A New Chapter

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-Blake's POV-


My world, for the most part, had gone silent. I had blocked everything for a while. People. Places. For months, everything had gone grey.

I'd see her sometimes. Convinced she was back. Argued that she was right there in front of me, talking to me, laughing with me. But I was wrong. Hallucinating maybe. Jake would often tell me that. I was even sent to the hospital for it, given medication.

I'd like to say I was healing. Maybe completely healed. After all, I was able to sit in her house like I am now with the rest of the gang without getting a panic attack, without being hurt and upset about her being gone,

"But she rejected me!"

The rest of the guys and I were listening to Zack's rediculous story, waiting for Nick to return in order to tell us some 'important news'. When he said it, he was surprisingly optimistic, a grin plastered onto his face which was weird to us. We hadn't seen him like that for a while after what happened.

The clock hit 9 am when we heard the main door opening. "The must be Nick," Jason said and we all waited, expecting him to come in but instead we heard another voice through the walls.

"Wow, my gym room is a mess, you couldn't have cleaned up a little? There's still blood on here!"

My whole body went rock solid, hairs pricking upwards at the voice. I looked around to see the other guys holding expressions of confusion. Zack and Jason reached for their guns that were by the sides just in case an attack was needed when,

"Sorry, we've been using this place as our base for a while and haven't had the time to clean," Nick's muffled voice was then heard too which made us relax a little but still unsure. Who was he talking to? It sounded like-

Suddenly, the door to the room we were in was opened to reveal her. She had grown taller, hair was longer, body firmer, and face even more beautiful than it had been when I last saw her. My eyes could only focus on her. Her sharp jawline, her shining grey eyes, her confident aura. It couldn't be. I couldn't accept what I was seeing. I couldn't because it was her.

"So, Nick isn't the only one who's changed I see," she grinned while studying all of our faces, "Hey guys,"


No no no no no, "I-it can't. I stopped hallucinating. I've healed I swear-" I held my head with both of my hands and shut my eyes as tight as I could. I couldn't get worse again. I couldn't.

Jake responded quickly and pulled me up and into a hug, "You're not hallucinating. It's okay Blake. Calm down." He tried but I couldn't accept it. I looked up to see her again. Face filled with concern as she turned to Nick who also just entered the room with Xavier and Arthur following behind him.

It seemed she asked Nick something which I couldn't quite hear over my shivering breath but Nick answered her with a frown, "He's been like this ever since you left,"

I closed my eyes again. Trying to get my head together. Trying to tell myself that I definitely took the medication and I'll be okay.

Jake's arms unwrapped from me slowly which made me open my eyes again to see her approaching me. My breath hitched into my throat and my body froze in place. Her hand raised and she gently put it against my cheek, looking me in the eye and telling me, "Blake it's okay. We're okay. I'm here." Her saying this calmed me down instantly. I was able to breathe again.

"Dominic," I said gently and she smiled before pulling me into a hug. A hug that seemed to give me life in itself. That seemed to bring light back into the world I stood in. I hugged her back. Her smell was intoxicating, breath was soothing, touch was mesmerising. I could feel again.

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