It's Nothing Without Her

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When Evolet left Edmund, he was so angry with her and himself he did not know how to contain it. He banged his fist on the table in disappointment, which released a series of chain reactions that caused him to destroy the bottle of wine, the glass cups, the nicely stacked books and lastly flip the table where the golden chest set was sitting on. Edmund let out a big yell in frustration, to let out the last bit of anger he had in him. 

The room was a mess and his clouded angry judgement had passed. Edmund was leaning on the only standing table in the room. He let out a sharp sigh as now he started to feel a hole in his heart. There is a reason many people always suggest to never act out or make decisions when you're mad. It will ruin you. 

He was going over the argument in his head and he realized how much of an ass he was. He did not let Evolet speak or explain herself all because he was too angry and prideful. He doubt he would forgive him but he needed to try. She was his everything. He did not want to end things like this with her. God, her time was running out and he completely ignored her for 3 days. As he looked at the mess he made, his golden chest set caught his eye. There was something he had not seen inscribed on the bottom of the set. 

To the most serious King I know. I love you.

His heart started beating faster and butterflies appeared in his stomach. She said it first. His mind then wandered back to every single time they were together. 

He ran out of the room and ran through the golden pastel halls trying to get to his love. He ran outside and ran to the stables as fast as he could. That was until he saw Peter and the second in command run at full speeds towards the stable. Edmund, concerned sprinted to catch up to them. 

"What is going on?" he asked worried. Peter looked at him and didn't know how to respond. 

"I- Ed, I-" Somewhere, somehow deep inside Edmund he knew it was Evolet. Adrenaline started to pump through his body, and he started running to get to Philip. 

As all three of them hurried down the forest, all Edmund could think of was Evolet. Was she was okay? Was it her age? He did not want to think of the worst case scenario because then he knew he would die of sadness. Philip rode as fast as he could through the forest for 20 minutes until they finally reached the Ettinsmoor's mountains which was now on full patrol. Crowds were rounding up in the courtyard, trying to see what had happened. Peter, the second in command, and Edmund all dismounted their horses and were greeted by Tauriel. 

"What happened!?" Edmund worriedly asked. 

"It's Evolet, she- she was shot by an arrow." She said in a saddened tone. Edmund's heart sank. This was the worst case scenario.  Tauriel led them through the castle, towards the back where the pools of immortality where. 

"He hasn't left her side since he brought her in." She stated as she waited by the door. Both Peter and Edmund looked at her and slowly walked in. Legolas was kneeling over the edge looking straight into the water. Both brother's slowly walked to each of Legolas' side. They looked into the pool and saw it frozen shut.  

"She-she was shot. Right in front of me." He said softly feeling guilty. He was so close to her. He could've shot the person who did this. He should've protected his little sister.

"Legolas it is not your fault." Peter comforted him. Peter placed his hand on Legolas' shoulder, but Legolas didn't move an inch. Edmund felt bad for Legolas of course, but the women he loved was now in the pool, with no way to get to her. 

"What- what happens now? What happens to Evolet?" He asked anxiously. He should've accompanied her. They shouldn't even be here. They were supposed to be on a getaway. Legolas was silent for a while, just blankly staring into the abyss. 

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