Ch. 3 The First Day

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My eyes open to a dark, unfamiliar room. I sit up, confused, and look around. Then I remember yesterday and sigh. Yesterday, I hadn't thought about what would happen back home without me there. People would probably feel safer in their homes even though it has been years since that problem that occurred. I guess people refuse to forget an incident like that, and I guess you can't really blame them. How will my mother feel? I feel terrible leaving her without saying goodbye. Just thinking about abandoning her there in that spiteful place makes me feel sick. For now, I doubt there's anything that I can do.
I get up and stretch. Looking around again, I spot the door and tug it open. How do I get to the kitchen again? Oh boy, this is gonna be fun. I think I'm supposed to go to the right. Let's see how this works out...
I wonder around for about five minutes before spotting Itachi walking down the hall. "Itachi-san!" I yell out. He looks back at me as I run over. "What is it?" he says flatly. "Do you think you can direct me to the kitchen? I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm a little lost. I'll repay you with some quality breakfast if you'd like." He looks over at me and I can see him thinking about it. After turning away he says, "Follow me." I smile and walk after him.
It isn't long before we walk into the unused kitchen. "Alright Itachi, you ready for a nice breakfast?" He nods slightly and I smile. I immediately start cooking an assortment of foods the best I know how with the ingredients they have. We sit for a while in silence while I continue cooking. "Something smells good in here." Turning my head back, I can see Kisame walking in to the kitchen. "I'm making breakfast, want some?" I ask while finishing up the foods I was cooking. "Sure, I'll have a bite or two." He says as he props himself up against the wall. "Good. There's plenty for anyone who wants it. Would you mind asking everyone else if they wanted some too?" I add as he pushes back off the wall. "Sure, no problem." He goes over into the entryway of the kitchen and faces the hall. Yelling, he says, "HEY, MIU'S MAKING BREAKFAST! COME GET IT IF YOU WANT IT!!" Turning back towards us, he smiles. "Done." Itachi sighs at his partner and I let out a small chuckle. "Thanks, Kisame."
Suddenly, we hear a bunch of footsteps bounding down the hall and shouting coming with it. "TOBI IS A HUNGRY BOY!!" Tobi shouts as he runs in and sits down. I giggle at his ecstatic behavior and grab some of the platters of food and set them down on the table.
Some of the other members start to come in, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Konan. "Oi, this food better be worth loosing my fucking sleep." Hidan grumbles. Ignoring him, I clap my hands and smile. "Alright everyone, dig in!" I watch everyone start to eat. Kisame is the first one to break the silence. "Wow, this is pretty good!" Smiling, I grab my own plate and put some food on it. "Hell yeah! I could eat this all day!" Hidan adds in. Kakuzu rolls his eyes and continues to read his newspaper, ignoring the food on the table. "Hey Kakuzu, aren't you going to eat? There's plenty for everyone." I ask, curious as to why he isn't eating. He just glares at me from over the top of his paper and then continues to ignore me. "Don't pay him any mind Miu." Konan says. I nod. I guess I have a lot to learn about the people here.

