Kageyama Tobio|| Holiday Decorating

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"Tobio, what are you doing, this is literally the fifth time you've moved the wreath on the door."

"It's not straight. "

"Of course it's not going to be straight, it's a dang circle Tobio, if it were a square, it'd be a different story." You replied, watching as your husband shifted back and forth, trying to perfect the green wreath.

Christmas season had come around, so you decided there would be festive winter decorations set up in the process. Kageyama was happy to give the house a little more homey feel, but he hated how everything wasn't perfect. He was quite the perfectionist, and since he had a short-temper, it was easy for him to beyond upset that the lights weren't all positioned the same way.

"Tobio, the lights face a different way because that's how they are made." You said, sitting on the couch as he fumbled with the lights that framed the mantle. He briefly looked over at you, before muttering something incoherent. You sighed, this was going to be a long day, especially if he was going to get irritated that everything wasn't created to his specifications.

"Hey babe, can we get a Christmas tree?" You asked, sitting with a mug full of hot chocolate with a blanket wrapped around yourself. Your husband turned around from his position by the fireplace, before curtly replying, "No."

"Why not." You whined, you really didn't mind that he said no, because he eventually would bend to your wishes and you knew just how to do it.

"Because it will make a mess." He stated, before standing up and running his hands through his dark hair, blue eyes studying his decorating job.

"Well, Shouyou has a tree."


"His house is going to look nicer than ours, and you know how much you hate losing to Shouyou." You said, raising an eyebrow as he knitted his eyebrows in deep thought.

"Fine, you win this time." He said, briefly pouting his lower lip as a smile grew apparent on your features.

So, a mere three hours later, you sat in your original spot on the couch, T.V on with another mug of hot chocolate in your hands. Usually, you would be helping him decorate, but, in all honesty, watching Kageyama grow upset over inanimate objects not cooperating with him was way more amusing. He began tousling with the branches, before the tree rocked to the side, almost falling over, thank goodness he was tall and muscular, to which he kept it from tipping over.

You snickered, before your husband turned around and shot you an icy glare, to which you smiled even bigger. Over the years of being in a relationship with Kageyama, you had realized that the best way to respond to his glares was to smile even larger, in which he would grow even more upset over the look on your face.

"Shut up." He growled, as tufts of his hair were sticking up at awkward angles and pine needles poked out of his dark hair. You willingly crawled off the couch, going to help him. "The first thing you do when you set up a tree is to properly put it in the base." You commented, shooing him off to the side as he grumbled.
You lifted the tree and slid it into the base, as it stood up perfectly. Kageyama frowned, it shouldn't have been that easy, but to his disbelief, it was. "It really shouldn't have been that hard, you're good at putting things into holes." You commented snarkily as the tips of his ears turned bright red and pink spread throughout his cheeks.
He went to reply back to you, but his voice got stuck in his throat, he wasn't sure how to respond. If anything annoyed him the most about you, it was your ability to make him so flustered, that even his actions failed.
You wrapped your arms around his waist as you rested your head on his back. Kageyama sighed contently, although the pinkish hue hadn't disappeared from the tip of his ears. "You know, I think the tree is tilting a little to the left, " you murmured against his back, to which he snapped out of his happy state.
He immediately broke away from your grasp, trying to fix the tree. Originally, you had just said it to see his reaction, but to your surprise, it was actually leaning.
Kageyama kicked the base repeatedly, trying to even the weight (well that's what you considered it because no other explanation made sense). You stood back, watching as a part of the base cracked, to which the tree went timber, creating a large thud sound as it hit the ground, pine needles scattering across the wooden floor.
Your husband let out a very agitated sigh, his breathing picking up speed as he tried to control his temper.
​​​​​​"Well, I guess next year we can beat the Hinata's at Christmas decorating." You said with a sigh, before walking away to finish your mug of hot chocolate.

"So, where is your tree Tobio?" Shouyou asked, the orange haired boy looking around your home, eyes searching for a pine tree.
"Well, it was recommended that in the first few years of purchasing a home, to avoid fire hazards, trees being one of these, sadly." You stated, patting your husband's thigh to agree with your excuse.
" So my house wins this year?" Shouyou questioned, a smile beginning to tug on his lips, curving upward.
"Well, next year will be the third year of owning our home, so you should expect some competition." You replied, a smile on your lips as Kageyama remained silent thankfully.
"Hopefully the tree will coopera-"
Your husband stopped halfway through his sentence as he felt your foot slam into his shin painfully. Kageyama groaned, before giving you a harsh glare as he fought the urge to strangle you.
"You won't win next year." He muttered through gritted teeth to Hinata, who wore a victory smile on his features. ​​

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