Chapter 49

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*** Summer ***

I wake up slowly in the familiar covers of Baileys covers. His hands are firmly warped around my waist giving me a sense of security.

A wave of shock hits me suddenly. I havent done any vocal exercises since BTG.

Slowly i fall out of Baileys grasp and sit up.

"Summmmmmmmmmmer" he wines.

"Shh go back to sleep." i say sitting up and pulling my clothes on as i had slept in a pare of Baileys boxers and top.

"Come back"

"I can't Bay. I need to sneak back and do some vocal exercises." i  whisper whilst slipping off his top my body.

"Shit!" he bolts up.

"Turn around!" i scream covering my body.

"Come on i have see you un a bikini. What's the difference?" he remarks grinning and still staring at me.

"Bailey.." i say.

"See you can't even come up with a good awnser" he pulls him self out from under the covers and runs around the bed to meet me.

I'm still stood in the middle of the room clutching the top to my chest trying not to expose my black, lacy bra.

Quickly i swing the top over my head smile at him.

"I win!" i run out of the room and down the stares to the front door.

I have my shoes in one hand.

"Wait! I have some thing for you!" he runs down the stares in his boxers clutching a tee shirt.

"What?"i grin as he steps closer to me.

"For my girlfriend" he winks at me before handing me a t shirt.

I slowly unravel it.

"Oh wow!" i gasp noticing the print writing on the back which read:


"Pretty cool huh." he scratches the back of his head.

"Thank you" i mumble. Tears start pricking in the sides of my eyes.

"Hey. Its okay." he takes me into a warm hug.

"I love you Bailey McConnell" i whisper into his neck.

"I love you Summer Horan" he whispers back before pulling away.

Slowly i pull open the door and a wave of cold air smacks me in the face.

"Hey. Could i borrow a jumper?" i turn around to see Bailey coming down with a jumper in hand.

"Good luck." he says before kissing my once lips causing more goes bumps to speed up my arm.

"Bye." i gasp for air before pulling the jumper over my head and running across the green.

The wet grass feels grate between my toes. I feel so liberated as i run.

Running up to the front door isn't the best idea i have had.

*** Bailey ***

I watch Summer run across the green.

Oh god no don't run up to the front door!

As she relies what she has done her aunt screams at her pulling the door open.

"SUMMER HORAN! WERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" she screams before pulling her in.



'Hey babe, so im grounded and im not aloud to see you;'( xx'

What?! My heart literally drops to the floor.


She texted back reassuring that we would see each other but it would just be hard.

'This isn't the end... right?' she messages me.

'No. Don't even think that. I will love you till the day i die.'


Sorry for not updating for ages, i was on holiday in Cyprus and there wasn't very good signal.

So i thought i would give you a little insight of how much of a fail i am.

So i was at the air port in Cyprus checking in my luggage with my brother (Bailey, no jokes.) my sister (Dana) and my mum and step dad i was about half way in the line and to my right, across the barrier, was this EXTREMELY hot guy. I MEAN WOW.

Once was had finished we went down to get some gum for the plane and to go to depart. We got through all fine.

But there is one thing that i hate is the metal scanner things. By this time the boy and his family were stood right behind me. So when it came to my turn i got out all my electronics n stuff and walk through the metal detector thing. Of course, because it was me, the alarm when off and i was rubbed down by some weird man.

To my embarrassment that was over and i got my bag off the thing.

Everything after that was fine. I took my sister and brother to duty free for some sweets and stuff.

Our flight was being.called so we got up and went and my god i nearly died when i found out he was on my flight. I stood there like:

'Oh my god, this is like the worse flight ever.'

Now it was a late flight so the plane took off at 11:40pm and got back to England around about 1:20am.

Lucky i was no were near him on the flight so i was all comfortable.

But when we got off and we were on the bus back to the air port form the plane, we were at luggage chek out and i saw him aging running up and down by the conveyor belt thing.

By this time we had our luggage and i was saying a mental good bye to him.. because being 13 i don't talk to them.

If you have ever been to stansted then you will know how there is a bus that picks you up form the air port and takes you to Short Stay, Mid Stay or Long Stay (im not sure if they do it any were else).

We were at long stay so we lined up at the bus stop when the guy came AGING waiting for the same bus.

I stod there all alks.

The bus came and i pushed my luggage onto the holder thing and when i did it i made his dad wack his head on the top of it.

I stood there saying sorry over and over.

Once i was forgiven i ran to a spare seat and sat down.

He was sat across the isle from me and started talking to me.

Were i had run off my parents and brother and sister were at the front.

He was like hey n stuff and i was like hi.

When the bus came to a stop i like wacked my head on the window really hard.

I got off the bus and he said bye and i said bye back. I think he found me on face book because i told him my name but im not sure.

So there we have it. I am the biggest fail in life.

There was one at the water park as well but i will put that on my next chapter.


Love you all.

- Summer x

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