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(So, this story is becoming a bit sci-fi like because of the ideas i've had. I know no one cares much for this story, but I'm kind of excited about it.)
When I open my eyes, I nearly scream.
An Erudite woman sits in front of me, in the chair against the wall opposite my bed.
"Don't panic, please. I'm Cara, I'm here to check on you." she says.
My eyes widen.
Will's brother, and former employee of Jeanine Matthews. She joined our side during the revolution.
I don't say any of that out loud.
I don't even know if it's true.
I take a deep breath. "It's... nice to meet you, Cara." I say, giving one of the polite smiles I learned in Abnegation.
She gets up and walks closer. I watch as she presses a hand to my forehead.
Her hands are warm, unlike I expected them to be.
"You don't have a fever. That's good." she comments, taking down a note on a clipboard.
I remain silent. What could I say?
"Today, if you're up to it, we'd like to get more information on what exactly happened during your simulation. Obviously not all at once, but we need to understand what happened." she explains. I nod.
I feel a bit sick thinking about it. It's so much, so much I can barely understand.
"Do you have any idea what happened?" I say, finding my voice to be weak and hoarse.
Cara takes a deep breath and looks at me.
"I've spoken to a few technicians and serum advisors. They think you had an odd reaction to the serum and your prefrontal cortex became overactive. Like a comatose state, almost." she says, but she's struggling to come to terms with that idea. I can see it, she's got that Erudite look of confusion on her face.
"Right. Do you... know anything about parallel universes? It's a... I don't know a lot about it, but it... I don't know." I stammer out, knowing that Erudite crave any information they can get.
She gives me a puzzled look. "That's quite a theory. What makes you think that?" she looks back down and frantically scribbles something down.
I take a breath. "I guess... I have all of these ideas and knowledge about people I barely know or don't know at all. I've read about parallel universes before, and it just seems like a weird possibility. But I don't know that much about them." I say, and I know she's copying down every single word I'm saying. I know it'll reach Jeanine at some point.
I wish I could scream and tell everyone everything I know about Jeanine.
But I can't. Because right now, she's the only one who could help me.
I have to trust her. I have to. Even if she's one of my enemies.
All I can do is pray that she isn't the cruel person I come to know her as.
"That's interesting. Thank you, I'll consider that. Do you need anything right now?" she asks.
I nod.
"Just water. And..." I consider asking for a book to read, or a chance to speak to Jeanine, but no. I need to gather myself before I can have the strength to consider that, "No, just water."
She nods, and she's gone again. My father is asleep on the couch next to me. My parents have been taking odd shifts to watch me, no wonder they've been asleep.
But truth be told, all I need is their presence.
Then, I can feel safe.

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