The Earth And her love

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"What the hell was that?" Asked Legolas as Evolet and the faun were taken to the infirmary to treat their wounds. However, Evolet's nurse was just making sure she didn't have anything else wrong with her and cleaning the blood of her.

"He was getting on my nerves."

"But that's no excuse for you to act like you did. And the thing with the gauntlets!? Are you serious Ev!? We don't know how powerful those things could be. You could have killed him!"

"But I didn't." Legolas glared at her.

"I think that was awesome." Edmund said out of the blue. Both elves head turned at the same time. Legolas has an expression of annoyed while Evolet was smiling.

"Thank you, Ed. It's good to know someone supports my actions."

"And I don't know why you are getting mad at her. I mean he was provoking her. He deserved it." If Evolet wasn't angry she would kiss him then and there.

"I know that was childish of me but I couldn't control it. I wasn't going to let him bully me and have the rest of guys think I'm weak. I cannot allow that if I want Oreius position as general."

"Yeah well now you've put that position in jeopardy." Legolas argues back. He was right. After that fight there was no guarantee that she would get the spot.

Almost as if it was on cue, Oreius came trotting in. He had a disappointed look on his face.

"Your majesty." He said before bowing and looking at Evolet.

"I expected more from you Evolet. Fighting your own comrades, a general does not start wars within themselves."

"But I had no choice! I couldn't let him degrade me in front of everyone. He had it coming." Oreius sighed not believing her.

"I'm sure there was a good explanation for both of your actions."

"It's true Oreius Legolas and I saw the whole thing." Edmund butted in.

"Granted we only heard the fight start no who caused it." Clarified Legolas. Oreius looked at them both and back at Evolet.

"Both of you are suspended from setting foot on that training ground. He's suspended for two and you," He looked at her with a heavy heart. She was his best fighter and it pained him.

"Three weeks." Her eyes widened.

"THREE WEEKS!?" She Exclaimed standing up immediately.

"Oreius that's not fair! I'm going to be missing so many things!"

"You should have thought of that before you started the fight."

"But why do I get tree and he gets two?! He started the fight!" She argued back.

"Because Evolet. YOU are the one that used magic in this fight. None of us, not even know how powerful you really are with those gauntlets. Using that on Lazo was a big mistake and could have gotten him killed. I should ban you from the army." His voice angry and disappointed. He wanted her to be the bigger person in this scenario, but she had let him down. He turned to leave the room without another word.

"Ahhhh!!" She Yelled in anger as she went to punch the wall of the room putting a hole in it. Edmund look terrified of what had happen.

"That's not fair! I shouldn't be punished for standing up for myself!"

"No you should be punished for fighting another comrade." Legolas budged in sounding very disappointed as well.

"I agree with Oreius. All I have to tell you is that it will be a long three weeks for you. Find a hobby." Legolas looked at her one last time and  left the room leaving her and Edmund.

The last of Their Kind ~Edmund Pevensie~Where stories live. Discover now