Bury Me Deep Inside (Your Heart) part 1

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We sat in a comfortable silence and ate, the only sounds to be heard was the crackling of the fire, and our quiet chewing. He kept looking up at me from his plate with the most seductive glances, and when we were at the last few bites he took my hand in his, on top of the table.

"I'm so happy I'm here with you." He said, as he laced his fingers with mine, and looked down at them.

I took a deep breath, and he shifted his gaze to my eyes. He gave me the most loving stare, and I knew that I was ready to tell him. I wasn't the least bit capable of waiting anymore. "Ville, I'm ready."

"Do you mean?" I think he knew what I meant, but he wanted to be sure.

"Yes." I nodded, a blush heating my cheeks. "I mean, look around... this, right here, it's perfect." I grinned at my incoming thought. "We're two hermits in our element, alone, in the middle of East Jesus nowhere."

"I guess you're right," he chuckled. "I did bring a box of condoms, you know, just in case... not that I was expecting it, or anything, but better safe than sorry, right?"

The corner of my mouth twitched into my cheek, forming a subtle smirk, because I knew something that he still didn't. "We're not going to need them."

He gave me a puzzled look. "I'm not following."

"After that weekend at your tower, when you asked me to come here. I knew that this would be the perfect time, and perfect place. So I called my doctor, and well, I'm on the pill." I smiled shyly, while looking at him over my lashes.

He began shifting around in his seat, and crossed his legs. "I didn't see that one coming." He chuckled nervously, and cleared his throat.

"I just didn't want anything to be between us... if you know what I mean?" I looked down at our intertwined fingers with a shy blush playing on my cheeks. "I just want to feel you, all of you, and only you." He twitched, and kept shuffling around like he was suddenly uncomfortable. "Are you okay?" My voice light with a chuckle.

He looked right at me, with this dark, feral look in his eyes. It was a look I had begun to recognize all too well, and that familiar throb was right on time. "I'm this close," and he held two fingers up, very closely together. "To flipping this table over, and throwing you on the bed, and worshipping the shit out of you."

I laughed wholeheartedly. "Well I'm not stopping you, but please, don't flip the table over though."

He walked over to me, and squatted to level his eyes with mine, and cupped my cheek in his hand. "I love you, Caroline."

I smiled back at him, while returning his adoring stare. "And I love you, Ville."

He leaned in, and claimed my lips in a slow passionate kiss, while my hands wrapped around his neck to keep him close to me. His hands skimmed down my back, and slipped under my butt on the chair. My girlish squeal was quickly replaced by a giggle, when he abruptly stood up, carrying me with him. I reflexively wrapped my legs tightly around his slim hips, and he groaned into my mouth, at the sudden rough contact between our lower parts.

He twirled us around, and staggered over to the bed. Once he reached it, he gingerly placed me down on my back, on top of the white downy comforters. They fluffed up around me, and I nearly disappeared into their softness. My legs where hanging over the edge of the bed where he stood between them, while his eyes ravenously raked over my body.

"Come here, my love." His eyes darkened, and he waved his hand upwards, in a hinting manner to accompany his verbal instruction.

I did as asked, and repositioned myself to kneel on the edge of the bed, so we were face to face. Our heated gaze level. His hands trailed up my thighs, and he let his fingers dip under the hem of my sweater, and shirt. He scrunched the fabric together in his hands, and slowly pulled the garments over my head, relieving my bra. It was the bra I had purposefully worn to match my new thong, with the intention of it being an additional little treat for him.

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