Change 8: The Thought

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Demetrus POV

I wake up with tears on my face and Chantel starring me down across the room.

Chantel: bad dream

me: how'd you get in the house.

Chantel: your mom let me in when she was leaving to work.

me: oh.

she does something on her phone then throws it to me and leaves the room. it was open so I started looking through it. by accident clicked messages. it opened up to her messaging this unknown number.

Text messages-

Chantel: so r u coming back.

??: I don't know

Chantel: how's ur man.

??: dondre, good ummm how's demetrus

this must be Keke... it has to be. my heart starts racing. a huge smile comes to my face. I quickly take the number and program it into my phone. I continue reading.

Chantel: I think I like him

??: oh that's ok.

Chantel: what do u mean.

??: nothing

Chantel: no just tell me.

??: what is there something to tell. you like him good for you.

Chantel: ok. so ur not coming back.

??: nope

Chantel: so ur definitely not coming back

??: why

Chantel: because I think he likes u.

??: why

Chantel: he was pissed when he saw u with dondre, been sad ever since u left and just now was crying in his sleep...I bet for u.

??: so you don't want me to come back

Chantel: no I do, but I don't know. I really like him .do u like him.


Keke doesn't reply....WHY.....not that I really need to know-.-

but Chantel she's nice and all but she's annoying and loud. very Nosey. but any how she drives Keke farther away I will blow up. I flop her phone on the bed and go downstairs to Brandon listening to Chantel talk about something

Brandon: DEMMY help me.

me: why what's wrong.

Brandon: she talks to much

me: Brandon that's not nice.

Brandon: all I wanted to know was if dogs wipe after pooing.

me: why would you wanna know that.

brandon: me and Kiara talk about it.

me: oh.

he runs off to the backyard while I go the kitchen. Chantel follows.

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