Chapter 16

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I sat up with a gasp, holding my head tenderly. Another headache. 

Within the last three days, I've had six, now seven headaches, making sure that Alec is unaware. I've been keeping my distance from him, hoping he'd just leave me alone, but he's too stubborn to just let me be.

He's always checking in on me despite my cold attitude towards him.

I haven't really been talking to him. After what happened at the introduction, and then that warning I received from the director, I don't want him to be mixed up with me. I'm still upset about our argument, but I'm even more concerned about his and the pack's safety. 

That warning was no joke. The director doesn't lie, and he always does good on his promises, my mother's death is proof of that. I want to leave, to get away from everyone, and hopefully let the danger follow, but I don't want them to undergo an attack in my absence. I'm just so conflicted with myself. It's a risk if I stay, it's a risk if I go. 

And the thing is, Alec knows there is something off about me. I haven't exactly been discrete when trying to avoid him. When he enters a room, I leave. When he speaks to me, I stay silent.

I know it seems childish, and Alec is starting to get very angry the more I do it, but I guess the reason I'm doing it is partly because of our argument and the anger I still have at him, and partly because of the warning. 

I know I should tell him and soon, but I just don't know when the right time to do that would be. He's already so busy, and I'm not exactly making it easy to talk to me. I just feel like so much is happening right now. Too much that I can't control and it's scary. 

The director is threatening me, along with Alec and his pack, Alec is keeping something from me, all the while scared I might hurt someone, and as Luna, so much is expected of me, especially since the introduction.

Vanessa has been by the house a few times, pressing me to go out and meet with elders and children of the pack, so they can get a feel for their luna. She says I need to meet the children especially since they will be the next generation of wolves to fight and protect this pack with me as their leader for the majority of their youth.

I usually tell her that I'm ill, or that Alec wants me to go with him to do pack stuff, but I don't know how long the excuses will last. 

Besides, I can't concern myself with those kinds of things right now. Ever since I arrived here, my life has been nothing but crazy, and now with the director's warning on top of my already huge pile of stress, it's only going to get crazier.

My eyes wandered to the letter that stuck out from the drawer of my nightstand. I still can't believe it. 

Honestly, while I was reading the letter that first night, I was expecting it to be from Kane who somehow managed to remarkably come back from the dead, but the director? I just can't fathom it.

I recalled the memory I had of my mother, right before her death, when Kane told her that the director personally tracked her down. He told her that she should be honored, which implies that he doesn't track down just anyone. My mother must have been special to him, as I am apparently.

Now thinking about it, she was probably a subject as well at one point. A fighter. That has to be it. I can see it now. . . her thirst for freedom, her epic escape, a temporary lover, an unplanned pregnancy, and then her murder. 

Now, when I apply those events of her life to my own, it seems more like a prophecy. Future events that are inevitable. Right now, it's like I'm at stage three, although I'm not quite sure I'd consider Alec a lover. I do care for him, a lot, but I'm not quite sure what to make of my feelings right now, but if I do end up staying here, if Alec and I do end up in bed together, then how long before I reach stage four? 

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