My First Born

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Joe's POV

Opening the door to the nursery, I see my little man sleeping. He's just so damn adorable. He'll be two months in three days, and I can't wait to give my little man his gift. I bought him a car. Yep, a whole car, and no one can drive it except us.

By the way, no I didn't, I did not use that as an excuse just to get the brand new 2020 Lamborghini Urus, with the custom black leather seats, with my logo stitched in every seat headrest, with heated seating, wifi enablement, Bluetooth enablement, and baby protection enhanced metal for the entire car. I swear I didn't used him as an excuse to get the truck. That's just insane. Not true at all.

But seriously, he loves it though

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But seriously, he loves it though. I put him in his little car seat, and strap him in, and he just rides peacefully with his bottle, and drifts off to sleep. It's just our father-son time, we go once a week, mainly on Wednesday. Which happens to be today.

I want to take my little man on a ride to get his new gift, because I have to work on the day he turns two months, so I'm going to spend most of my time with him today and tomorrow, but his mom is arguing about me waking him up, when she just put him down. Do I care, no. All I want to do after working 4, sometimes 5 days straight, is to chill with my little man. She can just shut up.

She doesn't like my truck, she says that I spent the 269 grand on something that she's not benefiting from. How are we going to survive? That's the thing, we're not if she doesn't have a compromising bone in her body.

I look down at the gift she's given me, and all my anger fades. I swear my son is my safe haven. I finally have something that's completely mine, something that don't feel guilty towards, someone who's connection we have will always keep us together, rather than letting circumstances pull us apart, something no one can take from me.

"Leati?" I whisper, now standing over him. Trying to wake him without waking him, so I can lie and say he was already awake when his mom inevitably asks me why I got him. It's a damn shame. I have to sneak to spend time with my son. He's my son too.

I reach down to pick him up, and kiss his little forehead. He's getting big now. So adorable. Still sleep, I keep him wrapped in his blanket I got him, before sitting him in his car seat. I grab him, the baby bag and walk out the room, down to the living room. I grab my—I mean his keys, off of the counter, along with my wallet placing it in my back pocket, with my phone already in my other back pocket.

I slide the bag down my arm to my elbow, and reach to open the door, when I here Kae from behind.

"Where are you going? You're just trying to drive that car. You spent almost 300 grand on that damn car. He's a baby, about the time he's able to drive the car will be out of date. You're wasting money. You don't need that car. You are--" She says fussing before I cut her off.

"Shut the up, Kae. We agreed not to fuss and argue in front of my son, and you're getting on my last nerve. So I'm going to leave in our car. If you have a problem with that, oh well. End of discussion." I say opening the door to leave, when she runs her mouth again.

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