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we finally arrived at the studio I'm so excited because I'll finally see Norman and I bet Megan is excited too.. well by the look at her face she is it's like she's trying not to have a fan girling moment like how we girls do when we see our favorites singers or actor's or actresses that's what her face looks like but anyways I don't understand why she didn't told me about Steve they were together for 2 year's and now this? this is really weird. I've known Steve for year's he's like my best friend I don't know why he didn't told me either I'm guessing because they didn't wanted to hurt my feelings..? but if it's that then why didn't she told me at the coffee shop? like I don't understand why if it's what I think about the feelings because she and Steve don't need to worry about that I just want her to be happy and the same with Steve it's just so unreal, I need to talk to Steve without Megan knowing that I did because I don't want her to find out or get mad at me I just want to know why that's all I'm asking why did they broke up and why didn't she told me or hi... oh now I get the whole thing about feelings I'm thinking this is why they haven't told me but like I said before they don't need to worry about that because my feelings won't get hurt about their break up because if it wasn't meant to then it wasn't meant to be.

oh my God!! Norman is here but wait where's Jeffrey and where's Megan she was just next to m... I see her she's with Jeffrey.. wow she's fan girling so hard (Zoey starts laughing in her mind) wow... Norman is more hotter in person I hope he's single because I'd like to know him. I almost forgot I'm still wearing my dirty clothes from what happened oh God I don't want him to see me like this, this is so embarrassing dear Lord... oh my God he's coming my way... what do I do? oh God Zoey you look like a mess jeez just act normal , breathe and remember he's human don't do anything random just remember to breathe and to us your words so he can understand you.

(Norman walks up to Zoey)

remember Zoey use your words. (Zoey talks to herself)

"hey I hear your going to be cast in the movie. " - Norman

"hey, yeah I am. I'm pretty nervous though this is my first movie and I don't know what exactly I'm supposed to in a set. " (Zoey giggles)

(Norman laughs a bit)

"there's nothing to be nervous about... I don't think I asked your name. I'm Norman Reedus and I'm guessing you already know that. " -Norman

"no you didn't (Zoey laughs a bit) my name is Zoey Dixon and yes I do know who you are I'm a big fan of you. I'm trying so hard no to freak out because I've looked up to you since quite a while now... oh wow I'm totally fan girling (Zoey blushes a bit) sorry..." -Zoey

"nice to meet you Zoey Dixon. don't worry there's nothing to be sorry about you look cute when you blush and it's alright I know how it feels to try and not freak out when you're meeting someone you've seen on screen. " -Norman

(Zoey's thoughts)

- oh my God he called me cute! oh my God... oh God he's looking at me I think I'm blushing again oh God... I can totally feel my face warm.. oh crap.. he stopped talking stop talking to yourself Zoey Norman is right in front of you keep talking to him. -

"you think I look cute when I blush...? and yeah it's some how a little bit embarrassing I don't know why but yeah... " -Zoey

(Norman's thoughts)

- wow this girl is something else. she looks beautiful in her wet dirty clothes, I wonder what happened to her that her jacket is ripped. she looks cute when she blushes I hope she's single I'd like to get to know her some more. -

"yeah I did because you actually look cute when you blush. so I... do you want to see the set Zoey? and meet everyone? is that your manager talking to Jeffrey?" -Norman

"yeah thank you that would be nice. yes that's my manager slash best friend. " -Zoey

"it seems your manager slash best friend talks a lot (Norman laughs) it's like she's trying not to fan girl over Jeffrey. " -Norman

"yeah that's what she's trying to do I guess it's not working because we can totally see her fan girling. hey, what was the first thing you were going to ask me? you said "so I.. " and didn't finished it is it something bad? oh God is there something on my hair, besides the gum?" -Zoey

"(Norman laughs) no there's nothing else on your hair, I was going to ask you out but I don't know if you're dating anyone so I didn't finished it and I changed the subject. " -Norman

(Zoey's thoughts)

-oh my God did he... did he... did he just asked me out?!?!?!? oh my God!!! if only Megan were inside my head -sighs- she needs to know this! okay Zoey calm down because Norman is holding your hand and just asked you out so you need to answer him and breathe before you do anything stupid. -

"...yeah I'm not dating anyone not for a long time to be honest... so to answer your question yeah I'd love to go out with you. " -Zoey

(Norman's thoughts)

- I wonder what happened with her breakup. I'm glad she said yes I'll take her to dinner or a restaurant or better yet I'm gonna let her choose where does she wants to go. -

"okay great, what time should I pick you up? I'm sorry... didn't mean to bring up old memories of the break up, it wasn't my intention Zoey. " -Norman

"it's alright don't worry it was like 5 year's ago so I'm over it. and where are we going to eat? I'd love this new dinner I saw it's so pretty I'd love to go there that's if your okay with it obviously. and you can pick me up at 7pm. " -Zoey

"okay. I'll pick you at 7pm. I've been meaning to go that dinner but I never had time. it's really pretty. " -Norman

Norman and I kept walking around because he was still showing me the studio. I can't believe I'm going to go out with him tonight I need to buy some new clothes or I'm just gonna wear Megan's clothes, I hope Megan's not making a fool out of herself when she fan girl's she does this thing weird giggle laugh thing when she's fan girling so hard at times she does this thing like a pig sound when she talks to much. speaking of which I think I heard it.

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