Chapter 88

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As the show came to a close people started to get tired and hungry so Shawn closed it with one of his covers.

"That was amazing!" Daisy screams running up to me and jumping up and down.

"Thanks" I laugh at he bright red face.

"You guys wanna get some pizza?" Nash asks kissing me on the cheek. Quickly I turn my head to Bailey who doesn't seem bothered .

"Urm yeah, I mean if you guys don't mind?" I say looking at Brooklyn and Daisy .

"No. I'm starving!" Brooklyn grabs Daisy's hand and follows Nash up to his room.

Is it weird that I felt a little rush when he kissed me?

I shake it off and walk over to Bailey who seems to care more about his phone then anything else.

"Bay what's up?" I say looking over at his phone.

"Nothing!" He snaps hiding his phone.

"Whoah!" I step back but he doesn't even look at me and carries on texting who ever.

"Love you too" I mumble then push past him.

Great, so it's possible I might still have feelings for Nash and Baileys being weird.

As I walk into Nash's room I see him sat in the corner rocking back and forth staring at his phone.

"Nash... What's up?" I say slowly walking towards him.

"They-they hate me" he whispers as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Who?" I ask sliding down the wall next to him.

"Everyone! Look!" He passes me his phone and there a hate page for him.


'Ugh he is so ugly - just die!"

'Kill your self, I'll pay for the pills!'

"Nash this isn't true!" I say swinging my arms around him. 

"Then why is it there? That's not the only one." he whispers. 

"You just got to let it roll off you, don't let it get to you, your strong" I whisper back resting my head on his shoulder. 

"What like you are?" he snaps shaking me off. 


Quickly he reaches for my arm and rolls up the sleeve reveling all fresh cuts. I hadn't shown Bailey because I don't want him knowing aging. 

"Don't turn this onto me!" I shout snatching my arm away and fight back the tears. 

"I'm trying to help YOU!" I stand up and stand in front of him

"Well why can you be weak and I can't?! Are you that sexist?! Guys are aloud to break down and cry!" he stands up and towers over me. 

"NO! They can be weak! They can cry! But you need to be strong because who else is going to be?! Carter broke down, Cam did everyone else did but you didn't! Even Bailey did but you stayed strong! And that's why i'm trying to as well, because as soon as you break, so will I!" 

"You already did!" he flings his arms up. 

"I'm trying! Why can't you see that?" 

"Because I'm trying to stay away from you!" 


"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" she screams then walks out the door leaving me alone in the room. Suddenly it feels alto bigger then it really is then suddenly it starts to spin. 

"Nash!" I try to shout but nothing comes out, then suddenly it all goes black. 


They hate me! For every 10 nice comments they are away taken away by that one hate comment. 

And now i've just screamed at Summer I fell like a complete dick. I really do love her though, that's why I distanced my self from her. Not only has she got a boyfriend but her brother is my best friend / room mate and he would kill me. 

Ugh why is this so hard?! It wasn't my idea to fall for my best friends long lost sister. If only it was just us two, no links attached, just us two then everything would be amazing. But its not and never will be. I've seen the way she looks at him, I just want her to look at me in the same way. She will never look at me like that and I know it, its just hard to accept. Have you ever liked someone so much that you'd do anything to get them? 

Right now i'm in the tour bus laying on her bunk, smelling her pillow - yeah its weird but i don't care. 

We will be back on this bus in a couple of hours. At the moment we are in Washington but tonight we are heading to Texsus, Dallas - its going to be one long ass trip. 

I slid my phone out my pocket and start scrolling down Instagram - one of my favorite apps. 

"NASH?!" someone screams down the bus. I stick my head out of the bunk to see a bright red faced Cam. 

"Whoah whats up?" I ask getting out of the bunk. 

He comes charging towards me and grabs me at the collar and slams me up against the wall.

"Whats up is you made my sister pass out, then left her! Bailey Walked into your room to see her passed out on the floor! What did you do?!" he screams in my face. 

"I-I what?" I stutter. 

"That's my sister!" he screams aging with a tears forming in his eyes. Suddenly his arm goes limp and he stares me in the eye. 

"I've only just found her, don't take her away from me Nash!"

"Bro calm down! Nothing happened, we had an argument and I left. The last thing i'm going to do is take her away from you." I put my hand on his shoulder and he stinks into the chair behind him. 

"I just care about her you know. I've always been jealous of what you Will, Hayes and Sky have, i've always wanted a younger brother or sister and now I have too younger sisters i'm not going to let anything, ANYTHING  happen to them" I sit down next to him and put my head on the back of the chair.  

"Cam, dude I had no idea, i'm sorry man" 

"But that's okay because I always thought of Hayes and Sky as my little brother and sister, its just nice to have my own" he sighs

"Yeah? Look Cam I''ve got to tell you something" I say. I've got to tell him how I feel about Summer, I just have to. 

"What bro?" he says

"I love-"

"Cam?" Matts voice calls down the bus. 

"Yeah?" he gives me a sorry look then walks over to Matt. 

"Summer awake and fine" he says

"But when she woke up she said something about Nash" they both look at me and I bolt up. Suddenly my phone gose and its a text from Summer. 

'We need to talk, now' 

"What did she say?" Cam asks. 

"I don't know, she was mumbling" 

"Shit" I whisper then run off the bus. No one can know. It was a bad idea of nearly telling Cam, no one needs to know. No one. 



Update whoop. 

Boys smell and are yuck. 


Love you, 



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