Sugawara Koushi|| Snow Expedition

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                       "Daddy, daddy! Can we go play in the snow?" Your two children asked, running up to your husband who was currently nestled on the couch with eyes set on the T.V. You looked up from your laptop, clearly interested in his response. For the kid's break, your husband decided to visit the cabin that Daichi and him co-owned, from back when they were in college.
You, of course, decided you'd love for a little family vacation during the winter time.
"Daddy please!" Your youngest child said, she was quite a persistent six year old.
Suga ran his fingers through his grey hair, before then patting the head of your eight year old son, who had grey hair like your husband. "Of course, but first." He began, getting up off the couch with eyes set on the hallway closet.
"We need to put on leggings." So it began, the thirty minute preparation of getting them ready for maybe a 15 minute snow expedition.
You contently watched from your spot on the couch as the children took off, racing to their rooms to put on leggings.
"Koushi, by the time you're done getting them ready, it's going to stop snowing." You said, as he looked at you from the hallway.
"No, (f/n) they need to be as warm as possible. They could freeze, or even worse get pneumonia." He said, narrowing his eyes at you. You wanted to argue, but when his mother side kicked in there was no stopping him. So, instead you got up to go get ready.
"No no, you need to put on fuzzy socks too." Suga told your son while you walked out of your bedroom. You had simply thrown on a long sleeve underneath a large jacket with some jeans. You really weren't that worried about freezing to death in the snow.
Sugawara looked up from his job of dressing the children, eyes landing on you.
"No, no (f/n), that won't work, you're going to freeze." He came hustling over to you with a determined look on his face. "Koushi, relax, it'll be fine okay? I'm not going to freeze. And you are not going to make me put on more clothes, I refuse." You said with a smile, crossing your arms over your chest as he became upset.
"But (f/n)."
"Nope Suga, no if, ands, and buts about it." You said, before sweeping past him to the kids.
"Mommy, Daddy put so many clothes on me I can hardly move!" Your son pouted, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes. You sighed, feeling Sugawara place his hand on your back, a warning to not encourage them to take the layers off.
"Koushi, was it really necessary to layer them that much? You made them put on half their closet. "You said with a smile as your husband scoffed.
"Too much? You must mean not enough." Sugawara said, then began to wrap scarfs around the children. They were already six layers deep in clothing.
Despite their cries, Suga managed to add on beanies then out the door all of you went. Sugawara was the last one out the cabin door, following with hand warmers and extra gloves just in case. You couldn't help but smile at your husband's motherness, most of the time he was more motherly than you were.
So, when the kids starting throwing snowballs, he was beyond concerned. " No! Son, don't do that! You could hit your sister in the face." He said, having a nervous breakdown as they chucked a handful of snow at each other.
You laughed at him, before forming a snowball yourself. The grey haired male was too busy fussing about your children that he didn't notice you sneaking up behind him with a smirk on your face. You clenched the snow in your hand, before he turned around while you were feet away.
"What were you doing? I thought I lost you!" He exclaimed, before you pulled back your arm then threw the snowball, hitting him smack in the chest. "Whoops." you emphasized before he shook his head.
"(f/n), now you've done it!" He said with a smile as he scooped up a handful of snow and threw it back at you. You laughed like a child, before running behind your son, using him as shield. Your son tried fidgeting underneath your hold, but then froze once he saw his father coming.
"Daddy, you won't hit me will you?" He whimpered, biting his lip as he looked at Suga with wide eyes and a frown. Suga felt his hand drop as he looked at his son's face, wanting to only comfort him.
" I will!" Your daughter squeaked, snaking in between Sugawara's legs as she hit your son square in the chest.
"That's Daddy's girl!" He said with a smile as you then scooped up a handful of snow and splattered it onto Suga's face. He grimaced as the cold hit his nose, and cheeks, before he felt his competitiveness unleash itself.
"Run!" You told your son as you bolted away from your daughter and husband, dashing for the trees. Your silver-haired son followed suit, before sliding next to you as you hid behind a tree. Suddenly, you and your son were trapped, your husband on one side as your daughter was at the other. Although she was younger, she held a bowling ball sized snowball in her hands.
You gulped, looking up at Suga with big eyes. He then relentlessly smashed the snow all over your hair, as it dripped down your neck. You squealed, before falling back. If there was one way to get out of this situation, it was to use Sugawara's caring nature against him.
You whimpered, "Ow! Koushi I think that snow had a rock in it." You said, holding the back of your head as you put on your best hurting face. His eyes grew huge as he fell to your side. Your children who had seen what happened knew there was nothing in the snow, instead they went to the other side of the tree and found a large stick.
You and your children always seemed in sync, so they waited until their father was right beside you, underneath a massive branch that was caked in snow. Your son used the large stick to shake the tree branch as snow then began to cover you and Suga.
You giggled as you then wrapped your legs and arms around your husband so he was taking most of the snow that was falling. "(f/n)! How could you!" He said as he laughed, burying his face in the side of your neck. The children continued to shake the branch as the snow kept coming.

A few minutes later, the children then jumped on you and Sugawara. It was safe to say the both of you had at least two feet of snow covering you . "See Daddy! Wasn't it fun?" Your son said, before then climbing off the snow pile you were currently laying under. You laughed, before Suga snaked his arms around your daughter, then stood up, planting kisses on her neck and cheek as he waited for you to get up.
"It was, now let's go get warm and possibly have more hot chocolate?" Sugawara said as you dug yourself out of your snowy grave then followed your family back to the cabin. Your husband placed your daughter back on the ground as she then dashed after her brother, hitting the doorstep as you were halfway there.
Sugawara waited for you, before wrapping an arm around your hip. "Well that was fun." You said with a grin as he planted a kiss on your cheek. "It was."
"But I'm a little cold, my jeans are soaked." You said, looking down at your jeans which were indeed very wet. Sugawara clicked his tongue as you reached the door.
"If you would have layered like I told you, you wouldn't be cold."
"You know, you're more of a mother than I am sometimes." You teased as he smiled.
"Somebody has to make sure you don't do anything too wild."
"Is that why you married me?" You asked, opening the door as he chuckled.
"Who else is going to want to raise children with another child as the parent?"
"Daichi?" You piped, before he laughed.
"I love you my angel." He leaned over and left a kiss on your lips.
"EW Mommy and Daddy are kissing!" Your daughter screamed, before running away from the living room.
"Great look what you've done Mom. But I love you too." You said with a smile as he rolled his eyes playfully, before Sugawara interlocked his fingers with yours.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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