Chapter Twelve - Save You Tonight

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Niall swung his legs over the side of his bed and grunted in annoyance. A few drips of sweat formed at the base of his bare back as he threw the covers off and stood up, shuffling as quietly as he could to his desk.

He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help it. He’d laid awake and unable to sleep for the past week because his mind couldn’t be made to think of anything or anyone else. He needed to know.

It felt so natural to type her name into the search box because he’d done it hundreds of times before. But it was different back then. Before, he’d have been going to leave her a little message in her inbox, post a silly picture on her wall, or make (another) oogling comment on her profile picture telling her just how beautiful he thought she was. But this time he was going only as a ghost and a stranger. A ghost who left no trail behind, and a stranger who couldn’t help but peer into her life from afar, no matter how many times Harry had reminded him how bad an idea it was.

He didn’t have to scroll far to see her. His hand held the side of his face, tense and uncomfortable. He felt guilty for it, but he didn’t like to see her looking so happy-- already out partying with friends like their relationship had never happened. His eyes squinted as he clicked on the latest picture posted. Was that…

He took in a sharp breath as he realized who was in the picture with her. Niall knew the guy’s face from a mile away, only because pretty much everyone in the entire school did as well. He was infamous for the way he treated girls, and Niall had seen it first hand. No one should ever treat women that way, especially not his Bre.

 His eyes glanced to when the photo was posted, and when he saw that it was just fifteen minutes old, his heart began to constrict in his chest. Sure, she dumped him. But, he couldn’t just let this happen to her, could he? Maybe she didn’t know the guy’s reputation, or maybe she was too drunk to remember. Even though she’d ripped him raw, he couldn’t bear to watch someone else do the same to her. As his early morning brain clouded through thoughts, he could decide only one thing: he had to protect her.

“Bre-- Bre!” He called through the smoky crowd, knowing from the location attached to the picture just where to find her. Bodies smashed up against him as he pushed through, and by the smell of it, he thought they must be dripping alcohol rather than sweat.

“Eh-- mate! You seen a girl with blonde hair around here recently?” he yelled over the throbbing music to the bartender. After a quick look down the length of the counter he’d realized she was no longer where the picture had been snapped.

“I see a lot of ‘em.” The bartender grinned back as he slapped a towel over his shoulder.

“Listen, she was wearing a red dress and was with Tom Jameson. You seen her?” Niall pressed impatiently.

“You seem a little flustered, man. Why dontcha sit down for a drink and I’ll tell ya where I’ve seen her after you’ve calmed down a wee bit.” He laughed, his rude poking making Niall clench his teeth.

“Just tell me where she is, mate.” Niall called, his anger and panic swirling into one hard stare.

“Alright, alright. Saw ‘em go out back.” The bartender nodded towards the emergency exit.

Niall thudded his way towards the door at the back of the club, heart beating faster with every step. He feared what Tom was going to do-- or was doing-- to her, and wondered if he’d slipped something in her drink or merely used his deceiving charm. Niall’s stomach crushed inside of him, his heavy breathing laboring in his own ears. He hoped with everything in him that he hadn’t left with her yet.

The door busted out in front of him as he slammed through into the damp alley. Just past the dumpster he spotted them both sidled up next to the brick wall-- her giggles only getting louder the further in Tom pressed.

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