As For The Truth(Authors note like thing)

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Hey guys, it's me, Mini.. This chapter will be abit different... I'm actually going to let Stella speak for alittle while.... So, here she is.... *gestures to Stella and walks away*


Okay, hullo people of the internet.... I'm Stella, which you probably already knew.... *runs hand through hair* Okay, so... A lot of people have been leaving lately and it really has me thinking.. We often times don't appreciate what we have until we loose it, so I just wanted to say that you guys have become like a family to me and I love you. I'm sorry if I'm not always there for you like I want to be, or I don't always know the right thing to say... But I'm trying my best to do the right thing for y'all. I feel like I don't do enough for you, and the truth is? I don't. And I'm sorry about that. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys how much you mean too me.... And one last thing? I was considering going inactive.... Wattpad isn't as fun as it once was. Sure, I love talking to these wonderful new people, but it also makes me sad. I lost so many people here..... And the memories are still lingering. But... I can't bring myself to leave. I'm just so confused right now. Anywho, thank you for listening/reading my sappy little message. May God bless you. -Stella Chrysanthemum ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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