Love Protection

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Samantha is a 16 year old girl, she is best friends with the boys from 5 seconds of summer. She has been keeping a secret from the boys and soon they are going to find out..


"Sam get me some beer." My boyfriend Eric demanded.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed one beer and brought it out to him.

" make me a sand which."

"Excuse me..I don't think I ever got the memo that you were in charge of me."

"Sam, you do know what happens when you cock an attitude right?"

"Sorry Eric I didn't mean too"

"Yeah, now make me a fucking sand which."

I walked to the kitchen and made him a sand which.

I handed him the sand which and went upstairs to get dressed.

"I'm going out" I said about to walk out the door.

"You better be back by 5, my friends are coming over and you know the drill."


I walk out and head to my friend Luke's house.

I got to the house and knocked on the door.

"Hey Sammie!"

"Hey Ashton!"

I gave him a hug and walked further in. I went over to Luke, I gave him a hug, then went over to Calum, then Michael.

"So what took you so long getting here?"

"My mom told me to clean my room." I lied. "So guys what are we doing today?"

"Your coming with us somewhere" Luke said picking me up and putting me over his shoulder.

"Luke put me down!" I screamed.

We got to the car and they put me in the back.

I sat between Calum and Michael, and Ashton and Luke were in the front.

"What are you guys doing ?" I asked

"You never come with us into town and we want to go to this diner that we know of so we are going."

"No! Guys I really don't want to go, just turn around we can hang out at the park we ca-"

I was cut off by Luke.

"No Sam! You're coming with us. You always say that you don't want to but why? Is there something you're not telling us?"

I looked down and looked back up, to see everyone staring even, Ashton was looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"No." I smiled.

"Good" Luke says.

We got to the diner and we sat at a table. The waitress came over and took our orders.

"Wow this diner is actually really nice" Michael states.

"Yeah it really is." Calum adds.

"What do you think about it, Sam?" Mike asks.

"Oh, um it's amaz-" I stopped when I saw Eric, My boyfriend.

"Sam? Is there something wrong?" Luke questions.

"No, no it's an awesome place but the air is really cold do you think I can sit over there?" I asked Luke hoping Eric wouldn't see.

"Yeah sure."

Luke got up and switched spots with me so that way my back would be facing Eric.

"Sammie are you okay?" Calum worriedly asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I smiled. "So how is the album coming along guys?"

"It's coming along great were almost done with one of songs we are working on now." Mikey exclaims.

"Oh wow that is fantastic I am so proud of you guys." I say trying to get my focus off of Eric being here.


Eric is my boyfriend and I know it's kinda weird that I am hiding from him, but Eric isn't really a nice guy at all. I started to date him when I was 15 Eric was 18 he is Luke's age. Eric was the sweetest guy I had ever met, well at least I thought. A few months into Eric and my relationship he started to get violent. He started to hit me for anything I have done wrong. As you can tell I lied about having a mother.nMy mother left me when I was 13. Before I moved in with Eric I was living with Luke but to move in with Eric I had to lie to Luke and his mom, and they now think that my mom came home but she really didn't I lied so I could live Eric and they wouldn't worry about me.


"Sammie!" Luke yells snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look up at them.

"Sam are you okay?" Calum asks

"Yeah, yeah. I'm finished can we go back home."

"Yeah, um I will pay you guys go to the car."

Ashton hands is the keys and we head to the car.

As we were walking out of the diner I didn't see Eric I looked at the time and I realized that it was 6.

Oh shit.

"Where the hell is Ashton, we have to leave now!"

"Sam calm down, he's coming now see" Luke says pointing at him.

I looked up and saw Ashton.

"Ashton come on! I have to get home!!"

"Hold on!"

"Ashton, just drive now!!"

They all looked at me confused and Ashton drove off.

We finally got to Luke's house. I said goodbye to them all without telling them what's going on.

I ran to my house got inside and saw Eric looking at me angrily.

"Where the fuck were you! I needed you and you weren't fucking here."

"Eric I'm sorry! I just! I got caught up I wasn-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Eric came over and grabbed my wrist. He slapped me across the face then threw me to the floor.

"Eric. Please" I pleaded.

"Shut up slut!"

He punched my face. He dragged me across the floor then kick my ribs.

I couldn't breathe I tried crawling to the door but he kept pulling me.

"Stop!" I yelled.

He went to his room to get something. I thought this was my chance to get out but it wasn't.

"You're trying to leave now! Your a stupid bitch!"

He grabbed my foot and banged my head on the floor.

"Your done for the night go to your fucking room."

I got up and walked to the room I looked at my face in the mirror. I had a black eye and I looked at my ribs there was a huge bruise.

Why does this have to be me?


Hey guys, I started a new book. Hope you like it .. :)

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