Iwaizumi Hajime||Bubble Bath

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You groaned, your body absolutely ached from all the things you had been doing at work. Even more so with the fact that you had been working over time.
You sighed, opening the front door of your apartment, dropping your stuff off at the entrance, slipping your shoes off as you exhaled a loud sigh.
"You look exhausted, how was work?" Iwaizumi asked, looking up from his spot on the couch, intently paying bills. You grumbled, "Long," before dragging your feet to the couch. Iwaizumi patted his thigh, moving his laptop and paper to the other side of him.
You threw yourself onto the couch, laying your head on his (rock solid) thigh, letting out another sigh as you closed your eyes. Iwaizumi massaged your scalp, letting out a content hum, he knew you had a tendency of overworking yourself, much like his best friend.
"How about I pay this last bill, and we'll go have a bubble bath?" He asked, you peeked open one eye, suddenly a smile grew over your features. "I would love that." Iwaizumi let out a chuckle as he turned awkwardly, placing the payment for the last bill, before lifting you up into his arms, getting off the couch.
He held you in his arms, making his way to the master bathroom, before setting you on the counter. You sat there tiredly, resting your head against the wall as he turned on the shower, so you could rinse off before you got into the bath. He then moved to the bath, turning on the hot water and pouring a large amount of bubble bath soap in.
Iwaizumi walked back over, looking at you expectantly. You raised your arms above your head with a pleading look, and he sighed, shaking his head.
"You really need to rest more." He scolded, before peeling off your shirt and bra intently. He raised an eyebrow at you, then you slid off the counter onto the ground, wiggling your hips so he could take your pants off for you.
He rolled his eyes at you playfully, a large part of him wanted to be agitated that you had worked yourself to the point of exhaustion, but you looked so cute tired, he couldn't bring himself to try and act irritated.
Iwaizumi slid your pants down your hips along with your underwear, motioning for you to step out of the clothes. You willingly complied, before walking over into the warm shower, letting the water run over your tired aching body. Your husband followed shortly after, taking his clothes off and joining you.
You enjoyed the warmth of the water as Iwaizumi gently washed off your body, massaging your aching muscles. He sighed, placing a kiss on the back of your neck as you groaned when he hit a large knot. "I hate seeing you so tired." He told you as you turned around, frowning.
"I know, me too, I'm sorry, if I had more energy we could have gone out to do something fun."
"Look (f/n), as long as I'm with you, I'm happy, even if you are tired and don't want to do anything. I didn't say I do so I could only do fun things with you, I said I do so that I could spend the rest of my life with you, and be able to call you mine until time runs out." He said softly, lifting up your chin as your gaze landed on his eyes.
"I love you," you murmured, before he placed a soft kiss on your lips.
"I love you too, now go get in the bath, I'm going to scrub myself then I'll be right there." You obeyed your husband's order, before stepping out of the shower and making your way to the bath. You slid into the warm water as your nose was filled with the soothing smell of vanilla.
You ran the bubbles up your arms, before tilting your head back and closing your eyes.
Within moments later, you felt a strong, muscular body slid in behind you, careful to make sure he didn't disturb you as he got it. He pulled you against his chest, while you tilted your head back once more, letting out a content sigh.
Iwaizumi then began gently rubbing your thigh reassuringly, motioning for you to drift off. Which, you did, as you positioned yourself to where he rested his chin on your shoulder.
His warm breath fanned against your neck as you closed your eyes, focusing on Iwaizumi's steady breathing, feeling you body mold with his as your muscles relaxed.
"There you go, relax." He spoke in a soothing voice, which sounded like a lullaby to your ears.
Iwaizumi smiled, he felt your heartbeat fall in sync with his. He had forgotten how much he loved having you in his arms, and the way your body fit against his perfectly. Sure, he was tired from work and bill-paying as well, adulting gave him a headache, that's for sure.
But, he'd rather make sure you were resting, you had been working hard and the comfy paycheck handed to you at the end of the month was simply not enough.
You briefly opened your eyes, lifting your head up off his chest. "What's wrong?" He asked, as you pulled away from him. "Let's switch positions." You stated, he had no clue what you were up to, but willing, he stood up, before swapping positions. He sat down, turning to look at you questioningly.
"(f/n)?" He asked, as you tugged on him, moving him against your chest to rest in-between your legs.
"Sh, I want a blanket of warmth." You said with a smile, some of your energy returning to your being.
"The water is like 98 degrees, you can't possibly be cold," Iwaizumi replied, as he settled against your much smaller frame.
"You know I just want to play with your hair." You commented, as he slid down further in the water, head resting against your chest now.
"I know, maybe next time come up with a better excuse." He hummed in response, as you weaved your hands through his hair. You cheerfully twisted the locks in between your fingers, to which he groaned contently.
He smiled, as he got up and twisted to look at you. "What is it?" You asked, before you felt bubbles smear across your upper lip and jaw.
"You look cute." Iwaizumi commented, to which you smiled at him, bringing him forward to plant a kiss on your lips.
"Now lean back so I can play with your hair again." You said, as he slid down onto your chest again.
"I did this to help you relax, not so that you could use up more of your energy." Hajime said, slightly scolding you, which he found quite difficult because he loved the feeling of your hands in his hair.
"I am relaxing. Besides, I have to do something to thank you for being such an amazing husband. You payed all the bills, made me dinner and breakfast AND lunch every day for the past few weeks because I haven't had time. To add onto that you worked exceptionally long hours this past week too." You said, to which he pinched your thigh.
"Ow! What was that for?" You asked.
"Sh. I don't do it because I have to, I do it because I like to, especially if it makes you happy." He said, in a soothing voice.
"I love you,"
"I love you too, now go back to playing with my hair." Iwaizumi teased, relaxing against you once more.  

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