Our End

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-Dominic's POV-


"He's fallen into a coma-"


"But you said the operation was a success!"


"It was sir, but you have to understand that he had severe blood loss and until the transfer was given, the damage was already done."

Nick pulled on his hair and turned away in annoyance and anger. All I could do though was continue staring at Blake's unconscious figure.

I hadn't slept in the three days that it had taken for Blake's recovery to become stable. When they needed a blood transfusion, I didn't hesitate to volunteer. Eating, drinking, the essentials had all been pushed into the back of my mind and all I could do was pray for Blake's safety.

Beside me, Jake was sitting in a chair by Blake's bed with his head in his hands. He had also just come back from his recovery for his bullet wound. Thankfully, his wasn't serious since I had already taken care of most of it, it just needed some anti-bacterial spray, re-stitching and time to heal.

"I should have been there," he whispered to himself.

I knew that part of him felt like he was to blame. No matter how much I told him it wasn't his fault, as much as I told him that we'd do whatever we could to help Blake, he didn't believe me. It didn't stop him from screaming for his brother when Blake was rushed into surgery, it didn't stop him from staying up with me, day and night until we heard something to do with Blake's condition.

The rest of the guys were at home, either drinking or trying to pass the time less painfully as they waiting for words from Nick.

Just as I had thought about this, Nick headed outside to go and call them. As he did, I thought about another issue that I knew I had to take care of so I started walking out of the room when,

"D...?" I turned back at Jake's weak call. His eyes were red and tired. His face demonstrated the suffering he was going through.

"I'll be back in a second, I just need to ask the nurse something," I answer with a low voice. I probably didn't look any better than him. My throat was dry and in pain but I forced myself to ignore it.

"Come back soon," he pleaded, a little desperately. He felt alone and was afraid of losing someone else again. I understood that perfectly and nodded back to him before leaving the room and walking around to the next corridor.

"Excuse me," I called out to the nurse who had just been in our room. Once she heard the call, she faced me with a small smile.

"How can I help you?" she asked,

"How much will the hospital bills be?" I went straight to the point. my patience was completely depleted and I just needed an answer. Her eyes looked at me with pity and with that alone, I knew I wasn't going to like the answer.

"Since you don't have any insurance, the full cost of the operation will be $150,000 and there will also be extra costs depending on how long you're going to keep Mr Lucifer at the hospital-"

"As long as he wakes up!" I replied instantly which took her back a bit.

"That may be another $1000-2000" she informed with a shaky voice. She had been scared of Nick and now I raised my voice too, making us seem horrible I'm sure.

"Alright, I'll be sure to pay the bill. Please send me an email with the full amount and I ask that you do not bring this subject up to any of the other people involved, is that clear?" I asked sternly,

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