Good News

801 42 7

Joe's POV

It's a week later and I've been consumed by working out and planning this wedding. I have almost everything worked out, I just need to make sure nothing crazy happens that'll mess up my plans. I'm currently in my Range Rover. I woke up before Kae, showered and got dressed. I left the house to go to the gym but before I hit the gym, I was going to try to catch Gia before she headed out to work. Today's her first day, and I wanted to stop by and wish her good luck. She has to be to work at 9am, and it's currently 7:30am. I have just the right amount of time to catch her before she leaves out.

On the ride over, I'm just thinking about how ready I am to return to WWE. I've been out for so long and it's driving me insane. I'm starting to lose it. Dealing with all this Galina nonsense, Kae's attitude about the baby, and this revenge plan, has me so out of wack. I wanna change my mind, and I wanna be with Kae, but then she reminds me of the bullshit she pulled, and I keep adding to the plan. I have amazing chemistry with Gia, and we fit extremely well together. It's just no matter how strong our connection, or how devastated, and heartbroken I am over what Kae did, or even how shitty I treat her at any given day, I still love her. I love her. But, I don't have no damn time to think, because all these damn women are in my face, feeding me their side of the story, seducing me, or distracting me from my thoughts. I just can't think straight. I'm starting to see how weak I am, damn.

Don't get me wrong, distractions from Gia is all well and good, and I love them, but once we finish messing around (which has only been kissing) we're back to business, and I just want her to let the rest of that guard down. So I think it's best if I can get back in the groove of things on the road, and get away for awhile. When I was on the road, in my car, I had so much time to think and reflect on things but since I've been off work, I haven't had that time and I'm realizing I need that. I at least I need time to myself, away from everyone for a few minutes a day. I'm losing it.

Rambling in my thoughts, I almost crashed, when my phone rang out. I guess my body was on autopilot. I don't look I just hit the answer on my steering wheel.

Phone Call

Me: Hello
Vince: Hey son, I have some news for you.
Me: Good or bad?
Vince: A little bit of both.
Me: Alright, lay it on me.
Vince: Good news, you get to come back to work.
Me: Seriously, you couldn't have called at a better time.
Vince: Glad you're excited, but the bad news is, you have to drop what you're doing and head to Orlando right now. I need you here at 11am, so we can go over your contract, get your input on your character, get your script for tonight, and film a few interviews. Then you'll be able to appear on the show tonight. But the next part is, if you can't make it, then I don't know the next time I'll be able to bring you back.
Me: Okay, I'll be there, not a big deal. So I need to pack right, I'm going on the road?
Vince: Yes, Leati. That's why I'm calling.
Me: Okay.
Vince: Bring Roman when you come.
Me: I'll bring him.

End of phone call

Damn, I can't stay. Shit. I wanted to fool around with Gia. I'll have to settle for a quick hug and kiss, I'm already here, I might as well get out.

I pull up to her home, and pull out the key she gave me. I go to unlock the door, when my phone rings. It's Gia.

Phone Call

Me: Hello?
Gia: Hey. What are you up to?
Me: I'm outside the house.
Gia: My house?
Me: Yeah, I'm coming in.
Gia: I'm not there.
Me: What do you mean, you don't have work until 9am.
Gia: You're right, I forgot to call you when I woke up. I decided to go in earlier today. I have a truckload of things to do.
Me: Damn, you don't know what I was going to do to you before you went to work.
Gia: Nothing, I won't allow.
Me: Yeah, you will.
Gia: What do you want, Joe?
Me: You. Duh.
Gia: Be serious, why are you at my house?
Me: I came to wish you luck, but then I got a call from Vince, and I came to share the news with you, but you're not here.
Gia: Well we can celebrate after I get off.
Me: We can't celebrate when you get off, because I'll be in Orlando, getting ready for the show. I have to be there at 11.
Gia: Damn. Well I'll probably get off pretty late but I'll have it on in my office.
Me: Ain't you sweet.
Gia: I try.
Me: Okay, well I guess, I'll hit you up on your lunch break.
Gia: Alright, go pack and I'll talk to you in a few hours.
Me: Alright, talk to you later, Love
Gia: Okay.
Me: Bye
She hangs up

End of phone call

I'm now in my car, and I'm headed back to Kae's to pack, and then I'm out. I'll call Galina and let her know when I'm on the road.

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