Chapter 1 (1)

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I felt as if I was floating in a confined space, I couldn't help but think that living as a infant won't be fun, but I'll be able to spend a few days with my parents. My mother, he'll die in a few days, I'll never get to know him.

I waited in the liquid for what I presumed was several months until the water drained out, I was having trouble breathing, my body was being squished everything hurt. After what felt like a lifetime I was outside my mother's womb and I decided the outside was worse, I cried, not caring for my dignity. It was too bright and everything was too loud, I could barely breath and I hurt all over. I was soon washed in warm water and handed to a young man. I couldn't see, but I recognised that voice, Tom Marvolo Riddle, my father. I was unaware, but my hair changed to blond in my happiness, my eyes turning yellow as well. "He's a Metamorphagus!" Dad yelled out joyfully, I realised my hair must have changed color and in embarrassment my hair and eyes became salmon. Dad and mom started cooing over my adorableness which only made my hair bubble gum pink. "Hey honey, do you think he understands what we're saying?" I didn't hear a response so he must have either nodded or shook his head to dad's question. A few moments later, Snape no Severus Malfoy neé Snape entered the room with Fenrir and Bellatrix. "Alexius meet your god parents, Severus Malfoy neé Snape, Fenrir Greyback and Bellatrix Lestrange Neé black. Aunt Sev brought his child as well his name is Draco Lucius Malfoy, the two of you will be childhood friends."
Once dad's words fell I could hear baby babble getting closer to me, I instinctively reached out knowing it was Draco. Draco leaned closer and whispered in Dracotongue "Alexius Samuel Selwyn-Greyus-Riddle-Malfoy, don't ever leave me again okay?" I giggled at his words "You know what will happen soon, I can't promise that, but when we reunite I'll never leave you again Draco." Draco reluctantly agrees and I grabbed on to Draco's hand. Dad looked between the two of us confusedly since he heard the children hissing at each other. It sounded like Parsletongue, but as if it were a different dialect, the only words he understood was Alexius and Draco."
However everyone understood what happened when the children touched hands. The two glowed a dark light and the symbol of the Deathly Hallows appeared on their hands.
"Their soul mates!" Everyone in the room yelled in joy, finding your soul mate at such a young age was a rare, but wonderful thing. Tom was the only one who recognised the symbol on their hands as the head of the Guant family he knew what it meant. He felt his lordship of the Guant family be transfered to his son. He didn't mind, it would have happened anyway, he had already proved himself a Wizard.


The next few days went by smoothly, I was allowed to stay with Draco all the time and the Malfoy family moved into the Slytherin castle. Today I wouldn't let go of Draco and mother, he wouldn't let me go either, we both knew today was the day my mother dies and we get separated.

We both heard a door explode down stairs, and a battle ensuing afterwards. Mother picked the two of us up and ran to dad's office as it was the most fortified place in the Manor. Once inside she met Snape, which tried to take Draco, but he refused to let me go, so it instead became a group hug. The four of us waited with baited breath for the outcome of the battle. When we heard a bang on the door we were all saddened. Draco griped me tightly knowing I would have to leave soon. We had already planned to inform our parents of what was happening when we got older, it would be difficult however to convince them and we may have to wait several years before they believe us enough to take the Gringotts test.
When the attacks on the door stopped Mother stood up giving Draco and I to aunt Sev. "Look after them for me Sev, I'll try to kill them, protect the children from stray spells." The door slowly opened revealing Albus Dumbledore, now the door was open the sound of battle was ongoing downstairs showing that our family hadn't fallen. "Albus Dumbledore, why have you attacked us? We may be on opposite sides of a political war, but it is most certainly not a magical war!" Dumbledore smiled his grandfatherly smile that everyone was familiar with.
"My boy its simple, those children will not be growing up with the two of you, Your son will be blood adopted by the light and Draco will stay with Lucius, but unfortunately Severus he will not be with you. I'll give both of the several compulsion charms and potions, Severus and Draco will become my spies with time and Alexius, well I have big plans for the boy. He'll help my champion vanquish the Dark Lord and then I will reveal to the world that he himself was a Dark Lord! I'll kill him and become famous allowing me to fully take over the wizarding world. I'm already famous for killing Gelleret, but the newer generation refuse to follow me because they do not understand what war is like! I will show them! Unfortunately You have no part in my plan, I do intend to prevent my champion from finding their soul mate and one against two isn't very fair now is it?!" Dumbledore yelled the last few words casting the killing curse at mother. He was unable to dodge or put up a shield due to the suddenness of the attack, he fell to the ground lifeless. Dumbledore stepped over his body and towards the three of us. I could feel tears well up in my eyes, he's dead, it was only a few days, but he's still my mother. "Please Albus don't do this. We are no threat to you, there is no need to do this!" Dumbledore ignored aunt Sev's pleading and cast a spell which alters memories.


