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WARNING!! SEXUAL CONTENT IN THIS CHAPTER!! If you do not wish to read this type of stuff skip to Jungkook's POV again(trust me the Smut is really bad. But it means a lot to the storyline.)

Jimin's POV

Namjoon turns around and walks back towards the car, "You coming or not?" He shouts back at me. I quickly stand up and jog after him, once we get to the car he pushes me against the passenger door and kisses me hard on the lip. Not knowing what to do I kiss back, "Forget about them Jimin. They aren't coming back. Be with me." He kisses my neck searching for my sweet spot, he finds it quickly making me moan softly, "Namjoon... Not here..."  He looks at me and smirks, "You're right. Then get your ass in the car and we'll go home." He unlocks the door so I get in quickly so we can go home, this reminds me of Jungkook so much.

I take my phone out from underneath me to see I missed two calls from Jungkook and an email from him as well. "You okay?" Namjoon says placing his hand on my shoulder, "If you don't wanna do this you can tell me no." He pulls into the driveway and smashes his lips against mine once more, "C'mon. You need to have fun." We both get out of the car and rush inside, I run to my room and lay on my bed.
This is the worst Idea ever. But I want this so bad. Ever since Jungkook, I want sex!

Namjoon walks into my room without his shirt on, "You sure you want this Jimin?" I look at his body and mindlessly nod, "Please Namjoon." He slowly walks over to me and immediately hovers over me, "Are you sure Jimin, I don't want you to regret this." I nod my head once more before he slams his lips against mine, his kiss got rougher and rougher as I unbutton his jeans. He stands up and takes them off as I take off my shirt and my jeans leaving both of us in our boxers.

Namjoon crawls on top of me again and trails kisses from my lips to my neck, to my stomach then back up to my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him with every emotion I manage to feel and let melt away at this moment. He places his hand on my sides and kisses my neck biting ever so often, driving me crazy. He locks his lips with mine once more but this time a little rougher, like if he kissed me any harder my lip would start bleeding.

He lets out a low groan grabs hold of my wrists pinning them above my head as he starts grinding against my already hard member, I feel him getting hard with every movement. I let out a soft moan causing Namjoon to smirk, "Are you ready?" I quickly nod my head so he'll let go of my wrists, once he does I slip off my boxers revealing my hard on. Instead of taking his off he wraps his hand around my member and starts to pleasure me, I try hard to keep my moans inside but once he speeds up his pace I can't anymore.

"Namjoon... I'm gonna cum." He chuckles and stops making me frustrated, "Not yet Jimin. Not yet." He pulls off his boxers revealing his member, "Get on your knees." I do as he says and roll onto my stomach, too lazy to even move, I feel the bed shake as he climbs on positioning himself behind me, "You ready." I look at him watching as he enters me. He groans in pleasure and my eyes shut in pleasure as well, he starts thrusting into me causing me to moan even louder, "Namjoon... F-Faster..." He groans and does as I ask driving me crazy.

I become a moaning sweaty mess as his grip on my hips gets tighter, his pace becomes faster and harder and his strokes get more sloppy indicting that he is close, "God Jimin. I'm gonna cum." I feel his body shudder as he cums inside of me, "Jimin... Lay on your back." I roll myself over as he takes my member in his mouth making me moan louder than I was before. When I watch Namjoon pleasure me saliva trickles down the side of my erect member, I clench my eyes shut arching my back and gripping his hair, "Jung-kook." I whisper. Then suddenly he stops, I open my eyes realizing what I just said, "So you're thinking of Jungkook... I see... I'll leave you alone..."

He gets off of my bed and puts on all of his clothes, "No, Namjoon... Don't leave.." I grab some sweatpants and pull them on quickly chasing him to my door, "You were thinking of Jungkook while we were having sex Jimin! How do you expect me to stay? I thought you wanted this with me not him." He gets on his motorcycle putting on his helmet and drivers away faster than I can say I'm sorry...

I turn around slamming my front door behind me, I lean against it and slide down to sit on the floor hugging my knees to my chest, "Jungkook... I wish you were here"


Jungkook's POV

Laying on my bed with a fist full of pills I stare at the ceiling singing a song to myself that The group and I had sung together. Back when we were all still idols and all still friends, we all needed a break. Which I guess meant a break from each other, my only friends, my only family. Sometimes I wish I could kill Yoongi for what he did to my precious Jimin, but what good will it do now? I lay here half dead hoping that Jimin will find me here and save me from myself, I always knew happiness was never gonna last for us. For me and him. For our group.

I shove the pills down my throat and force them down my throat, "Why is this always the hard part... waiting..." I roll off the bed and try to stand up hoping that I don't die before I get to see him... I trudge out the door trying my hardest not to collapse... I might have drunk a little too much... this is way too hard... I manage to get a taxi and tell the driver Jimin's address... it was the same guy coincidently but still...

Once we pull up to his house I give him a few dollars I had in my pocket and walk up to Jimin's door, "Jimin! I know you're home open the door! I need to talk to you!" The door flies open and I practically tackle Jimin with a tight hug almost knocking him over, "Jungkook? What's wrong with you? Why are you sweaty?" He places his hand on my forehead and his eyes go wide, "I was just trying to had some fun before I left Jimin." He wraps my arm around his should and carries me to his room, "Kookie what happened to you?" He takes off my shirt and lays me on his bed, I manage to pull him on top of me and kiss him, "I love you so much Jimin... I couldn't live without you... P-please, take care of yourself when I'm gone. Tell Namjoon I'm sorry for ever hurting you... and that he needs to continue to watch over you... Tell Tae, Hobi, and Jin that they were always good friends to me... And if you can tell Yoongi that he lost the most loyal friends and the most beautiful boy in the world"

My body gross even more numb by the second, telling me that my end is near, "Jungkook... You didn't... you wouldn't... Jungkook how could you do this to yourself... To me..."Tears began to roll down his face with no signs of stopping, "I'm calling for help Kookie." He reaches for his phone but I grab his hand and hold it for the last time, "I'll see you soon... I love you Jimin..." I manage to mutter my last words... My mind becomes numb, my body becomes numb, my heart becomes numb... My problems are now all gone...

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(A/N) Well the end is almost near folks... Come back next week for the angsty but exciting conclusion.

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