Megan's side

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oh God there's Jeffrey and Norman I should tell Zoey about Norman oh wait never mind I think she already saw him oh God he's coming her way oh my God she's blushing... her cheeks are so red wow I didn't knew that girl can blush so much (Megan starts laughing)  I'm just gonna go and talk to Jeffrey... I need to see him face to face I really hope I don't make a fool out of myself like I do this weird thing were I giggle and then when I'm fan girling so hard I do this sound of a pig, I know, I know, it's embarrassing you don't have to tell me twice about that because I know trust me I know I've heard myself do that weird laugh trust me. like this one time I was at a concert with Zoey and we bought our meet and greet tickets so we can meet the artists I think the band was one direction? yeah it was one direction and I swear to you when I met Harry, Louis, Naill, Liam and Zayn I did that same weird thing about the giggles and the pig laugh and trust me it wasn't cute as you think it was. when Harry was talking to me I started giggling and then I did that sound... oh God it was so embarrassing I remember he looked at me with a weird face then he told me to calm to relax and breathe and to use my word's because he knew that I was fan girling so hard (Megan starts laughing) oh God.. Jeffrey is almost close.. remember Megan relax, breathe and use your word's girl USE YOUR WORD'S!

(Jeffrey approaches)

"hey, you are Zoey's manager, right? " -Jeffrey

"hey, yes I am." -Megan (says nervously shy with a low voice)

"I'm Jeffrey but you can call me Jeff ,nice to meet you... I don't think I asked your name (says blushing) " -Jeffrey

(Megan's thoughts)

-wow he looks even more hotter when he blushes,Megan focus don't make a fool out yourself in front of him well your future husband (winks at herself) oh my God did I... did I.. did I just winked at Jeffrey?! it was supposed to be an inside wink.. oh God... I feel so embarrassed jeez.. -

"I'm Megan Duquette just call Megan or Meg's. " -Megan

"umm did you just winked at me? (says with a weird face) 'cause it feels like you did or am I imagining this? (Jeff giggles while he looks away) " -Jeffrey

(Megan blushes and giggles) "umm... sorry... I do this thing were I think in my head and I wink at myself but sometimes I forget that I'm talking to someone... so yeah sorry about that.. (giggles and blushes) " -Megan

(Jeffrey's thoughts)

-I can't believe she winked at me. she's funny I'd like to know her more. she's trying so hard not to do something weird but she's already doing it without even noticing.-

"it's alright don't worry about that we all have our embarrassing moment's so it's understandable. " -Jeffrey

"yeah... thanks... (starts laughing weirdly) " -Megan

(Megan's thoughts)

-oh my God Megan for the love of God don't start laughing weird... is that Zoey talking to Norman!?!?!?!?  oh my my God... he's holding her hand!!!!  ahhh!!!!  she has to tell me what they both talked about! okay I need to stop blabbing and keep talking to Jeff because I think he knows I'm not with him, with him like in the conversation. -

"there's this line in the movie that I like it goes like this “little pig little pig, let me in. ” ...(gets interrupted by Megan)" -Jeffrey

(Megan starts laughing and makes the pig sound while she laughs)

"uh...what was that laugh about?" (says it with a surprise face) -Jeffrey

"umm....(laughs a bit) nothing I do this thing were I get nervous and when I get nervous most of my laughs are like that... " -Megan

okay good Jeff left to rehearsals for his lines thank God because I don't want him to see me making a fool out of myself.

after I told him that I saw that Zoey and Norman kept waking I saw Zoey's face I knew she was happy slash nervous slash excited... you name it all I knew was that I saw her smiling and it's weird for her because she doesn't like smiling but I knew that she was going to be happy I just know slash know that Norman and Zoey are going to hit it of. hopefully I'll do the same with Jeff here if you know what I mean... (Megan laughs) nah don't worry it's not that, it's us going on date's, marriage and having the perfect kid's... okay I think I went to far with that. honestly I'm happy that me and Zoey got to meet our crushes like we first me Harry, Louis, Liam, Naill and Zayn but me and Zoey like Harry more especially me he's just... omg he's just so adorable! just like Jeff. I feel bad not telling Zoey about me and Steve... like I wanted to tell her I just didn't wanted to hurt her feelings I didn't wanted her to think that I wanted that... I just... I guess I wasn't ready to tell her... she was the one that introduced me to him so I don't want her to think like that, you know?  she's my best friend slash sister well twin sister... we call ourselves twins because even though we were born in different months our birthday's are literally the same date and we like the same thing's... so like I was saying I don't want her to feel weird about me not telling her why me and Steve broke up... I still can't believe that me and broke up... like it was so random... we were having our anniversary and out of the nowhere everything went wrong like I just knew nothing was right I just knew that something bad was going on, I just had this feeling... and that's when he told me... it made me so mad because we were together for 2 YEAR'S AND HE GOES AND DOES THAT!!! ugh... just thinking about this makes me sad because I wasn't expecting this... I just wasn't... we were so in love we were planning a future together and then he goes and does that... he goes and... and... DOES THAT!... I'm so angry at him. If I see him again I'll slap him or better yet ignore him he doesn't deserve my attention he just doesn't he... he broke... he broke my...heart... and this is... this... this just isn't fair... none of this... I don't get why he did it... I just don't get why he did what he did...

I think Zoey is going to like this movie. it's perfect for her. “Just My Luck” movie is gonna be so fun to film and to watch because when she's done filming I'm going to see this movie with her and plus we are gonna invite Jeffrey and Norman we just have to mainly because they also start in the movie but more importantly because I kinda want to ask Jeffrey out and I think this would be my perfect chance and way better because I can forget about what Steve did to me... but there's something more I know this is just fan crush but for some reason I think I like Jeffrey like, like, like Jeffrey I know we just met like literally just met but I don't know there's just something that just tells me that I like him I don't know it's hard to explain. I can't believe I like him... -sighs- I don't know what I'm gonna tell Zoey about me and Steve and the reason why we broke up. it's just that I'm just thinking about it and it makes me mad because (Megan chokes up trying to hold back her tears) he just out of nowhere ruined our anniversary like OUR ANNIVERSARY... I was so in love with him I thought he was the one and he just ruined it... he ruined... (Megan starts crying)

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