Severus Malfoy neé Snape
Tom ran into the room calling out his husbands name only to fall to the floor and cry when met with his corpse. He lifted Lucasine from the floor, stroking his husbands hair. "Honey please wake up, please... How will I raise Alexius without you?" I felt tears fall down my cheeks hearing my lords cries, he looked up and saw me. His eyes were glassy with tears after blinking them away he noticed that I was only holding one child. "Alexius where is he Severus?!" My lord yelled in panic, I bit my lip, but forced the words from my mouth.
"My lord they killed him, his corpse was taken by Dumbledore. He said it was for a ritual to kill you, he didn't elaborate." My lord slumped over tightening his hold on his husband sobbing and hissing words unintelligible to me. To both our surprise Draco started hissing back.

Tom Marvolo Selwyn-Riddle
Draco's hissing caused my head to snap up, I could understand what he was saying unlike last time he spoke with Ale- no I can't. Don't think about it. It'll only make the pain worse.
"Uncle Tom, where's Alexius?"
I couldn't stop my self from crying again. I left Lucasine's body and hugged Draco.
"Draco he's gone... He's not coming back..."
"No! He said he'd never leave! Where is he?!"
"Draco he can't come back he's dead. Your bond is broken, stop denying it, it'll only make it harder. He's dead I know you can feel it, its as if half your heart is gone, the bond you shared now leads to nowhere."
"It doesn't! I can still feel him! He's not dead!" Draco exclaimed showing my his left hand. Realising what he meant I removed the glamour on the back of his hand. It was still there their soul mark is still there!
"Can you tell where he is?!" I asked in English excitement in my tone, I already lost my mate I can't loose my Son as well.
"What's wrong my lord?" Severus asked.
"Alexius is still alive the bond is still there!" Severus's expression brightened up upon hearing his godson was still alive, but his smile faded immediately after.
"My lord, something's wrong."
"Are you injured?"
"No, it's that were not that's wrong. Why did he not kill us? Harm us? Take Draco? Something's wrong." I thought about his words while he continued. "My lord... That's wrong as well... I'm Alexius's godfather so why do I call you my lord? I should be calling you by name!" What Severus said rang true in my mind, it was true something was wrong.
"Mother what's wrong?" Draco hissed still being unable to speak English due to his young age, but able to speak Dracotongue as it was a magical inheritance.
"Draco why are you calling him mother?"
"He's my mother, why wouldn't I call him that?" Draco tilted his head in confusion.
"Severus are you a carrier?" Severus looked confused, but shook his head saying no. Draco said he was, he said he wasn't... Are we under the confundus spell? "Severus raise you shirt." He looked confused, but did as he was told. Sure enough he had a scar from giving birth as a male. Severus didn't seem to notice anything wrong.
"Draco called you mother... You said your not a carrier, but you have a scar that shows you've given birth. Alexius is still alive, but you think he's dead. Who do you think did this?" I asked festering around the room.
"It was... I don't know? Why didn't I notice? My lord there's something very wrong." Severus held Draco in his arms, the child was still and Severus held him in the correct manner showing he'd done it before even if he doesn't remember.

Draco Lucius Malfoy-Selwyn-Greyus-Riddle
Draco was pleasantly surprised when his mother and Tom started noticing inconsistencies in Dumbledore's trap, usually they would have just shrugged it off, but I pushed it forwards by revealing Alexius was alive and that Severus was my mother. They could no longer shrug off the blatant inconsistencies and started noticing more. I had to pretend not to understand what was happening and still lead them in the right direction.

Almost a year had passed and everyone was still trying to figure out how to undo the confundus charm. Tomorrow is Halloween and the day the potters die. Its unfortunate, but it seems we won't be able to get Harry for a few years. I miss him, I want him here, but this is bigger than the two of us.

Alexius Samuel Malfoy-Selwyn-Greyus-Riddle (Harry James Potter)
I was in the living room sitting in front of the fireplace, waiting for the guests to come through. I couldn't help, but think I was forgetting something, whenever I looked in the mirror I always though I was seeing someone else not to mention that there was a strange mark on the back of my hand that no one else could see.

Word Count: 1903

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