Chapter Nine - I Want

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 "What?! Harry, that's absolutely mental." Zayn's concerned voice bled into the phone.

"I know, I know, I just.. I mean, she seemed really sincere this time and I can't handle feeling guilty anymore and--" Harry started to respond, sounding confused and hurt, but Zayn interrupted.

"Mate, listen to yourself. You can't do this again. I thought you figured this all out last time.." Zayn shook his head and leaned his free arm against the wall of his hallway, his forehead resting on top of his shirt sleeve.

"I thought I did too, it's just.. I still love her and I.. I'm just confused." Harry mumbled slowly.

"Harry, you're crazy. This isn't the guy I know, okay? This girl has got you wrapped up in some weird manipulative stuff and you've got to put a stop to it." Zayn replied sternly, partly out of his own frustration at Harry's consistent relapses with Bridgette and partly because he knew Harry just needed some tough love. They both knew that's why he had called.. they both knew deep down Harry knew the right thing, but he needed someone else to say it.

Harry sighed on the other end, and Zayn pursed his lips. He knew it was hard to hear.

"Harry.." he started again, this time not quite as tersely. "You changed your whole world for her. More than once. And she still screwed you over. I'm sorry, mate, but you've got to move on."

Silence consumed the line as Zayn waited for Harry's reply. If teaching in a public school had taught him anything, it had taught him patience. He'd wait as long as he needed.

Eventually he heard a muffled sniff and he couldn't tell whether or not Harry was crying or if he'd just finally composed his thoughts enough enough to respond. He'd always been kind of an emotional guy-- at least as long as Zayn had known him-- so really either catalyst could have been possible. Zayn rather liked that about him though, liked how Harry seemed to maintain his thoughtfulness and sensitivity amidst all sorts of difficult life experiences-- the kinds that tend to harden people. Harry seemed to operate completely backwards sometimes, like the more hurt he faced the more vulnerable and open he became. Other people might have seen it as a weakness, but Zayn saw it for what it was, for what it really said about Harry and his genuine character. He respected him for it, and figured he could learn a thing or two from him in that way.

A few more moments passed, and then a low breath. "I know, but.. I don't want to." Harry finally responded.

Zayn sighed and leaned his back against the wall, an arm crossing underneath the other. He felt like they'd had this conversation a hundred times, but he still felt for Harry. His eyes slid to the floor and he nodded even though Harry couldn't see him.

"I know. It's tough, mate."

"Really tough."

Zayn half smiled at Harry's inflection. "Yeh, really tough." he affirmed. "But you know it's the right thing."

"I know." Harry conceded, his voice low.

"Then do the right thing, Harry." Zayn softly urged.

Saura appeared at the end of the hallway and moved towards him with a smile, unaware of the conversation with Harry. "Ready to go?" She asked and slid an arm around Zayn, her lips meeting his scruffy jaw. His arm involuntarily mimicked hers, and he pulled her into his side without even thinking about it.

"Yeah, one second." He responded in a whisper and turned his head back to his phone. "Haz, I've got to go, mate. You going to be okay?"

"Yeah, yeah.. I'll be fine. Thanks, mate."

Zayn paused for a second as he looked at Saura. She smiled back, but he saw her cheeks fall a bit when she percieved the concern in his eyes. If only Harry could find someone like her, someone who was honest and faithful and supportive. Harry was a good guy and deserved better. He deserved a Saura.

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