Norman's Side

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today was a good day it was honestly I met an amazing girl she's just... I don't how to explain it but she's different from all of the other's there's just something about her that I can't explain she's just amazing to me she's perfect. I don't think I've ever been nervous about a date before this is the first time ever and I don't even know why I'd call Jeffrey but I don't know what he'll say or think... it's just... I don't know, you know? I feel like if I tell him he'll maybe think I'm soft or maybe weird I don't know...

oh no there's traffic I think I should call Zoey and let her know that I won't be at the dinner in time but first I need to call Jeffrey and ask him for advice because I'm so nervous about this date because I want it to go well and I don't want anything bad happening if it's not perfect I'm okay with it because I'll definitely go on a second date with her I think that shows how much I want to get to know her. speaking of Jeffrey here he is calling.

(Jeffrey's calling)

"hey Norman are you going on that date with Zoey?"

"hey, yes I am and I'm nervous because I really don't want to blow this date up I want to go well. "

"dude you won't blow it up if anything you both will -laughs a bit- because that's how dates are supposed to go dates aren't supposed to be perfect they are supposed to be messy and interesting but in a fun, if a date it's all perfect it'll be boring and you both won't have memories to remember the next few day's or weeks or maybe year's so brother you won't blow this up if you do then you're a moron but hey man just relax breathe and everything will be okay. "

"thanks man I needed that honestly, I just want this date to go well not like my other past dates that haven't been well so far... anyways I just I get there in time there's a huge traffic here ugh! I just want to get there and spent time with her with her everything feels right dude I mean it everything she's just perfect Jeff. "

"I bet she is Norman I bet she is. speaking of Zoey I'm going to ask her manager out Megan, I wanna get to know her more she's really funny she's just perfect, she's smart, she's beautiful, she's hilarious, her laughs and that weird sound she makes... "

"sounds like you're starting to like her Jeff, are you thinking of asking her out?"

"yeah I am but I just want to wait for the right time I overheard that she's still getting over some guy named Steve so I think it's to soon if I ask her now I just want her to have some time first and then when I know she's ready I'll ask her out because she's worth waiting Norman. "

"yeah I bet she is same with Zoey. Zoey and Megan are amazing girls I like their friendship it's really funny and cool... I have to go Jeff I'm gonna call Zoey and let her know that I'm in traffic. thanks man for the advice, wish me luck brother. "

"okay man good luck brother, anytime Norman. remember what I told you stay calm relax and breathe because I know how nervous you get when you're going on date's. "

(Norman hangs up)

I hope Jeffrey is right about the date thing if it goes how it goes like a perfect way but messy than I'm okay with that I'd like to remember this for the rest of my life and if I'm with her then I'd like to remember it even more I wanna remember our first date and how it went and if it was messy or not I don't care I'd just like to remember everything, I really hope I get to be with her for the rest of my life somehow someway I know she's the one I just know she is, okay now I think is about time I call Zoey and let her know that I'm running a little bit late thanks to this traffic.

(calling Zoey)

"hey Zoey it's Norman I just wanted to tell you that I won't get there early I'm stuck in traffic I'm sorry... "

"hey, don't worry I just got home I've had bad luck all day and I have to get some gum out of my hair... (Zoey gets interrupted by Norman)"

"I bet it wasn't that bad but what if I go to your house and bring some food is that a good idea? I just thought it'd be better because you just got home and I'm still in traffic... "

"oh trust me it was... and yeah it is a good idea I live in Madison Square Avenue in the new apartments building called the tipton. "

"oh great can't wait and maybe when I get there you can tell me about your day... what food would you like to me bring?"

"(Zoey giggles) maybe... Italian food. "

"okay I'll be there at 8:30pm"

"okay I'll get ready, drive safe. "

(Zoey hangs up nervously)

I need to stop at this amazing Italian restaurant here around the corner I know she's gonna love it their food is amazing, I'm in luck now I don't have to be in a hurry to go the dinner at 7:00pm I feel more relaxed than I was before. I'll get the food and I'll meet her at the apartment I don't know if I should get wine or soda I'll just get soda instead I don't want to look like this guy who wants to get drunk in the first date. I have the food now I'm on my way to her apartment I think I'm now getting more nervous than I was before oh God... remember to relax and breathe dude remember what Jeff told you just relax man relax.

I'm already here wow here neighborhood is great it's sorta better than mine but I live in the woods so who am I to say which is better than which. is that her looking through the window? yep that's her wow she looks beautiful with her messy hair, I don't think she even noticed her hair -laughs a bit- still I don't care how she looks she looks beautiful now I'm less nervous but still nervous I don't know what I am I just know I'm nervous and not so nervous, here goes nothing...

(Norman's knocking)

"hey Zoey it's me Norman. "

remember Zoey breathe and use your words.

"yeah I'll open up in a second."

she opened the door ... we looked at each other for a while... then we started talking about our day while we were making the table for us to eat, everything went great this is exactly what Jeff was talking about. while we were making the table I pulled the chair she was going to sit and she fell she didn't even got to touch the chair she just fell, it was the most funny thing I felt bad but I knew that we were going to remember this date. this date went perfect something's didn't go so well but other than that it went well I hope I get to see her again. I'm not much of a person who explains a lot and goes into detail about everything but I just know that it went perfectly messy but in a good way.

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