Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666

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The days leading up to Thursday went by agonizingly slow. At work I had a hard time concentrating, even on regular tasks, which only earned some side glances from my coworkers. I didn't blame them though. Half the time, I'd either spill hazardous chemicals on the balance, or mix volatile substances too quickly in my fume-hood. So, Tuesday morning I made the smart decision of leaving my lab coat on its respective hanger, and catchup on some paperwork in my office, as I seemed to be a safety hazard in the lab.

Being in the silent confines of my office seemed to make time pass even slower, and I found myself grasping every opportunity to socialize with my fellow researches, in an attempt to speed up time, at least for a bit. I usually kept to myself, being a textbook hermit-recluse hybrid after all. It wasn't that I didn't like my coworkers, they were nice, but I just never felt like I connected with them. However, in all honesty it wasn't so odd. Being a borderline heavily-tattooed, rock enthusiast, among people who gasp at anything 'wilder' than pierced ears, and The Beatles, didn't help. Needless to say, I felt, and looked a bit like the black-sheep at my clean-cut work place. But I embraced it. I'd always been, or felt different, why stop now?

During the long days at the office my manic mind, obviously, didn't get much done. I would often catch myself with a goofy smile plastered on my face, while fantasying about Ville. My fantasize usually involved his lips, those subtle lips, either curling up in that heart-melting side smirk, but mostly how they would feel leaving a trail of butterfly kisses from my ankle, to the dip of knee, down my inner thigh, and then tenderly tasting me between my...

"Hi Caroline, are you joining us for lunch?"

My eyes shot up from my blank Word document towards my office door. I didn't hear it open, and I hoped I hadn't been subconsciously moaning, or something else embarrassing. How long had Erkki been standing there anyway? I quickly regained my posture and replied. "Toki, katsokaa kavereita".

"Okay," he shrugged, and gave me a polite smile. "You're getting better at Finnish." He simply stated, and left as quietly as he had appeared. I leaned back in my chair and breathed out, staring up at the celling, while fanning my heated face with my neglected paperwork.

Thursday came around, and my foot had been nervously tapping, nonstop on the floor of my office. I was surprised at how fast time had gone by today, out of all the other days. Oddly enough, today I felt like I hadn't had enough time to mentally prepare myself, at all, for my... date with Ville. Date... I was actually going on a date. As that realization dawned on me, my anxiety revved up. I had never been on a date before... this was miles out of my comfort zone, and I could feel myself getting more tense, and nervous with every passing minute. This was affecting me much more, than I initially had anticipated. I knew I'd be affected, anything can, and will get me riled up, but this? This was a new kind of riled up, and it was impairing every part of my day-to-day activities. Every fucking thing I did, he was there, fogging up my mind. It was a enticingly beautiful fog, but a fog nonetheless.

When I got home I couldn't decide what to wear. Shocker. I tried on a bunch of different outfits, but I didn't feel comfortable in any of them... maybe it wasn't my clothes' fault, I didn't even feel comfortable in my own skin today. I gave up after all the contents of my closet, was littered on my floor. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love all things familiar. So it was wonder that I ended up slipping into my favorite black skinnies, which were all tattered form over usage, but I didn't mind. I was running late, so I just threw on a tight maroon spaghetti strapped top and a short figure hugging black cardigan. It was a safe choice. I touched-up my makeup, and collected my hair in a loose side-braid, making some stray waves fall along my face. I felt little bold, so I opted for a pink tinted lip balm instead of my colorless one.

Love's Requiem [Ville Valo/OC]Where stories live. Discover now