Bokuto Koutarou||Home

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You brushed your hair behind your ear, looking at the slumped figure on your couch. Of course, your husband was a goner, blanket thrown over half his body and muscular arms wrapped around your sweatshirt.

He must have really missed you. You have been gone on a month long business trip in England, far away from Bokuto. You knew he was going to miss you slightly, but not this much, to where half your sweatshirts that still smelt like you were sprawled out across the living room.

You walked over to the couch, leaving your bags and luggage in the front entry way. Leaning over the couch, you pulled your sweatshirt out from underneath his arm.

The grey haired male stirred, eyes landing on your figure.

"Hey Kou, I missed you." You said, a smile on your lips as your husband blinked repeatedly, trying to determine if this was a dream or not.

"No, you're not dreaming." His golden eyes lit up, glowing at the sound of your heavenly voice he has missed so much.

He quickly jumped off the couch, attacking you with a hug and multiple kisses, beyond happy to have you back in his arms.

"(f/n), I though you'd never come home." Bokuto said, arms still wrapped around your much smaller figure.
You smiled, letting him hold you in his arms for as long as he pleased, before pulling away to plant a kiss on his jawline, which he loved.

"I thought I was going to die from loneliness." He stated, leaning against the back of the couch to take you in. Of course you hadn't changed from the last time you had seen him, but he still was amazed as to how he could have married such a beautiful human being.

"I love you Kou, you had no clue how much I was looking forward to seeing your face when I was on that plane."

Bokuto's smile stretched even wider, boy was he happy to see you.

"I love you so much, never leave me ever again!" He said, once more engulfing your body with his.

"I won't okay? But why are my sweatshirts all over the floor?" You asked, eyes landing on half the closet scattered across the floor and couches. Bokuto gave you a guilty look, before sheepishly smiling. "I missed you, and your sweatshirts smelled like you." Despite the expression his face, he was not at all embarrassed to have done such a thing.

"Let's go get some take out hm?" You asked, pulling away from your husband, who hadn't stopped smiling since he had opened his eyes.

He nodded his head, before snatching the keys from the bowl by the door, he had a different plan in mind.

You followed your grey haired husband who got in the car, before driving off the opposite direction of your favorite take out place.

"Kou?" You asked, who didn't respond, only putting a hand on your thigh as he positioned himself in his seat comfortably.

Bokuto briefly looked over at you, arching one of his perfectly shaped-grey eyebrows. He then returned his golden eyes to the road. You were very confused, you had no clue why he was driving the opposite way of any food places. The country scene had began to disappear, turning into trees and shrubbery as you worked your way north of Tokyo.

You did question it inwardly, but refrained from voicing your thoughts as your husband slid his hand up and down your thigh reassuringly. Soon, the drive turned into an hour expedition to which you had fallen asleep thirty minutes in, absolutely exhausted from working and the long flight home.

Bokuto was content with you resting, quietly humming as one hand still continued stroking your thigh. He would briefly glance over to look at you, feeling nothing but love as his eyes ran over every one of your features. He would have to quickly return his gaze back to the road, there was no way in hell he would want to wreck the car with his lovely wife in it.

Once at your destination, you felt the door open, while two muscular arms wrapped around your body, introducing you to the brisk air of the night. You blinked several times, trying to process where you were. Your eyes landed on the cabin in front of you, which had been your longtime favorite place to visit since childhood.

"Kou? What are we doing here?" You asked, your gaze wandering around the place, there were trees everywhere with the night sky brightly shining , it shouldn't have been real.

"While you were gone, I got a notification saying the cabin you went to when you were younger was being sold. So, I worked a lot of overtime and purchased it, sort of as a getaway spot." He said thoughtfully, returning your feet to the ground, "I hope you like it, I wanted to surprise you as soon as you returned from your trip, I knew you'd be exhausted, so I asked for a week off." Bokuto put his hands on his hips, looking at you with a huge smile plastered on his face.

You spun in circles, it had been years since you had visited the cabin where your parents would take you for winter breaks. You didn't realize how much you missed it, thinking about all the memories that you had experienced at this beloved place.

"You did amazing, I don't know what to say." You were breathless, how did you end up marrying the most amazing man on the face of the earth?

"Don't" He commented, opening his arms wide for you.You grinned before attacking him, small arms attaching to his torso as you buried your head into his chest.

"Thank you Kou," You murmured, before looking up at him with a childish grin on your face.

"Oh, it's nothing. But, Tetsu bought the cabin behind ours." Bokuto said, which made you frown, there was only two cabins within a mile radius, and those were the ones standing in front of you.

"I though you said this was for getting away from everything, which includes that sly dog," you hummed in a teasing voice as the fake frown gave way to a smile.

"Cat babe, Tetsu is a cat."

"Whatever same thing."

"That's like saying volleyball and basketball are the same things."

"They are both sports right? Just like cats and dogs are both animals right?" You grinned, as Bokuto picked you up, throwing you over his strong shoulder.

"Whatever. So I packed your clothes, we're not going home for a week, and the cabin is basically furnished and stocked with food."

"Your kind of food or mine?"

"You could just be happy I got food." Bokuto whined, while you giggled, swaying on his shoulder with every step that brought you closer to your childhood cabin.

"I love you my fantastic husband."

"I'm pretty great aren't I?" He asked, swinging the door open, while the warmth of the cabin surrounded your being.

"I knew you were going to say that."

"Well, is it true?"

"Yes." You grumbled, before peppering the back of his neck with kisses.

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