Chapter 3 (2)

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Class's perspective:

Two ickle firsties slammed the door of the potions lab open and looked around sheepishly when noticing that there was a class in session with a murmured sorry. The students all looked at the two first years in schadenfreude awaiting professor Snape's fury, the Gryffindor's especially and the Ravenclaws were hoping for points to be deducted as they knew that the reason Slytherin was at the front of the house cup competition was because of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy that seemed far to intelligent for their age. Professor Snape looked ready to rip the disturbance's head off as this was the sixth this lesson.
"WHAT IN THE BLAZES DO YOU WANT NOW! Oh, Draco, Harry, did you need something." He ended nonchalantly once noticing who caused the disturbance.

The class erupted into murmurs of disbelief and outrage at the professor behaviour, but neither Draco and Harry looked confused at the classes reaction before apologising.
"Sorry for slamming your door Sev bad habits die hard." Potter said in embarrassment and walked to the professor, handing him an old book that was clearly charmed so it didn't fall apart. "Here's the book you asked us to retrieve Sev."
"We apologise for being late the golden duo stopped us again, damn nuisances." The blond boy muttered the last words. Professor Snape took the book and tanked the boys before dismissing them.

Harry Potter:
We left the classroom and decided to start searching for the painting, our first stop was naturally the Room of requirement. "What should we ask for?" I asked not quite sure if the answer would be simple or complex. Draco shrugged an act he'd only do in the presence of someone he truly trusted,
"You're the heir and you've use the room more than me." I sighed and started pacing.
'The founder's portrait, the founder's portrait, the founder's portrait.' A door appeared, upon opening the door we found not a room, but a small indentured with a portrait of the four founders, disappointingly the portrait was not a moving one so we closed the door and tried again.
'The founder's secret, the room of heir's, Moving portrait, Hogwarts's legacy, Hogwarts secret, Founder's classroom, I am Slytherin's heir." Each attempt summoned a room, but non summoned the room we were looking for, The founder's secret was a library made out of a dark purple wood that I have never seen before, all the shelves were filled with thick tomes titled with the initial of a founder and a number the room was relatively large it was roughly the same size as the divination classroom with a desk stocked with parchment and ink Draco slipped a book off the shelf opening the book to read its condense, except the book was blank, I checked another to find that it was a Journal written by Salazar Slytherin, presumably with the help of magic considering the detail, but when Draco looked it was also blank. Only the founders heir could read the books, so I was surprised to notice that I could read the Ravenclaw books as well until I read a small detail that was omitted from history.

My childhood friend Helga, my new friend Godric and my cousin Salazar finally found a place to create our school.

It's done! The school's finally complete! We're one step closer to our goal now! The castle is the most beautiful building I have ever laid eyes upon and I'm proud to call it home. Now the most difficult task awaits us, finding disciples. However, before we can think to do this we must first name the school. The task we given to me and in consideration to the plant life that was destroyed when the castle was built I named it Croton capitatus! My cousin however laughed at me and said "Hogwarts! A name not to be forgotten indeed!"
"It's not called Hogwarts, that's just the name the uneducated call the plant." I huffed in offense.
"Yes, but Hogwarts does have a nice ring to it..." Helga commented.
"Not you too... Godric, surely you couldn't want to call the school after a pigs disease!" I exclaimed.
"Hogwarts school of fierce Witchcraft and Wizardry! I think it sound nice!" the fool bellowed
"Drop the fierce and I must agree." Salazar assented to the new name.
"It's lovely!" Helga clapped her hand together.
"What why should we drop the fierce it make more of an impact!" Godric's loud voice sounded.
"The kingdoms are at war; we don't want anyone thinking that were training soldiers or we might face destruction." Salazar drawled slowly and patronizingly as if speaking to a child.
"That's what the Basilisk is for!" Godric retorted.
"As a last resort." Helga commented.
"So we're all agreed on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?!" Salazar checked.
"No!" I exclaimed
"Yes" the other two agreed.
"You've been out voted Rowena." Salazar teased.
"Your evil Salazar!" Everyone burst into laughter.

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