Chapter 3

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We sat in silence for a moment, staring at the table. “Alexandria, what did she say to you? I know that you don’t believe her but I’d like to know what she was saying about me” Willow pleaded with me; I looked up to see her eyes shining with determination to get the information from me.

“Willow… I can’t-“ I didn’t finish my sentence when Willow’s sad determined face changed to anger when I had said that I couldn’t tell her. “Don’t say that you can’t tell me, you can and you will, isn’t that what friends do they tell each other things, especially things like this that concern me who is your friend, and yet you’re going to conceal that info from me, I thought you were better” Willow told me with tears in her eyes and her voice sounding strained as she tried not to yell at me.

It saddened me to see her like this so I gave in and told her everything, once I was done, I studied her reaction to it all, she seemed okay at first, but then her face twisted into disgust. “I can’t believe she told you all that… that bullshit” she whispered angrily, I think she was talking more to herself than to me.

Willow looked up from staring at the table top and looked me right in the eyes, she grabbed both my hands that were resting on top of the table, the move was so sudden I hadn’t the time to react and pull them away from her, that and I was mesmerised by the emotion in her eyes.

“Alexandria, I want you to know that none of what Adriana said is true, okay? Promise me that whatever anyone says about me, you won’t believe them and you will tell me all about it and I’ll tell you whether it’s true or not. But it’s likely that it isn’t, promise me.” With such strong intensity burning in her eyes, I couldn’t look away, nor could I say no, sitting there almost dumbfounded and mesmerised I found myself nodding, the words “I promise” slipping from my lips.

I didn’t have time to think about what I had just said because the bell rang and she let go of my hands, I felt the warmth leave them and I came back to my senses, it felt as if what had just happened, didn’t really happen at all, as if it were some bizarre dream, but I know deep down that it had happened, and that I now had to be careful at how close I become with Willow.

I fished out my schedule from my breast pocket and saw that I had music, so with heavy feet I walked beside Willow to our classroom. It was quite some distance from the cafeteria and I was tired from walking up all the stairs just to get there.

“Alexandria, is something wrong?” I scrunched up my nose at my name, it was too long to listen to anymore, but if I let her call me a nickname, wont that mean that we got just that much closer? Well… the names annoying me so I guess I have something to gain if she has a nickname for me… aw hell why not.

I turned to Willow and she seemed surprised at my sudden mood change but somewhat glad too. “Willow” I said strongly and seemed shocked at my strong tone but replied never the less. “Yes?” she was so cute when she was uncertain and confused… shit I just thought that she was cute, darn it!

“I want you to come up with a nickname for me by the end of this lesson, I'm sick of hearing Alexandria, call me Alex, Alexi… actually don’t call me Alexi” my reason for not wanting her to call me that is that one of my best friends told me that was his special nickname just for me and that he refused to let anyone else call me that, we had a special bond so I respected his wishes.

“Well… you get the picture don’t you?” I asked her and she nodded still a little confused by the sudden action but she agreed to it understandingly. The teacher ushered us in and we took our seats, well Willow just sat in the seat she always sat at and I just sat next to her. We ended up in the far back right corner of the room, we didn’t have tables in this room, just a series of chairs that go around the room in a u shape. The walls were brick and painted white and the roof was made of concrete, we were to have a prac today, and the teacher instructed Willow to teach me the basics of what they had learned last term.

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