Oikawa Tooru|| Waterfight

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"Daddy! Something happened to mommy! She needs your help in the backyard! " Your seven year old son squeaked, running into the house while fighting to catch his breath. Oikawa stopped what he was doing, taking off his bluetooth device and shutting his laptop, before racing out after the chocolate haired boy.
He felt his heart drop instantly, wondering what could be happening to you. His breathing grew labored as he fought to remain calm, until he stepped out onto the back porch.
Oikawa felt water splash him straight in the chest to which his worry dissipated into agitation. His eyes landed on you, standing with a green water gun, a huge smile on your face as his son regained position next to you, before saying, "Ready! Set! Go!"
You laughed at your sons words, before pointing to the squirt gun on the table besides him. Oikawa smiled as he picked up the water gun, before jumping off the back porch and hitting a ninja roll, aiming at your face, to which you dodged.
Oikawa had been working nonstop for the past few weeks, trying to get ahead of a project at work since he was the head of his department. You had hardly seen him have fun like he usually would have if he wasn't so focused on work.
So, you and your son devised a plan to get him out of the house to laugh and have fun before returning to his adult work.
And, here you were, hiding behind one the many trees in your backyard, peering over at your husband who was hunting for you, gun raised on the search.
Your son, who was the miniature version of Oikawa, hid behind one of the trees across from you, breathing heavily while trying to hide his excitement and anticipation of Oikawa.

Oikawa stopped in the middle of you and your son, splitting you two up to where you couldn't communicate to each other. "Come out (f/n)-chan! You can't hide forever!" Your husband said, his senses falling in tune with the sounds around him. You hated when he added to chan to your name, which he did frequently when he wanted to mock you subtly.

He paused, hearing the crack of a twig that echoed from underneath your son's foot. The look of terror in his eyes was evident as your husband quickly moved, throwing your son over his shoulder, taking hostage.
"Come on out my darling (f/n)-chan! I have our beloved son hostage." Oikawa said, his muscular arm holding the writhing brown haired boy prisoner over his shoulder. You sighed, you couldn't leave your partner in crime to fight his way away from your other partner in crime.
"You got me Tooru." You said, walking out gun raised as you made your way to your husband who liked to play his own way. "You know, in volleyball you liked to play to dirty, I didn't think you'd use it on our son, King of Trash." You mocked, stopping once you were feet away from your husband.
"Doesn't that make you the Trash Queen? But, let me remind you, I have our son hostage." He said, a genuine look of victory on his face as he pointed his gun at you.
"Put down the gun (f/n), you've lost." Oikawa looked at you, giving you a devilish smile as he tightened his grip on your son, to which he squeaked out a feeble, " Mommy! Help! Mommy! Help! Daddy is crushing me." Of course Oikawa wasn't hurting him, your son was just whining because he was refraining him from moving. You felt your heart ache as the poor boy had been captured as a result of your plan, but you knew you had the upper hand in this situation.
"Babe, you've seem to forgotten, I'm the one who planned this right? Well, you're technically wrong, Hajime and I planned this along with the help of our son and his as well." You stated, his eyes growing large as your son called out the Plan B activation code, "UNCLE HAJIME!"
You felt wind flash past your face, several red and blue water-filled balloons splashing a few feet away from Oikawa who stumbled back, unprepared for Iwaizumi's attack.
Your husband had momentarily forgotten that Iwaizumi was indeed your neighbor and had indeed been waiting along the back of the fence, waiting to hear your son's call.
To your pleasure, you watched as the gate flung open, the miniature version of Iwaizumi rushing out to help his best friend who was being held hostage by Oikawa. He pointed his extremely large gun at your husband, who carefully set your son down on the floor, before bolting behind the nearest tree. "Why'd you invite Iwa-chan!" He growled at you, hiding behind a very thin tree while you walked over to him, water gun pointed at him promptly.
Iwaizumi walked through the open gate, two water filled balloons in each hand as he followed you. Both little Oikawa and Iwaizumi ran to each other, the friends colliding with excitement, as if they had just slayed the mighty beast.
But the excitement was put on hold as the two boys were drenched, each turning to look at the person who had just disqualified them from the game.
Iwaizumi's wife, much to your dismay, was standing by the boys, large water gun pointed at you and her husband. "This game was so unfair, somebody needed to be on his side."
Oikawa's face lit up as he raised his gun at both you and Iwaizumi, who bolted in opposite directions, retreating as Iwaizumi was chased after by his wife.
You ran off the side, Oikawa, who was still extremely fit, much to your pleasure and dissatisfaction, chased after you relentlessly. Considering the backyard was medium-sized, you were running out of both oxygen and land to escape him.
Oikawa placed his hand on your arm, tugging you to his firm chest as he claimed you his prisoner. "Damn it.." You hissed underneath your teeth as you felt the gun tip dig into your side.
You turned around to face your capturer, who had a smile on his face. "I win (f/n)-chan." He said, as you kept your gun pointed at him, although he had his weapon in your hip.
"Thanks for getting me out of this house, this was fun." Oikawa said, a huge smile on his face as he took in the frown that turned upside down on your features.
"Of course, you looked stressed, you haven't really smiled in a while." You said, although both your guns were still pointed at each other hostilely.
"How sweet." Both you and your husband's head swiveled to the side as your eyes landed on Iwaizumi and his wife. You felt water drench both you and Oikawa as you stood there, defeated.
You groaned as Oikawa smiled at the two, " Iwa-chan, shouldn't you be doing work?"
"I could ask you the same thing Shittykawa."
"Iwa-chan! Not in front of the kids!" Oikawa said playfully, although they were busy roaming the backyard.
"Oh shit, sorry." He said, a teasing smile on his face as he glanced at both you and Oikawa. You rolled your eyes as Oikawa grumbled and Iwaizumi's wife hit his arm, glaring at him.
"Let's go inside and get some food." You offered, interlacing your fingers with Oikawa, who gladly took your affection.
The other two nodded, following you and your soaking wet husband into the house.

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