Ocean Prime

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Kae's POV

I had been at work all day, I was pretty tired and it seemed like I was finally starting to have those pregnancy symptoms. I was super tired and my feet were starting to swell. I guess I can't work those 12-hour shifts anymore.

I have been calling and texting Joe all day and he's only responded to a couple of text messages. I haven't talked to him on the phone or on FaceTime. I was weird because normally, we talked a few times during the day, either over the phone or FaceTime and he hasn't responded at all within the last couple of hours. I wonder if he's at home.

He has been acting so weird towards me lately and I don't know what to think of it. I told him what I had done and he was completely done with me and he left. It seems like ever since then he's hot and cold with me. Sometimes he is very sweet and very attentive and gives me a lot of attention and affection and is just flat-out loving towards me. Other times, he's just so completely cold, mean and he doesn't really say anything with his words but I can tell with his overall demeanor.

I don't really know what's going on but I would really love to know what's going through his head. It's like one minute we were planning to be together, he was going to meet my daughter and we were talking about having kids and the next minute it was all gone. Now that I'm actually pregnant, it seems like he's only sticking around because of it. I hope that's not the case but I need to do something because I really feel like I'm losing him and I can't lose him. Not right now and especially not after all the time and effort that I put in.

When I got home, I did not see Joe's Range Rover in my driveway. Where the hell was he at? He told me this morning, he would be home when I got off work. I put the car in park and pulled out my phone to call him.

"Hello?" He answers

Surprised he answered the phone, "Hey! Where are you?"

"I'm in Orlando with Jon and Josh. They came in town for a show." He says

"You didn't feel the need to tell me you were going to Orlando? You told me you would be home when I got off work, babe." I say

"And I'm not there, I don't have to tell you my every move." he says with an attitude.

"Um yeah, you kinda do. I'm your fiance, oh and I'm pregnant with your child. You can't leave me here by myself." I say frustrated.

"You're only 8 weeks pregnant Kae, you're fine." he says

"I'm still in the early stages and I can still lose the baby Joe."I say

He sighs, "Okay, Kae. I'll be home when I finish up here. I'm sorry, I should've told you. You know I'm new to this pregnancy thing. I didn't know. I don't mean to stress you." He says

"It's okay babe, when can I expect you?" I ask

"We're waiting on someone else to join, once they get here were going to eat and I'll be home shortly after." He says

"Okay babe, I love y-"

He hangs up on me.

What the hell?

He was mad but I didn't really care. I was stating the facts and I'm going to start working less hours and being home more. He needs to be present and help me because I won't go through another pregnancy by myself again. He's here and totally capable of helping with my needs.

I go in the house, make me something to eat, then go to bed.

Galina's POV

I was at home laying in bed, plotting my next move. I want Joe to suffer for leaving me, and the only way to hurt him now, is to manipulate Kae, make him second guess their relationship. I'll have my audio recordings and my visuals. I just need to get her to my house, car, or in a position that Joe can see her with me.

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