A/N {•_•sorry•_•}

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This is not a chapter , sad enough I think I'll officially put this book on hold.

I have my reasons. School/my education are very important to me and so are my readers (even the silent ones). I would love to keep updating but that's kinda hard in my terms.

I'll update soon, idk when but i promise you all before January.

Some of you are like "For real" or like "What the hell" but If not then, then maybe uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  before............... Nevermind Christmas break will be like my only break for me to write. Weekends and PD days don't work for me because I'll be doing some type of project or homework or extra study for an assessment or something. This also goes for my other books.

-This Battlefield Called Love


-I Am Your Kidnapper.

I hope this doesn't discourages you to stop reading this book (or any of my other books), but I'm sure your busy yourself.

The next update will be amazing I hope. But fo real it will be worth the wait. I don't wanna have to do this but Breaking Point is officially on hold. Ugh I hate this but I'm sorry.





Thank u guys for all the votes and comments.

Thanks for the views and for you actually reading my book. (Silent readers)

TBH I'd love the silent readers to come out to vote and comment but since your silent Nevermind. But thank u. I appreciate everyone reading Breaking Point or waiting for the update on my books.

Till Decembers Update......




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