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Soon it was almost time for lunch me and Ethan talked some more, but I was mainly thinking about Vicky and my dad. Things were just running through my mind.

Why her?
Does he even care if he gets caught?
Does Vicky know?
Are we going to tell her she's actually a side chick?

Then once again Ethan asked me something I'm pretty sure I won't know the answer of and embarrass my self.
"Are you ok Lynn?" He asked and I just shrugged. "I don't know Eth my dad is cheating on my mom with the lady at the front desk" as soon as that came out of my mouth I filled with rage.

What was the reasoning for it?
I hope he gets caught and gets his dick chopped off
I hope Vicky finds out and mom so he can be heartbroken
But Vicky shouldn't know she's a side chick

"Damn that's um-" Ethan was cut off my knocking on my door "uh come in please" I said in the nicest voice I could manage. Lucas walked in and gave me a hug "who is this?" Lucas said I guess still pissed from this morning.

"Oh this is my client Ethan, this my twin brother Lucas" I introduced them and took the pizza box from him, looking inside.

"Yes! Philly cheesesteak pizza my favorite" I happily danced around making lucas laugh for the first time today and took a slice.

"Hey Ethan wanna piece?" Lucas asked and Ethan nodded. I gave him a slice on a napkin along with Lucas and I.

"Wanna talk about it now?" I urged Lucas because I had thinking about it all day. He nodded and spoke, Ethan just looked at me and I smiled at him

"I was ju- well still am pissed off that we found the Lady that dad is cheating on mom with and pissed off that mom is so blinded by love that she won't believe us even if we found proof" he looked down

"Maybe we don't need proof" I slyly said


"Maybe we don't need to show or give proof to mom that dads cheating, maybe we can all go out dad brings Vicky to the house we 'come back' and catch dad in the act"

Lucas's eyes widened "Oh. My. God. Your right!" He spoke in between eating his pizza

"That's actually pretty uh. Smart" Ethan said shyly. "Yo dude you don't have to be scared or shy around me" Lucas laughed and Ethan nervously laughed along

I had to go to the bathroom so I told them I was going a left. I did my business, washed my hands, dried them, and let my hair down from my ponytail because it was tickling my neck and pissing me off.

Wow, you only spent 7 minutes in the bathroom now everyone is going to think you took a shit....great. Fucking great

I walked out and back to my office which took another minute and opened my door to see a blushing scared Ethan and a angry Lucas

"Woah umm what's up?" I laughed nervously scared to know the answer

"Why don't you ask your little boyfriend here?" Lucas angrily brushed past me which made me stumble a little bit. "He isn't my boyfriend!" I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat putting my head in my hands

Lucas has a short ass temper. If his taco only has one piece of lettuce he'll get mad instead of getting more lettuce. Its so annoying and he ruins most of my almost perfect moments.

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