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For the next two weeks, the guys avoided me. I even had to get a new lab partner for biology. My life went back to me being surrounded by horny douche bags trying to get in my pants.  I couldn't stop thinking about what Darren told me. It seemed like the longer this went on the harder the decision between Quill and Darren was. Occasionally Darren would walk up to me and demand I choose him right now, I would always tell him that I will not and he would start to argue then just walk away as if nothing happened.

Only have half a week till grad, the valedictorian votes came out and with no surprise, it was the bitch of the school, all the teachers think she's "fabulous". When really she's just a two-faced whore that goes by the name Jenna. Anyway, graduation this week, which means I have a week and 2 days to make a decision, I'm nervous and scared of what this choice means for me. We are talking about the rest of my life here this decision is it. What if I decided then realised I made the wrong decision, I won't be able to go back.

I walked into the art classroom and people were talking, yelling, throwing things and messing around until my teacher walked in. The whole room went silent, he walked to his computer that was hooked up to the big screen and he opened a video with no explanation. Before he played the video he said
"The media class will be joining us today, we will be watching a film together. The film is called national treasurer, for those of you who have media next you will stay here. If you don't you will go to your next class."
The whole room started clapping and cheering. Then the media students walked in, we all sat down and the movie was played. I didn't pay much attention to the movie as all I could think about was which boy would be my boy. After the movie finished we still had about 10 minutes left until the break. The media teacher spoke up and dismissed all the media students early.

This is what it was like until graduation day. The morning of graduation we got breakfast at school nothing fancy. The day was filled with students pranking the teachers, there was even a prank pulled on the deputy principal and the principal. After lunch, we were gathered up to get ready for graduation. Everyone looked good in the gowns with there caps on. Especially, Quill and Darren, I couldn't keep my eyes off them. After staring for what seemed like hours, Quill and Darren turn around and looked at me. I was looking them up and down when I looked at their face finally they had matching smirks. They turned back around and looked away. I snapped out of my trance blushing a bright shade of red. Not long after we all take our seats. The ceremony starts. The principal blabs on and on, then we start getting called up on stage one by one. Once we have all sat back down, Jenna walked on stage. Jenna gave the most unoriginal and lame valedictorian speech anyone has ever heard.

After Jenna's speech, we all stood up and threw the caps up into the air. Then we all went to the food tables, everyone else was being congratulated by their families. I just stood by the food eating, deep in thought about what's going to happen in two days. The fact that hell was over hadn't even registered in my mind.


Authors note

L0llypop out ✌️

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