As I lay in bed completely numb and empty a bright light shines before my eyes burning with every blink, "C'mon Jimin! Get the fuck out of bed, it's been three weeks! Come to school, I had to tell out professors that you were sick. Jimin, I know you loved Jungkook but you can't just stop living because of it. When Yoongi left you managed to keep moving forward, please get up Jimin. For me." I hear Namjoon's voice tell me as I role on my side avoiding eye contact, "I don't care. I'm dropping out then. I'm too far behind to catch up," The covers fly off of me as he jumps on top of me, "Jimin. Please get up." I groan as I push my body up off of my bed, for a second I get light headed but I quickly regain mobility, "So what are we going to do today then, since you dragged me out of bed."
Namjoon grabs my wrist dragging me to the bathroom, "Okay, first off, you smell like shit. Take an hour long shower, treat yourself you deserve it." He closes the door behind me as I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I don't even recognize myself. My eyes are puffy, bloodshot, and empty. My hair's pink color had faded to an off pinkish blonde, my a skin pasty sickly white. That can't be me... How could I let myself get this bad again? Did he do this too? No Jimin! Don't think about him, just get in the shower and wash up. I'll feel better.
I turn on the warm water for my shower and let it run while I take off my shirt and the rest of my smelly ass clothes, "Okay from now on taking a shower every two days." I look in the mirror and my ribs are perfectly visible, "I need to get my shit together..." I walk away from the mirror and step into the tub letting the warm water flow all over my hair, face, and body. I stand there for a good thirty minutes before I actually wash my hair and the rest of my body. Once I am finished with my hour long shower I shut off the water and wrap myself in a towel to keep myself from freezing.
I walk to my room wrapped in a towel from the waist down, "Jimin! Get a move on!" I quickly toss my dirty clothes into my closet and put on a pair of jeans, a white long sleeve shirt, and some Puma sneakers. I take one final look in the mirror before walking out into the living room, "So. What now?" He grabs my hand and pulls me out the door, "First off. Let's get rid of that fear of heights, I know it's still cold out here but... We're gonna jump off a small cliff into some freezing water." He opens the passenger door of my car and shoves me in before I can say anything, "Joon you are insane if you think I will do this!"
I scream as he walks to the driver side door, "I am insane. But if we get sick, we'll be sick together." I try to jump out of the car but he locks the doors and zooms away, "I'm not doing this." He starts laughing to himself making me think he actually is insane, "Jimin, I'm not gonna make you jump off a cliff, that is saved for summer when Hoseok gets back. We are starting small, the jungle gym at the park." I turn on the radio as Hoseok song just ends, "I miss when all of us were together. Jin, Hoseok, Tae, You, Me.." I stop short as I can't say their names, I miss them so much but I hate them too. I need to talk to them. I ended things badly with Jungkook, I can fix this. My phone starts to buzz in my pocket so I take it out and see Jungkook's number, I immediately decline his call. I know I need to fix things but right now is not a good time, "Who was it Jimin?" Namjoon asks as he drives what looks like to be outside of town, "Nobody. Wrong number." I shove my phone under my thigh and continue to look out my window. Namjoon pulls into the parking lot of the park, "Are you for real Namjoon? Why do I have to get over my fear of heights? I'm fine with it." We both get out of the car leaving our phones on the seats. I run to the swings and sit there while Namjoon slowly walks towards me, "Push me!"
He stands behind me and starts pushing, I start to kick my legs making me go higher, "You're afraid of heights, but not afraid to go high on the swings." Namjoon leans against the poll watching me swing back and forth, "I like swings, you know this. Everyone does really." He chuckles to himself taking a lollipop out of his pocket putting it in his mouth, "Stop for a second." I look at him and skid my feet against the tiny rocks coming to a slow stop, he stands in front of me and leans closer to me, "Joon... What are you doing." He presses his lips against mine while placing his hands on the sides of my face.
Jungkook's POV
After Soon-Yeol left my house I can't stop smiling, he is the funniest and nicest person I've met since what happened... But he isn't Jimin... I need Jimin..., "Fuck it! I'm going to see him right now." I pack a bag of clothes and rush out the door to the train station, my heart starts to pound and my thoughts begin to blend together. I know I'm not thinking straight but who the fuck cares now, "I'm coming to see you Jimin." I take out my phone and dial his number, I had deleted his number but I had memorized it by heart. The caller tone starts to ring making my heart beat even faster.
Hey, it's Jimin leave a message.
"Damnit!" I hang up and go to my email hoping he will get it and answer me.
From: ____________________
I know I messed up but I need you more than anyone. I'm coming to see you. Don't say no because I am already on the train, I'll be there soon. I Promise you everything will be okay again. We need to talk about what's going on too. I love you. See you soon.
♡ - Jungkook
The train comes to a stop in Seoul and I quickly run to the street trying to call a cab. Once I get one I give the driver the address. My heart is still beating a million miles per hour, I try to call him again but still no answer, "C'mon Jimin, answer me. I need you to answer me." The cab driver pulls up to Jimin's house, the lights are off and his car is gone, "Maybe they went to the park. Driver, take me to Dosan Park." I hand him more money and he drives off. The only time they leave the house is to go to the park, Jimin loves Dosan Park because it has a playground with swings. He is such a child sometimes, but that's why I love him.
The driver pulls close to the playground and I see Jimin's car, "Thank you, sir." I grab my bag and run to the car, I look over at the swings and see Namjoon standing in front of Jimin. "Jimin!" I scream but he doesn't hear me, I try to scream again but...
Namjoon leans in and Kisses Jimin. He wraps his arms around Namjoon's shoulders... "This isn't right... He was supposed to be with me..."
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Once they pull away I turn and run down the street hoping to come across a hotel soon, tears streaming down my face I scream at the top of my lungs and fall to my knees. I stand up after a few minutes and keep walking, I see hotel sign glowing not too far from where I am. Once I get there I check in and go straight to my room, I lock the door behind me and throw my bag across the room screaming at the top of my lungs once again.