Chapter 20

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- Summers P.O.V -

"And have you got your chargers?" Toinia asked for the 6th time, we all knew she was worried but to be hoist the was nothing really to worry about.

Bailey and I chucked our suitcases in the back of the can because the boys stayed in a local hotel.

"Good morning young Summer" Liam said giving me a hug.


All in sync the other four boys yell good morning.

Bailey was saying good bye to his parents who seemed to be crying.

I looked over to them and saw the sad look in Toinias eyes.

I wish i had someone look that sad when i left.

I had no Dad, and no Mum.

Only Niall and Greg and i only saw Greg when i was in Ireland.

"Summer!" Toinia called.

I walked over ti were she was standing, she had Rob by he side Bailey and Brandon in front, it looked like a family picture.

"Come hear." she said wrapping her arms around me, i was a little shocked  at first but then returned her hug.

I huge Brandon after and against Robs will i huge him to.

"Lets get a picture." Rob said handing Liam the camera.

I almost felt like i was part of there little family.

Liam snapped a picture of all of us whilst i plasterd the biggest smile on my face.

After saying final good eyes Bailey and i got into te back of the van with the most room.

Louis was driving, and Louis isn't the best driver. Sometimes i wonder how he actually past his test...


We pulled up out side of Nialls house and Bailey and i got out.

I looked up at the flats/penthouses's!

I felt like an ant.

"Help then!" Niall said shaking the van so the boys would get out and help carry our suitcases.

They all sighed and got out, and grabbed some stuff.


- Nialls P.O.V -

"Niall?" Alexs sleepy voice came from the entrance.

Shit-bum-fuck-crap-willy, i didn't tell Alex about Summer and Bailey coming.

"Urm Alex?" i said walking over to her.

"Summer and Bailey have come to stay, I'll explain everything later.

She nodded and helped.

I love Alex more than i have loved anyone else before. She never asked why or complained about any thing. She is pretty, smiley, has killer dance moves, can play guitar and helps everyone she meets.

We all pulled the stuff into the lift and then into my flat.

All us boys have our own flats in the same building, don't ask me why, it was managements idea.

I only had one spare room. I didn't really like the idea of Summer sharing with Bailey. I know they won't do any thing, but she is my little sister ya know.

- Baileys P.O.V -

Once we had everything up into Summer and mines room we all went into the sitting room and crashed on the sofa.

Complications with Bailey McConnellWhere stories live. Discover now