Kuroo Tetsurou||Children

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After a long day at work, you definitely weren't expecting to come home and see your bed-headed, dirty minded husband dressed up as a precious kitten, with his hair completely flat, making him look like a wet cat.
On his face was three thick black whiskers, and one odd shaped cat nose. He even had a line down his nose to his lip like a muzzle. He looked quite... cute, once he saw you, he tried looking unamused, but the grin that was tugging at the corners of his mouth was telling you otherwise.
"Mommy, mommy! I made daddy a kitty!" Your 6 year old daughter said, who looked almost exactly like you, except for the glowing amber feline-like eyes she inherited from your very childish husband.
"I see that. Maybe we should get some cat nip." You said, a smug look on your face as Kuroo looked up at you, not even bothering to get up. Of course, the first thing you do when you come home from work is attack his manhood, a simple 'hello' or 'how was your day babe' would have sufficed.
"Nice to see you too babe," He rolled his eyes at you annoyedly, seeing that you were clearly enjoying this.
" Yeah mommy! Then we could get him some cat toys, then he'll be fit!" your daughter squeaked, throwing her arms around your feline like husband. The look on his face contorted into a hurt expression as he processed his daughter's reply.
"What do you mean fit? Am I not already?" He asked, his eyes going from you to his your daughter, a frown apparent on his features.
"I mean, sorry to break this to you Testu, but she does have a point." You replied, a smirk on your face as he rolled his eyes, before shooting a hostile glare at you.
But of course, deciding that you weren't done with poking fun at him yet, you carried on, "And we could feed him dry cat food! Man would we save some money there for grocery shopping," you taunted, your husband frowned grew deeper, if humanly possible.
" If anything I should be fed like the tiger I am." he hissed, crossing his arms over his chest as his daughter unattached herself from his neck.
" No, but daddy, I drew you as a kitty not a tiger," the messy haired six year old whined, her eyes growing wide as she blinked repeatedly. " Do you not like me making you a kitty?" she nibbled on her lip, looking as if she was going to cry. Keyword; looking, she learned very well from your husband how to feign a hurt expression.
" See Tetsurou! You're going to make our precious daughter cry," the little girl ran over to you, burying her face in your legs, her arms wrapped around thighs.
" No! I'm kidding sweetheart! I love being a kitty. Tigers are too cool for me anyways, " he said, scrambling for words to prevent his daughter from ' crying ', little did he know he was being played by his 6 year old miniature version of you.

" Okay daddy!" She squealed, turning around and giving Kuroo an innocent smile. The messy-haired male sighed, before getting up off the floor and wandering off to the bedroom to change his clothes and get ready for dinner.

" Thanks for the dinner daddy," your daughter said, before walking over to you and tugging your shirt. You looked down, setting the dish you were drying on the counter.

"Hm?" you asked, bending over to hear what she had to say, she cupped her hand over your ear, before making sure your husband wasn't listening.
" I think I perfected daddy's hurt face. I think we got him earlier!" she giggled, saying the last part of her sentence a little too loud to which her father's head snapped to the side, your daughter was an awful whisperer in all honesty.
" What was that my precious daughter?" Kuroo asked, who was standing merely a few feet away cleaning dishes, his gaze landing on you accusingly.
" Oh nothing!" she said, scampering off to her room after she gave her father a wink playfully.
" (f/n), you've been putting my daughter against me?" he asked, putting the dish he was cleaning back down in the sink, before forcing his wet hands on your hips aggressively.
" No, she just is perfecting that 'I'm hurt' face, you sport all the time. Turns it out it even worked on you," you said with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow, knowing your husband wasn't one to like being teamed up against.
" Ohoho, and you helped her out with that, didn't you?" a low growl rumbled out of his chest, his piercing amber eyes threatening you. " No, I just supervised, my lovely kitten," you said with a smile, putting one hand against his jawline and dragging it down to his chest.
He leaned dangerously close to you, lips inches away from yours, his piercing gaze penetrating your (e/c) orbs.
" Daddy! What are you doing to mommy!?" your daughter squealed, as Kuroo dropped his gaze to swivel his head, eyes landing on your 6 year old daughter, amber eyes wide.
" This kitty cat was getting a little too hungry! " you dropped your voice so only he could hear the last part of your statement," or a little too thirsty if I do say so myself," you replied with a smirk.
" Go on sweetie! We'll be there to tuck you in bed in a minute," Kuroo said, masking the dissatisfaction in his voice. Your daughter turned around, skipping to her room in her pink hello kitty pjs contently.
" After that, I'll see you in our room. We can finish our previous conversation there." You hummed, unclenching his hands from your hips and sauntering off.
" Too bad this kitten will turn into a tiger behind closed doors," he grunted, following after you.
" It's funny that's you'd say that, considering I'm the one with nails and your back still hasn't completely healed from last time." You turned around, a grin spreading over your face as Kuroos smug look turned into a frown at your snarky remark, before grumbling something incoherent.  

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