The Son of Adam

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The cell door opened and a squirmy voice was shouting,

"Get off me!" One of the witches workers threw him into an empty cell farthest away from Evolet. She heard the tying of chains and the voice still shouting. The worker ignored him and closed the cell door.

There wasn't a lot of talking just some sniffing coming from the cell. Evolet waited a while before she slowly got up and crawled to were Tumnus was. He turned around to see Evolet and he nodded his head crawling to his other side to face the new prisoner.

"Are you going to eat that?" Asked Tumnus. There was a slight pause and then she heard the boy introduce himself.

"I'm Edmund." Evolet tried so hard to see what was going on. If the prophecy was becoming true then she wanted to see that for herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by barking and then Jadis showed up in the cell, her voice roaring like thunder.

"You're little family are no where to be found." Evolet furrowed her eyebrows.

What did she mean by that?

Evolet thought.

There were a lot of thoughts running in her mind, questions she would love the answers to but they were interrupted by chains banging together and a loud shout.

"WAIT! The beaver said something about Aslan!" Evolet's ears perked up and her heart starting beating faster.

Aslan? Did he say Aslan?!

"WHERE?" Demanded Jadis. Tumnus discretely looked towards Evolet who looked more alive than before. Tumnus butted in but resulted in him getting hit. Evolet winced at Tumnus' pain. But everything got worse from there. Jadis demanded her guards to release Tumnus and that could only mean one thing.

"No! Leave him alone!" Yelled Evolet breaking her silence. She heard footsteps and Jadis stepped over the broken cell with her little dwarf companion. A smile appeared on her face. Edmund thought that he and Tumnus were the only ones so it was a shock to him when he heard her voice.

"Oh you're still alive." She said with a stern face. Evolet clenched her fist in anger.

"Trust me when I get out of these cuffs, I will kill you. You have my word." Evolet's voice was filled with a threatening tone. If there was one thing that made the elves intimidating, it had to be the way they always kept there word.

Jadis just shot her smile and turned her attention back to the faun.

"Do you know why you're here Faun?" There was silence all around.

"Its because he turned you in. And it didn't take much for him to give you up." She said pointing her staff at Edmund. Jadis switched her attention back to Evolet and pointed her staff at her.

"How's that for your little prophecy." She said with a mocking tone. He betrayed him? The boy who was suppose to save Narnia from winter, betrayed a loyal friend. He couldn't have. He shouldn't have!

"Ready my sleigh and the prisoners" was the last thing that came out of her mouth as they left.

"How could you" whispered Evolet angrily. There was silence from the other side.

"All of a sudden you're not saying a word? Pathetic" a slight whisper came from the other cell.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know any better."

"Obviously or you wouldn't be here. You'd be with your siblings, whom you also betrayed!"

"I said I'm sorry alright!" He snapped back. This angered Evolet even more.

"Sorry isn't going to make things better! every Narnian that wants freedom from her reign was counting on all four of you to lead us into battle and defeat her once and for all. We can't do that if you are betraying everyone! You're taking our chances of being free!" She exclaimed. It was silent again and Evolet was slowly starting to calm down.

"As for my family, I would have died before I betrayed them. Have you no honor?" She asked, But of course he said nothing.

Jadis' dwarf and troll came back in with an large sharp knife pointed at Evolet and a hammer.

"You try something funny and I won't hesitate in killing you." The troll raised his hammer and slammed it hard on her ankles breaking the chain. She winced in pain. Standing up was harder than she remembered. She felt weird standing up and actually walking, but that's what being imprisoned for 7 years feels like.

"Ow" she mumbled, the knife inches in front of her. The troll had some other handcuffs and placed them tightly on her wrist.

"Walk" she went out of the cell first the sharp knife pressed against her back. She made her way around the cell and came to the main door. She stopped half way and for the first time she saw the son of Adam himself. He was just a boy.

I thought he'd be taller.

She thought before the little dwarf  shoved her to keep moving and she was out the door. The room was filled with frozen statues that she created. She knew some of those brave warriors and she didn't know what to feel. Her eyes were searching the room quickly hoping her brother was not among them but she never found him. Was he still alive? Or was he dead?

The troll went back to grab Edmund while the dwarf forcefully pushed Evolet onto the sleigh where the queen was sitting down and tied her feet and hands.

"You try anything funny you'll end up like him." She pointed her staff and Evolet followed her gaze. It was Tumnus, frozen like a statue. She turned her graze back to Jadis and anger was being reflected in her eyes. Jadis saw this and loved the control she still had over her.

Edmund joined Evolet on the sleigh also tied up but just his hands. The ride was bumpy, cold, and silent. While Jadis held her head up high thinking she was the Queen of Narnia, Edmund and Evolet were looking at each other. There was fear in Edmunds eyes but that was because he was just a boy. He didn't know any better and the regret was shown. Evolet's eyes held anger and rage and frustration. She wanted to get out of there and kill her. She wanted all of this to be over.

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