Chapter 8

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The next morning when I woke up, I changed into some shorts and a t-shirt, heading down into the kitchen to try and make something to eat for Alec and I. He always attempts to make me food before we argue about something and no one ends up eating anything, so maybe if I try, things might go smoother.

Last night was a little, dramatic, now that I think about it. I have so many mixed feelings about Alec that at this point, I don't know if it's just from being lonely or if I truly feel this way. It's overwhelming, and I'd like more than anything to get away from it all to think.

Looking at all the food I dragged out, I wasn't sure what to do with any of it. I have never cooked before, but I guess it's worth a shot. Turning on the stove and putting a pan over it as I recalled Alec once doing, I cracked three eggs and mixed them around.

While they were cooking, I place some slices of bread on my hands and willed them to heat up, toasting the bread to just the right crisp. I grinned and put butter on the toast, thinking whether or not I should put jam on them as well.

Saige put jam on hers when she was here, so why not?

I put jam on the toast, and the eggs were almost done. Now, maybe for some fruit?

Just as I went to open the fridge, Alec burst through the threshold, looking on high alert and extremely disheveled. When his eyes landed on me, he relaxed, looking at the eggs in the pan.

I was confused as to why he was so frantic, but I only shrugged, turning back to the stove. I mixed the eggs around a bit more before distributing them evenly on the plates I pulled out. I turned the stove off and lifted the plates. My eyes met Alec's, who was wearing a surprised expression.

He shook his head quickly. "Just uh, place the plates on the island and I'll get us some drinks."

I sat down on a stool and he sat across from me, handing me a glass of water. "I didn't know you knew how to cook." He said.

I shook my head. "I don't. I guessed." He froze mid-bite and sniffed at the eggs on his fork. I gave him a glare and laughed. We continued to eat for a little bit when he spoke up.

"So Rowan," I looked up nervously at the use of my full name. "Today, I'm heading to the office building to make some phone calls, do some paperwork, and other things." My face dropped. He's leaving again.

I shouldn't care, I should figure a way out of here, but I do care and it irritates me.

"And I wanted to know if you'd like to come along." My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "And then afterward we can head out to the nearest town and walk around, head to the shops?"

"Yes," I answered quickly. He chuckled and grabbed my hand from across the island, rubbing his thumb along the back of it sending jolts of warmth through my arm.

"Also, I'd eventually like to introduce you to the rest of my pack. So they know their new luna." My face once again dropped, and I squirmed in my seat, giving a light shrug.

"Roe, what'd I tell you about the shrugging?" He warned with a raised brow. I only shrugged again, pushing my eggs with my fork, and he sighed. He came over to my side and sat next to me.

"Why don't you want to be introduced?" I didn't answer. "Rowan, talk to me." He pushed some stray strands of hair out of my face and I looked down at my lap.

Large crowds make me nervous. You never know what can happen with that many people. They can do anything at any time and it's the not knowing that has me worried. I know that Alec cares for his pack very much, and I'd hate to do something bad to them if they tried anything.

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