It's Done

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-Dominic's POV-

I guess having both of my brothers and living my happily ever after was too much to ask for huh?

For a while, I laid there in my darkness, fully aware of why. Besides, I was the one who decided to live it out this way. I was the one to choose. When I realised there must have been something wrong, I went to the hospital and that's when I found out,

My heart was failing.

I was told that I had to stay in the hospital for testing and treatment. I was told to quit smoking and drinking. I was told to stop fighting but of course, I could never agree to that. I told them I'd carry on living that same life, that I wouldn't change it for the world.

And so it became a secret. A secret only Xavier and I shared.

But what Xavier didn't know was that my habits grew more frequent. Things had gotten worse since my first hospital appointment which was back near when I had gotten hit by the car. So back then there was obviously going to be matters I deemed more important than my internal health issues. In my opinion anyway.

So I kept it on a low. I didn't tell my brother I was suffering. I didn't tell my brother, my friends, that my life could end at any given moment. I didn't tell any of them and part of me regrets that the most. I should have told them. I should have stopped. I shouldn't have ignored it.

Now that I look back in this dark world of mine, I couldn't help but wish -not to be able to go back and tell them but- to be able to see their faces one last time.

Suddenly, my dark world was starting to fill with light. I couldn't help but be internally joyed at the fact that wishing may not be a waste of time after all.

A soft groan escaped my lips as I blinked a couple of times before looking up at a ceiling. I was awake. In the corner of the room I was in, not too far from me, I could hear a machine sounding a steady beat, the beat of my heart. It was slow but still pumping. Hearing this allowed for a small smile land on my face. I still had a chance.

"Miss Secter?" Not this again, I think as I turn to the nurse who came into the room after a bit. "Just Dominic is fine," I replied and she smiled back at me. "I'm glad to see you awake, there are some people who have been waiting to see you, should I let them in?" she asked and I nodded back.

Not long after the door opened again quickly to reveal the faces of my brothers. "Dominic!" they both called out in unison and ran over to both sides of the bed that I was in. They were followed by the rest of the guys as well as Xavier who stood at the very end of the bed.

Arthur held my right hand whilst Nick looked over at me in worry. I looked at all of their faces to see some relief but also a lot of sleep deprivation. "You all look like shit," I coaked and a crowd of chuckles follow it. "You don't look that much better than us sweetheart," Jake says back and I sighed, laughing gently to myself.

The room was silent for some time before Blake spoke up with the lowest tone I've ever heard him speak. He asked a question I'm sure almost everyone in the room was impatient to hear the answer to. "Dominic, what's going on?" He asked. I stayed quiet for a little bit, looking at Xavier who looked back at me. It seemed that he hadn't told them yet about my condition which I was thankful for.

"I've been diagnosed with lung cancer for a while and I'm dying." I blur out. This lie probably being my worst but for it came out just believable enough for them not to question it. I could tell Xavier was looking at me suspiciously but didn't say anything out loud either.

The truth was that that it wasn't lung cancer I had. If I did things would have been a little more simple. No, instead my heart was being suffocated by my lungs and due to the fat that already surrounds it, my heartbeat is irregular and could stop at any given moment. It would have probably been easier for everyone if I did die now than have to live in fear that it could come upon me unexpectedly. But, I don't have that pleasure.

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