After breakfast, most of the group disbands. Well, except for Konan who stayed seated and continued to drink her cup of tea. As I finish cleaning, she looks over to me. "Are you ready?" she asks. "For what, exactly?" I look back at her questioningly. "You'll see." She sips her tea. "Well, I guess I'm ready then!" I smile at her. As she stands, I walk over towards her.
We begin to walk around the hideout, soon finding our way outside into a large open field. A few of the members were out there as well. "Miu," Konan announces, "today we will be seeing what exactly you are capable of. You will be versing Hidan." He walks up to the middle of the field, facing me with an annoying smirk on his face. Konan continues, "We will be testing your physical attacks and defense. No fatal attacks," she shoots a quick glare at Hidan, "as those will be tested later." Hidan rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Let's fight already!" He swings out his scythe. Konan sighs, "We've heard about your skills and we want to make sure that the information is accurate." I nod. I didn't know that my skills were so special that a secret organization would want me.
Taking an offensive stance, I mentally prepare for the battle to come. "Ready?" She announces. "Let's get this shit going!" Hidan yells, charging straight at me. My eyes widen and I jump up to avoid him. Mid jump, I have to step on his scythe to lift myself up slightly, also pushing it down and setting him off balance. He stumbles and turns around to face me. Biting my lip, I focus my chakra in my mouth once again. Blood Shuriken Jutsu! I shoot my blood out and it hits him across his torso, poking holes through his cloak and into his skin. "Still too slow, potty-mouth." I mock with a grin. "Oh you're gonna get it, bitch!" Hidan laughed. He begins to run towards me again, dragging his scythe through the ground with a sadistic grin on his face. I stood still and waited for the right time to make my move. As soon as he was almost upon me, I slid around him and hooked his legs, causing him to trip. Surprisingly, he retaliated quite quickly by hooking his scythe into the ground and using it to flip back on to his feet. He swung at me immediately but I managed to dodge it for the most part. It just nicked my shoulder. I jumped back and began to do some hand seals. Water Release: Water Severing Wave! The water expels itself at a fast rate and gushes towards Hidan. It pounds on to his chest and he flies back, hitting a tree. I grab some kunai from my holster and throw them at him. They land each in their designated areas, pinning him to the tree by his clothes. Grabbing one last kunai, I pinpoint where I want it to hit, and throw. It lands, at most, an inch away from his head.
"Good work, Miu." Konan comments. "Jashin damnit!" Hidan yells. I turn to him with a smile. He's struggling against the kunai that caught him to the tree. Mockingly, I skip over to him. "Here, let me help you." Slowly, I pull the kunai out from the tree, freeing him. With a smirk, he leans in to my ear, "I'll get you back for this. I'll torture you and have you screaming for mercy." My eyes widen and I look up at him. He looks completely serious! Pulling the last kunai from him, I step back, wide-eyed and blushing. "U-um..." I stutter. "Miu, it's time for the next trial." Thank you Konan. I look back at her, "O-okay Konan." Looking back to Hidan, I see he's still smirking down at me. "See you then," he says, "Miu." My eyes lower as my face turns more red. I turn around quickly and walk towards Konan. What was that? Why am I so embarrassed? I'm sure that he didn't mean it in 'that' way... did he? No way. Distracted by my thoughts, I almost run right into Konan. "Oh I'm sorry!" She looks at me. "It's okay. Anyways, I apologize for Hidan. He tends to be rude, and, how should I put it, his mind tends to stay in the gutters." Coming back to reality, I shake my head. "N-no it's fine. Anyway, I'll have to get used to it if I'm gonna be a part of this organization." She nods to me and we begin to walk back into the hideout.
She shows me to a dark office. Looking around, I eventually spot the leader of the organization seated at a desk. He looks up at us and motions for us to come over to the desk. We walk over and I wait silently for something to happen. Konan speaks up, "Her abilities have been tested, she's ready." Leader-sama nods and looks to me. "Your first mission will be with Itachi and Kisame. This mission is nothing but a simple assassination and shouldn't take more than 1 or 2 days." He hands me a file of the person I'm supposed to kill. "They will not be allowed to help you, they are only there to escort you. This is a test on if you can complete a mission and how well you do it. You will leave tomorrow. Read the file carefully and prepare well. Itachi and Kisame have already been notified." I nod to him and he motions for us to leave. We both leave the room without a word.
After leaving Leader-sama's office, I look over to Konan a little worried about my mission. She looks back at me, "It's nothing to be worried about." I look down at my feet, "Well, it's just that I've never just killed somebody before. I mean, this is taking away somebody's life. It would be different if they were threatening the lives of others, but to just go and kill someone..." Konan nods in understanding. "Just think of this as protecting your new family." I smile. This is my new family.
Konan shows me back to my room and gives me a few more words of advice. Closing my door, I open up the file and read a little on this guy. In the middle of studying, I remember I haven't eaten since breakfast. I peer out of my door, trying to remember the way from this morning. It suddenly hits me and I walk through the halls according to my memories. Where I saw Itachi this morning to when he led me there. I do eventually find myself at the kitchen and give myself a mental high-five. Quickly I grab a couple of ingredients and decide to make some rice balls and tea.
As I begin to make them, I hear Tobi's voice behind me. "What is Miu-chan doing?" Shaping another ball, I reply, "Making myself some food." He nods, "Ohh, can Tobi have one?" I grab a finished ball and hand it to him, "Sure Tobi-kun!" Taking it, he gets really excited. "Yay! Thank you Miu-chan!" Giggling at his silliness, I grab a tray to carry my food on, "No problem!" He runs off with rice ball in hand. After placing everything I need on the tray, I carry it back to my room to eat.
As I finish my last rice ball, I look back over the file. I plan how this will all go down. Maybe, this doesn't have to be as bad as it seems. After a few long hours of planning, I lay down in my bed and get ready to sleep. Closing my eyes, I think back to earlier today. I ponder the meaning of Hidan's words as I drift into sleep.


DONE!! YAY!! The chapters are just increasing in length aren't they? The next chapter is now coming and it shouldn't take as long as this one did.

Your reading is appreciated!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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