I'm Here

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-Blake's POV-

"Who the fuck took the photo?!"

Rage. That's what was going through my entire body. Under the grip of my fingers, my phone was near its breaking point. The screen holding a picture of a couple of guys holding Dominic against her will, wearing nothing but bandages, hostage under their arms.

She looked weak and defeated and that's what angered me the most. They wanted to boost their own egos. Wanted to make themselves look better and in turn, made her out to be something she wasn't.

Dominic was strong. That was something I liked about her. When we would bully her she never asked anyone for help, fought her own battles, didn't get teachers involved and took beatings in order to keep herself safe. I failed as her friend then but now I know that even though she's strong, she should never have to go as low as to facing bullshit like this. Never again.

My outburst made the whole lunch hall quieten down instantly yet no one came out and answered me. The guys in the photo were nowhere to be seen either.

I looked around some more until my eyes landed on my friends. I had hoped to get some answers from them at least if no one else was going to come out about it. Zack and Jake had a lesson with Dominic so they'd know where she was at least.

I walked up to them and they looked back at me, knowing what I was looking to get out of them but instead of giving me any answers they started telling me to, "Calm down," and that, "we'll deal with the guys soon," but that wasn't enough for me.

I shook my head and sat down at one of the seats behind them. "Where's Dominic?" I asked. I had to know if she was okay. I looked up at the guys but in response, I got wide eyes as if they had seen a ghost. They then turned to each other. "Guys?" I asked again but they ignored me.

"She was right fucking there," "where'd she go?" I heard them mutter which made me furrow my eyebrows. "I don't know, she was sitting right there!" Worry started stirring inside of me. I opened my phone and went to call Dominic but the call went straight to voice message.

"Shit, she's not answering," I say out loud which makes them all turn to me. One by one they all sat down with me, unsure of what to do or how to handle the situation. "Who were they?" I asked, calmly this time.

"A group from one year lower. They're unimportant and weak. Dominic could have easily beat them up but we just had a gym class and was beaten up by Xavier quite a lot so she must have been tired or something. I don't know she just seemed out of it in general today." Jake replied and silence consumed us again.

"Should we tell Nick?" Jason asked but we all shook our head. I cringed at the thought. Besides the fact that he'd kill us for letting it happen, it's the last thing Nick needs to hear right now. He had enough on his shoulders already.

I stared down at my phone again when I suddenly got a notification from an unknown number. It was a message with an address and name, saying that Dominic was there and that she needed me. That's all I needed to hear.

I got up hastily, without answering any of the guys' questions and left the school building, calling an Uber and getting to the address.

William? I knew I had heard the name somewhere but couldn't piece it together.

I knew I had to be cautious, especially since where the Uber stopped was in front of a forest. I got out and slowly started walking in. I was only a few meters in when I saw a man walking towards me. I went to pull out my pocket knife but before I could, the man put his hands up and exclaimed,

"Hold up, hold up! It's me, William!" I raised my brown and when he was close enough, I relaxed because I recognised him. "The mechanic?" I asked and he laughed. "Yeah, that's right. The mechanic, not a threat. But that's not important."

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