The witches

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I couldn't say anything for several minutes. I knew that fate was a thing you couldn't change, I knew that if this is my fate I had to go with it. However what if this is a lie? What if they were just saying this because they wanted me to date them? Then it hit me, the way to test this is to contact the witches of old. Ok so maybe I'm not as normal as I claimed to be. The witches of old are the oldest living beings on this planet, they are the past, future and the present. They know all types of fate and they can't lie about anything, they can only tell the truth and nothing but the truth. However, they ask a high price for information.

Then nick spoke up "well what do you say?" 

I looked at them all then opened my mouth and said with confidence "You have heard of the witches of old?" 

They all except Darren stared at me with wide-open eyes. Darren spoke with a grin "just as I suspected, you are more than the average ordinary girl you know more than you give away, you know exactly how to contact them too don't you?"
I went silent instantly, he knew more about me than I did him. Then it hit me he can read my mind which means he read my description of him. I started to the bush, then I said trying to hide the embarrassment from the tone of my voice "yes I know how to contact them I also know there's a price, but I also know how you knew that about me" 

Then I asked him in my mind and he laughed, it was really smooth and soft, it took me and everyone else by surprise. Then he spoke, "yes you are correct I can read minds and I did hear your description of all of us, I'm very happy by what you think of me, I'm a little flattered by your opinion of me."
Now my face was bright red with embarrassment. Issac spoke, "wait you can read minds did anyone else know that?"
Issac was really worried for some reason. The others said in sync "No we had no idea"
they all looked at Darren who laughed. I couldn't help but laugh with Darren.
"ha-ha you had no idea he could read your mind and I figured it out before you did. Anywho does anyone have a blue corn moon, so I can speak to the witches?" I said still laughing a little.
Darren spoke close after "yeah right here"
Out of the middle of nowhere Darren pulls a jar with a blue substance that kind of looked like a blue gas and a liquid at the same time. It was lighter than a normal jar and after a long time spent looking at it, I finally looked up at Darren and said "are you sure I can have this? Isn't it really rare and hard to find"
Darren just laughed his dreamy laugh, he then proceeded to say "Not for me I can have everything and anything I want."  This statement confused me.

After that the bell for the class went, we all walked to our role marking classes.

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