Report 37: End

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Wednesday, November 15th

2:00 pm. Early Afternoon

We had just buried a good friend of mine. The empty casket of Jeremy Jacobs. Yet another friend that went missing and couldn't be found. He was buried next to Alex's grave. Along with the same message written on his grave. A Member Of Spyglass and Good Friend. Mike and Logan had their time to brood over what I had done. I just couldn't bring myself to tell them the truth. Only because it had to be believable. Maybe this is why Jeremy kept quiet. He didn't want the whistle being blown on Alex being alive. There were still questions I wanted to ask him, but, there is a time for everything.

After the service, we were scheduled yet another court hearing. With Jeremy being gone. The rights of Spyglass would fall onto him. Mike was sure not ready to take that offer. But, he knew if he didn't, Spyglass would be gone. The judge brought us all to the stand.

"Now, Spyglass has yet another lost on their hands," said the Judge, "Far from me to question their actions. However, the case resides on the possession of Spyglass. I believe we established that is would fall to Mister Wave. But, in recent wake of information that it was Mister Kane that ran the investigation into multiple cases. I feel that necessary that Mister Kane should preside over the Spyglass name. Any objections?"

"Your honor," I said, "Spyglass was created by Mike. I shouldn't have any right to bear it."

"It is not my choice, Mister Kane. Both the Mayor and the Commissioner of the Upper City Police Department feel it should go to you. They hope this choice will keep them in line. Now, does Mister Steel or Mister Wave have anything to say on this?"

They both stayed silent, which was a huge sign that something was up. But, the Judge tapped his gavel, ending the court hearing.

"It is decided that Spyglass fall to you, Mister Kane, until decided by the courts or untimely death. Dismissed."

The name Spyglass just didn't sit well anymore with our group. To Logan and Mike. It was a way to get yourself killed. To see friends turn traitor. To loose a family. When we got back to the office. I began typing this report. Mike returned from his room with a backpack thrown over his shoulder. He reached for the office door. I stood from the desk, hoping to halting his decision.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"It's over, Keith," said Mike, "I can't stay here anymore."

"What are you talking about? We're still a team... right?"

"I-I don't even know anymore... But, staying here... it's not safe for us."

"Mike... Jeremy didn't have a choice. McCloy was going to shoot both of us... but-"

"You shot him instead. Is that what you were going to say?"

"N-no... But, Mike... if you leave. What will happen to Spyglass?"

"That is none of my concern anymore... Spyglass is dead... Good-bye forever."

Mike slammed close the office door. I would have ran after him... but, something tells me he'll be back one day. Everyone wanted a bit of space from this place. Sure, the public eye saw us again as private investigators. But, it was the wrong kind of publicity. Logan emerged from the living room. His hat held in his hands. Glasses fogged up from thinking about all that has happened. He too reached for the door.

"Hey, I'm going out for a while," said Logan, "Probably won't be back for a while, okay?"

"Stopping at the Fat Zeus for the day?" I asked.

"If you get any cases... you take care of them... I'm not really feelin' like solving anything for while."

"Wait... I just wanted to say... things will get better from here. You just have to believe me."

Logan paused for a bit before opening the door.

"Whatever you say... Killer," said Logan, closing the door behind him.

I would be a while before those two could ever forgive what I did. I continued to type away on this report until the very last word, conclusion. I checked my watch and saw that in a few minutes, Bryce would be flying back to the capital. Returning to her real job. I grabbed the fabled car that was repaired and brought back to the office. Speeding my way to having to say good-bye to yet another friend. But... Maybe that wasn't the case.

I reached the airport in record timing. The flight was boarding right now. I could see she wasn't in the terminal anymore. So I raced through the airport over to where they were boarding. I could see Bryce was waiting on the bottom step of the airliner. I quickly approached and... well... I'm not even sure what happened... it all felt sort of split.

"Bryce, wait!" I shouted, nearing the plane.

"You finally came," said Bryce.

"Of course. I said I wasn't going to miss you leaving."

"Well... good-bye, Kane."

Bryce turned to and began to walk up the steps. I held my hand out to stop her.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked, noticing my hand holding hers.

"Keith, my life waiting for me back at the capital," said Bryce, letting go of my hand.

"Then stay here! You could be a part of Spyglass. There is plenty of room now for new members."

"Please Keith, I couldn't just leave the agency."

"Then, I'll join!"

"Don't do this to yourself. You're head of Spyglass now. Ou need to stay with your friends. Good-bye..."

"Bryce... I-...I love you."

Bryce stopped halfway up the stairs. She turned around.

"Please, Bryce. All this time we spent together. I considered you a friend as well. But, when you were shot. I... I couldn't think of a world without you. I ask again..."


Bryce stood there confused. I rushed up the rest of the stairs and in the moment I kissed her. The whole world just stood there for us. As we just stood there, looking at each other.

"Keith... we both live different worlds," said Bryce, "Can either of us fit in the others world."

"I will do anything..." I said, "If that means I won't have to walk away now."

"Then, don't..."

I was given a choice... I felt my whole world lingered on this choice. Should I go with... or stay behind with my friends. I... I just couldn't decide... But, I have to.

Spyglass Mysteries: #2 Shadows Under The CityscapeWhere stories live. Discover now