Razorblade Romance part 2

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He kissed my cheek and held me, while our breathing slowed down, and returned to normal. "You're taller by the way, are you wearing." He moved his head around while looking down towards my feet, trying to see if he could catch a glimpse. "...heels?"

I sniggered. "Yea, I wore the only pair of pumps I own." I looked down like he had, not able to see them in the dark, but looked anyway. "My poor feet are killing me though, they are one big blister now."

He took my hand and opened the door. "Come, I think there are some Band-Aids in a first-aid kit back in the green room. The guys are probably in there as well." He smiled.

"Sure..." I was a little hesitant, but tried to mask it. I hadn't mentally prepared myself for this given situation, which implied, interacting with them. I wanted to make a good first impression, and being awkwardly quiet, and fidgety wasn't exactly a good first impression.

He noticed my reluctance. "Don't worry, they're going to love you." He reassuringly said, with a confident smile. The alcohol quickly made it rub off on me, and I nodded.

We walked inside the green room, and there they all sat, beers in hand, talking loudly in Finnish mixed with laughter. You could tell the spirits were high, as they celebrated. They looked up at us as we entered the room. Well they didn't really look at 'us', as much as they looked at me. It made me uncomfortably self-conscious.

They began talking towards us in Finnish, much too fast for me to catch on, with their eyes flickering back and forth between us. What I vaguely understood, was that they were suggestively asking where we had been, or something along the lines of that. That's when I caught a glimpse of my own reflection in one of the dressing-room mirrors. My hair was tousled, sticking out in every direction, and I had the mother of all hickeys on my pale neck. Great, I guess they got their answer right there. My hand lunged, all too obviously, to my neck. I frantically tried to comb my fingers, through the mess, which was my hair, in an attempt todo some damage control.

They turned to Ville. I could tell they were obviously teasing him, and I was pretty sure what about. He hopelessly tried to hide a blush, and they all broke out laughing.

He bent down picking up an empty beer can, and threw it at them, telling them fuck off in Finnish, while chuckling. Their banter died down, as I heard Ville explaining to them that I was still learning Finnish, and asked them to switch to English.

Ville introduced them to me, and vice versa. Then Mige looked at me with a playful smirk. "So... you're Caroline, the mystery woman he won't shut up about?" He said with a thick accent.

I didn't know what to do with myself, or say, so I just looked up Ville for some assistance, only to realize he was blushing even brighter than me. "Come on guys give it a rest, would ya."

"Okay, okay, sorry." Mige laughed, and put his hands up, in exaggerated defense, while the other guys tried to keep their snickering down behind their hands. "Want a beer?" He asked us both out of the blue, having calmed down like the snap of a finger. We nodded in unison, and Mige promptly tossed us one each from the bucket of ice next to the couch.

They shuffled around on the two couches to make room for us. Ville took my hand and helped me wobble over to sit between Mige, and the guy with long blond dreads, Linde, I think his name was.

"Are you okay?" Mige asked, with a concerned expression.

I lifted my foot, and pointed to my pumps. "Blisters."

He winced along with some of the other guys, and gave me a sympathetic look.

Ville turned to me, and gave me his beer to hold. I looked questioningly up at him. "I'll be right back love." He gently slipped his fingers into the hair of my nape, and tilted my head slightly forwards, sweetly planting his lips on my forehead. The others, of course noticed, and mocking 'awwws' sounded throughout the room. Ville snapped up, like he had forgotten that the others were here. He glared at them, while I hid my eyes behind my hand, pursing my awkwardly smiling lips.

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