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"Is this Veronica Lodge?"
"Yes, yes it is!"
"We have your daughter here, she's fine but a little shook up"
"Oh god, where has she been?"
"We're not sure but she wasn't kidnapped, just lost"
"Okay we're coming now to pick her up, is she at the police station?"
"Yes she is, she's asking for you guys so hurry here" I hung up and turned to Archie "they've found her, she's at the station" he turned around and drove to the station. We practically ran inside to find her. I walked up to a officer but before I said anything I heard her "mommy, daddy!" she came running towards us and jumped up in Archie's arms. He hugged her and then handed her over to me. I hugged really hard "you're hurting me mommy"
"I'm sorry baby girl, I was just so scared for you. Promise me to never run away from us again"
"I promise, I just wanted to look around. I didn't mean to run away"
"No I get that Lilac, but next time ask me or daddy to go with you. Okay?"
"Okay!" I put her down and looked at Archie. He looked at me with a mad look. I ignored him and walked to the car with Lilac skipping after me. I helped her into her car seat and sat down in the passenger seat. Archie sat down in the driver's seat and turned the engine on. He looked at me and then turned back to the road and started driving. We drove in silence back home and when we got there I walked inside while Archie took Lilac out of the car. Soon he came inside and helped take her shoes off "daddy, can I go play in the playroom?"
"Yes of course you can" she ran away and it was only me and Archie left. The atmosphere was really tense and I did not like it. I walked to the kitchen and took a bottle of water out of the refrigerator "you want some water?"
"No I'm good"
"You sure?"
"Yes Veronica, I'm not thirsty"
"I mean are you okay? Lilac is back, you don't have to worry about her anymore"
"I know!"
"So why are you worrying?"
"I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!" he screamed at me so violently that I took a few steps backwards scared of what he might do. I loved him and I wasn't in any way scared of him but in that second he scared me. He probably saw that I got scared cause he took a few steps back and sat down on a bar stool "I'm sorry Veronica but..."
"But what?! What is it that you want to say so badly?"
"It's your fault, this wouldn't have happened if you had just payed attention to her!"
"Are you serious? Are you really blaming me for this?"
"Yes I am. You were to busy looking at your phone and you let my daughter run away!"
"Our! Our daughter!"
"No Veronica, my daughter. She isn't your daughter, she is mine! We both know that if you had the choice to leave you would! I destroyed eveything for you, your career, your life. Everything! But at the same time you could leave, nothing is stopping you!"
"Yes, yes you did! Is that what you want to hear, huh? I never wanted this, okay, I didn't want to become the step mom to your kid! I wanted to go to college and then get a good job but instead I'm stuck here playing mother to my boyfriend's dead bestfriend's kid"
"Mommy?" we turned around and Lilac stood there looking at us with a scared look "hey babygirl"
"What are you and daddy talking about?"
"Nothing special"
"Then why are you screaming?" I looked at Archie for help "it's nothing special, go back to your room and play"
"But I want to know why you and mommy are fighting"
"We're not fighting, now go play" she walked away back to her room "you don't have to be so mean to her"
"I wasn't mad at her"
"Well you sounded mad at her"
"I'm mad at you, okay, not at my daughter. Oh and if you want to leave feel free to, I shouldn't be the reason you're staying" I looked at him to see if he was kidding, but he wasn't. I walked to the hallway, slipped my feet into my shoes, took my coat and walked out. I hopped inside my car and drove away. When I had gotten a few blocks away from the house I pulled over, stopped the car and cried. Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't believe what I had said. Of course I didn't mean any of it. I loved Lilac and I loved taking care of her. Yes I did want to have a career but at the same time all I wanted to do was stay home with Lilac. I wanted to apologize to Archie for what I had said but I couldn't really go back and apologize. He wouldn't believe me and I think that he need awhile to process and think about it all. And maybe I needed time to think about it too. Like he had said, there wasn't really anything stopping me from starting my own career. If I wanted to I could just leave, he had never made me become the step mom to Lilac. It was my choice. And he had never made me give up college or a career, it was all me. I regretted leaving Archie so I drove back. I walked in and I didn't see him. I heard him talk to Lilac and walked to her room. Archie was sitting on the floor with his back against the door playing with Lilac "mommy! Come play with us" Archie turned around and when he saw me he stood up
"Actually sweetie, me and mommy have to talk" we walked back to the kitchen "you came back"
"I'm sorry, I never meant to say all of those things and you're right. All of this is my own choice, I chose to be here and take care of Lilac and I was happy with that choice"
"But you were also right when you said that I wanted a career. I want a career Archie and I've decided that I'm gonna leave and go to New-York to pursue my dreams"

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