the thing on the street."

I could no longer contain it. Dropping the tool in my hand I burst out laughing, covering my eyes and mouth with my hands as I contuined to giggle uncontrollably.

"What?" He asked, standing up and making his way over to the other side of the counter, eyeing me seriously. "I honestly don't know!"

Another fit of giggles. Finally able to control myself, I bit my lip, bubbling out, "No, Harry, it means whether its a boy or a girl. This little kitty would be a girl."

"Oh," Harry said, a blush immediately flooding to his cheeks, making his face resemble a cherry much more than anything else. "Uh..thanks." Quickly he retreated back over to the chair, scribbling a few things on the paper before holding it out to me. "Done!"

Sighing, I finished up with the cat, placing her back inside the crate, and latching it safely shut, before coming around the side of the table and taking the clipboard from him. "Thanks, I'll go file this. Doctor should be in a bit."

"Okay. Thank you!" Harry said with a wide grin, watching me walk out the door. "See you later Missy!"

What did he mean by that? Shaking my head, I glanced down at the papers that where clutched on the clipboard by the large silver clip at the top. Clipped on top of all the nessecary paperwork was a small slip of paper with a bunch of numbers scraweled on it. Underneath read Call me later so we can meet up :) -Harry

Grinning like an idiot, I pulled the piece of paper off the clipboard, shoving it safely down in my pocket with my phone, my eyes wandered to the rest of the paperwork. Curiously, I glanced at the name slot, wondering what Harry had decided to name the pretty little cat.

In bright bold letters underneath the name slot read the word Missy (:


Haha, I liked wriitng this one (:

Hope you liked it!


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