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Ville and I met at a local coffee shop. His eerie dark presence and bright green eyes had immediately lured me in, and I knew from the first time I saw him that he would turn my world upside down.

In my spare time I could often be found drawing away, in the safety of a large plush leather chair, in the darkened corner of a local coffee shop. That chair, and its location was the perfect perch. It was fully equipped with a complete panoramic view, which evidently was perfect for inconspicuous people-watching, and for poaching potential drawing subjects.

I had randomly stumbled upon the café, the second of third day after I moved to Helsinki, and I completely fell in love with it. An extra little perk was its placement. It was very conveniently, only a mere 100 meters from my apartment. I liked all things familiar, so why venture elsewhere for a cup of coffee, and comfortable place to draw, when the perfect place was around the corner? It was perfect, because it was the only one I really knew. I'm obviously not the adventurous type.

Drawing was just a hobby of mine. It helped me calm my thoughts, and channel them elsewhere, which at times, was essential. Without drawing I'd simple go insane, period. It also provided a great way for me to disconnect from my hectic, every day schedule as a medicinal chemist. I absolutely loved my job, and craved the satisfaction I got out of immersing myself and solving incalculable projects. It kept the cogs in my brain constantly working like a freight train. That too, also helped me channel my thoughts elsewhere.

Drawing served as an unorganized break from my otherwise rigidly organized job. It was a yin, yang harmony.

It was a gloomy Saturday afternoon, just like any other, when I first saw him. He immediately caught my attention as he stuck out from the other regulars, and even though I hadn't seen his face yet, he seemed to have this magnetic pull on me. I don't know what it was, but he was alluring unlike anything else I had ever seen. He stood by the counter, with his back to me, ordering a coffee I suppose. I craned my neck to get a better look at him. I seized the opportunity to study him, and with his back to me, it gave me great view to study his tall frame without getting caught. Or at least, caught by him.

It had been raining outside, which had left small beads of raindrops scattered on his long black over coat, and black knitted beanie. Chocolate brown curls peeked out from under his beanie, and hung in wet spiraled wisps down to his broad shoulders. He turned around, coffee in hand.

All the hustling and bustling of the café stopped, and all I saw was a pair of striking bright green orbs. It was like I had received a deafening backhand across my face by cupid himself. I quickly stuffed my craned neck, back down between my shoulders like a tightly wound spring, as I noticed those same green eyes scanning the room for a free table. Not any earthly force could tear my eyes off him, as he gracefully sauntered through the buzzing atmosphere of the café, and took a seat at a table adjacent to me.

I studied his profile intensely. He had almost radiant, white porcelain skin, high cheek bones and plump pink lips. I unconsciously licked my lips, when I took in the shine the rain had left on his philtrum. I reflexively slouched in my seat, and crossed my legs.

His thick low hanging beanie cast a dark shadow over his eyes, and it only amplified the growing mysterious aura around him. I leaned a bit to the side, and saw a hint of a tattoo peeking out from under his left sleeve. My curiosity was already through the roof, but that little detail only poured more gasoline onto the now raging fire. I wondered what it was, how big it was, if he had more and if yes, then where?

I was spellbound, and a surge of butterflies erupted deep within my belly, as I saw how the green of his bewitching eyes shone from beneath heavy shadow of his beanie. He brought his steaming cup of coffee up to his curvy lips, and I found myself growing jealous of the inanimate object in his hand.

I squinted my eyes at him; he looked strangely familiar. As he blew at the steam above his coffee, a breath caught in my throat and I nearly choked on it. His eyes pierced right through me, almost as if he had sensed my penetrating stare. Now reality backhanded me, and my head did a full 360.

It felt like an eternity, but in reality it was probably only a fraction of a second. During that short time span I felt my face heat up. A blush lit up my cheeks like two fucking red lanterns, and I immediately brought my head down and stared at my sketch pad in my lap. I was mortified. I pretended to intently study my sketch, like I hadn't been obviously staring at him like I wanted to eat him.

"Fuck" I muttered to myself. Not only because I was beyond embarrassed, but also because I noticed that I had ruined my sketch.

During my little school-girl-daze my brain must have completely short circuited, making me unaware of the actions of the rest of my body. My right hand had made my 8B pencil etch a deep, big fat graphite line across the paper. I bent over my lap, in a poor attempt to shield it, in case anybody should walk by and catch a glimpse of the morbid monstrosity, which was my sketch. The graciously placed line made it look like I had decapitated laughing baby, which had been my temporary model.

"Great" I exasperatedly sighed at myself. Now I appeared like an even bigger tool than I already felt. My heart was beating out of my chest. I needed to get out of here, pronto. I slammed by sketch pad closed, in one quick determined movement. I gathered my things in a clumsy frenzy, which only drew even more attention to me, as my pencils were sent flying as I stood up. No no no my inside voice screamed.

My impaired motor skills were exponentially dwindling, and I pulled my coat on even clumsier, making my left hand miss the sleeve. I must have looked like a loon leaving the coffee shop. I was fumbling, face down, coat only halfway on, and I was fighting a losing battle with my satchel, which kept sliding off my shoulder. I tried to brush it off, play it cool anyway. It didn't work, at all, and to make matters worse; I felt his eyes on me the entire time, burning a hole into my back.

I hurried home and plopped down on my couch, still in my wet leather jacket and dirty shoes. Once I had collected my thoughts, a silly grin pulled at the corners of my mouth as his face flashed across my eyes. My God he was beautiful. I thought about him the rest of the day, which successfully made forget about my great escape and the muddy shoe prints I had left from my front to my couch.



Hi dear reader!

First I would like to say thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this sweet little introductory mood-setter. Future updates will be longer.

English is not my first language, so i apologize for any spelling errors. This is my first go at writting, so I'll be glad to hear what you think, and if you have any suggestions for improvement.

The story is set to around 2002/2003 before Love Metal was been released. I wanted it to be in the early 2000's, with internetless smart phones, and when there were CD's stereos, DVD's ect. Things were slightly more analog that way... and sort of romantic? well at least I think it is :) And all timeline stuff with his past relationships and whatnot is just fictional, and other things alike.  

Comment, and/or subscribe... give me a smoke signal anything, and I'll have an update ready ;)

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